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Monday, January 31, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Personal Relationships and the Energetic Cords We Attach to Them


Personal Relationships and the Energetic Cords We Attach to Them

Energetic Cords and Threads

I have often come across people in my life that choose to see only one
way to live. This choice is brought on by how they were raised, what
influences they have had in their lives, and how they choose to
integrate those experiences into their personal power. I believe this is
a curious place in the human mind as individuals feel and see each
experience differently.

How we use these traits to feel secure or get what we need is at the
heart of it. If we do not feel safe then we create a way to make it
happen. It can be through anger, grief, fear and layers of victim energy
that we control our environment. By withholding emotion from those
around us, we can elicit different responses until we find one that we
like or one that consistently works. This is how cords come into being
between people. When we interact with others, we create these
attachments between both parties, especially when the interaction is
emotionally charged.

A cord is a energetic structure that sends information back and forth
between people. When we encounter others, cords are created between both
people. No matter where you are in the world, cords are made up of
energy, and they have no boundaries in regards to where each person
lives or works. My personal belief is that we should not carry cords
from anyone; we each have our own information we listen to and draw
from. Our DNA and cellular memory is unique to each of us and if we have
or allow cords then we are either being fed information that isn't our
own, and doesn't fit our bodies or drawing information from another
person and it won't fit. Generally, this will bring on emotional pain.
There are reasons we maintain cords with others. We must look at what it
is we need or want that is creating these unwanted cords.

How to identify cords we have with other people.

In this segment, you will find information to help you identify the
signs of being corded into. There are many ways cords will appear and
feel in the body. In the first part of this series, I mentioned how
strong emotions will allow cords between people. When we are involved
with others, our attachments to them will create cords; this is
especially true with long-term relationships.

Examples of when cording can occur are when we love someone and can't
imagine what life would be without them, and when you want to remove
someone from your life and can't seem to walk away. When looking at
family or work groups, more than likely, you will have multiple cords
that connect through all parties and some of these cords may have been
in place for years, while others come in with new experiences and
relationships. There are many beliefs around cords and loving someone,
so you must find your own comfort zone with this concept. My personal
belief is that we should not carry cords from anyone; we each have our
own information we listen to and draw from.

When we love someone and there is a cord between us, we are imprisoning
ourselves along with the other person. This creates a place of
dependency due to running emotions and information between each other.
Neither person is able to access his or her own information. Thus, the
information that is shared via the cord seems to only generate
conversations in the mind about what the problem is and not the
solution. It is not in your or the other persons best interest to
continue feeding into their way of being simply because you love them.
Typically when you allow this to happen, the emotional cord may be based
in fear. Fear of someone leaving you; fear they will not love you if you
change, etc.

Another example of being corded into is; when someone in our life we are
in conflict with and we cannot seem to resolve the conflict or move him
or her out of our life. Emotions like jealousy, revenge, anger,
competition will also bring on cords. Therefore, if you are experiencing
any of these you have a cord with or the person has corded into you.
People will use cords to control others; this gives them power to
manipulate the relationship to "get" something whether it's an emotional
response, or getting them to do something for them.

When you have done something for someone and you do not feel good about
it, then the information then the information you used while doing this
something was not your own. Through a cord, you were used by the
information being passed from the other person. If you had the thoughts
"this just doesn't feel right" but did whatever you were asked, then
your own information was overridden by the information coming through
the cord.

What do Cords feel like and how do you know you have them?

Think about the last time you were confused and couldn't make a decision
to bring about the desired outcome that satisfied you.. The thoughts
that surround you are the "what if's" in life. Many times you do nothing
and time runs out on what you were suppose to accomplish. Lethargy sets
in, making decisions even harder. These are direct signs that you have
been corded into.

Looking for and identifying cords can be a bit like looking for a needle
in a hay stack as sometimes you cannot identify where in your body
you've been corded into. One way to identify cords is to look at the
emotions that come up surrounding what you want to change. Is it grief,
anger, joy or a feeling like you are lacking in some way? Remembering
from part one of this series, cords come into being in your body via
strong emotions. Whatever form it takes, identifying the emotion will
lead you to where it sits in your physical and emotional body.

We have seven energy centers in our bodies, the first is at the base of
your tail bone and the seventh one is on the top of your head. This
system has different names depending on your beliefs but for the moment,
I will explain them as I've come to know them.

These energy centers are the chakras or the chakra system, (see the
article on chakras). Each chakra has a different job or purpose and all
are vital to your emotional, energetic and physical wellbeing. When you
have a cord it will be attached to one of these chakras in order to
accomplish whatever the desired outcome that you or something else is
looking for. When this happens, ask yourself what am I feeling and why
would someone cord into me?

Cords are used to control someone's actions whether it's through love,
friendship or emotional bullying. As an example, when you find yourself
unable to follow your true feelings in a group environment, or you have
a differing opinion from someone you are unable to communicate, you have
a cord that helps the other person(s) run their information through you
keeping you drawn in with their way of thinking. It's that feeling that
you know something doesn't feel right but you can't put your figure on

Do you have a person in your life who says they are your friend but when
you are around them you end up with an upset stomach, headache, or
general uneasiness? It could be the very same person you go to for
advice or reassurance that has corded into you. Ask them what they think
and they will reassure you that they are right and you should stop
worrying. This gives them control and a sense of power over you leaving
you feeling like "its" just not right. However, you give over to the
thought they wouldn't steer you wrong as they are your friend or someone
who loves you. Most often, this isn't done maliciously or intentionally,
it is human nature to find a pecking order or place in your life that
makes you feel comfortable.

The thought here is to gain an awareness of how you and your emotional
body feels, are you doing what's best in your life for you? Are you
giving your power away to belong and feel needed?

Make awareness a part of your daily life. Look at who you keep around
you and why. Most important, be gentle with yourself and those around
you, most people know not what they do.

Till then, be well and find joy in the little things.

Katharine Andrews

HTA Consulting


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[AlternativeAnswers] New Here ,,look forward to learning


HI all
Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I am 48 been a single mom since my girls were 3 and 6 who are now 19 and 22 and grandmother to a 19 mo old . Oldest daughter and grandbaby live in New York and are very tired of the snow !! Youngest still lives with me while she trys to get her Massage Therapy business off the ground .
I dabble in Melt and Pour soap and all kinds of smellies and was hopeing that I could learn from this group different aromatherapy things ,,also ways to help my daughter with her business and maybe make some of her massage oils.
I live in extreme norht central Kansas and have been dating my Guy for little over 10 years now ,,we live 85 miles apart and get together on the weekends ,,or when we can !!! I know ,its strange ,,but it works!!!
Once again ,,thanks for letting me join this group !!
Regie in Ks

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[AlternativeAnswers] True Equality in Sanatana Dharma


Sama Darshana: The Nature of True Equality in Sanatana Dharma

By Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya

"We are all different from one another. Thus, we are all in so many ways unequal in our appearance, our abilities, our preferences, and our desires.

Beginning with the so-called "Enlightenment" era in European history, the ideological doctrine of radical human egalitarianism has become the most sacrosanct dogma in the realms of both politics and culture. The fight for equality has been the foremost social-political concern globally for the past 250 years, inspiring wars, revolutions, Marxist totalitarianism, genocides, and devastating social upheaval. So central has the concept of Radical Egalitarianism been in the modern political landscape that it has often overshadowed every other political, philosophical, and social concern we can think of.

Despite three continuous centuries of forcing "Enlightenment" era notions of equality upon humanity, however, the world's problems have only gotten infinitely worse. With more poverty, more corruption, more wars, more unethical behavior, an ever-deeper sense of meaningless in the world's youth, and the increasingly rapid coarsening and degeneration of traditional cultures globally, many intellectuals and spiritually oriented people are today beginning to ask the inevitable question: "Has the dogma of radical egalitarianism actually outlived its usefulness?"

The answer to this question, from the perspective of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) is neither a yes nor a no, but rather leads us to the more philosophically sophisticated question of: "What is the nature of the human person?" For only in knowing this can we understand the true nature and meaning of equality. In the following, I will explain the Dharmic view of equality juxtaposed to the materialist-oriented Radical Egalitarianism that the world has fervently pursued for the last several centuries.

The metaphysical premises of Radical Egalitarianism are based upon an outlook of empiricist materialism that views the human individual as consisting of nothing more than merely the physical, the body. For the materialist, human beings do not have a soul, or an intrinsic essence, that transcends the material body, which is itself composed of nothing more than the combination of chemicals and material substances formed over myriad millennia via the process of evolution. The human individual, for the Radical Egalitarian, is a soulless and ultimately purposeless machine, an automaton whose only meaning lies in whatever material and economic contributions the individual can make to the greater social whole. Thus, one "living body" is just as good as any other.

Such a mechanistic view of the human individual has led not only to the notion of radical equality, but also to the consequent view that all human individuals are ultimately equally worthless. Thus we have seen the birth of the "end justifies the means" form of "ethics" that has arisen amongst the Marxists, and the consequent death and genocide that has resulted from every Communist regime the world has ever known. If all human bodies are of equal worth, then no one individual is of more importance than any other individual. Thus all are equally expendable.

A society that sees humans as soulless is a society that sees human beings as being of no more worth than machines. And machines are simply tools to be used for the benefit of the state. For the Radical Egalitarian, the human being is no more than a means to an end, an object for their own use, rather than a subject worthy of all the dignity, appreciation, and respect that a unique human person deserves.

The Dharmic view of equality and the human person is considerably more sophisticated, compassionate, and thus ethical, than the materialist egalitarian approach. For the conscious and sincere follower of Sanatana Dharma, the human person consists of infinitely more than the mere bodily surface appearance. The old adage that one cannot judge a book by its cover comes to mind when we examine the wisdom of the Dharmic approach.

Rather than simplistically attempting to reduce a human person to being merely the visible material body that one can immediately detect with the senses, Dharma teaches us that the typical human being is actually a multi-faceted and multi-dimensional being, with a material dimension, a causal dimension, and ultimately a spiritual dimension that is not always clearly visible to the untrained eye. The human person consists of a) deha (physical body), b) manas (mind substance, including impressionistic data, memory, etc.), c) buddhi (the rational faculties), d) ahamkara (false, individuating ego), and most importantly e) atman (the true, spiritual self).

According to the Dharma world-view, we certainly are beings who possess bodies – no sane person would deny this immediate empirical fact. Indeed, contrary to the unnatural and illogical conclusions that the Radical Egalitarian draws from this simple fact, from a purely physical perspective, there is actually an almost infinitely great degree of diversity and inequality that is clearly empirically seen. Physically speaking, no two people in the world are really the same. Some are tall, others short. One person is strong, another weak. Some need glasses, hearing aids, or other devices to "even out the playing field" (i.e., pretend that we are all physically equal!), other people are free from physical defects altogether. The diversity we find in physical bodies is endless. That is common sense. By extension, when looking at the minds and the intellectual capacities of various individuals, we clearly see that some are more intelligent than others. Some are more naturally artistic and creative, whereas some are more analytical and cerebral. Some people will have mental or emotional challenges, such as psychosis, bipolar disorder, or retardation, others have minds so healthy as to allow them to view reality with tremendous clarity.

Egoic desires, preferences and goals, too, are as diverse in content and quantity as are the numerous people we see around us. Some aspire to become great world leaders. Others desire wealth, or fame, or romantic love. Some people, by contrast, seem to have a profound yearning to know God, and serve their fellow beings with humility, simplicity, deep compassion, and quiet determination. We are all different from one another. Thus, we are all in so many ways unequal in our appearance, our abilities, our preferences, and our desires.

Rather than attempting to lie to ourselves and artificially fly in the face of clearly discernible empirical facts, Sanatana Dharma encourages all human beings to respect each other, honor our differences, and work together in compassion, dignity and harmony, despite our undeniable recognition of all our many differences. Sanatana Dharma (the Eternal Natural Way), thus gives us the empowerment to live in accordance with the natural order of the universe in a manner that is beneficial to all.

For Dharma, the realm of true equality lies not on the physical, mental, intellectual, or egoic planes, but in the realm of spirit. Having God as our sole source, sustainer, and ultimate destiny, we all share in the same spiritual parent. From a spiritual perspective, then, in the deepest essence of who we are as pure spiritual beings (atman), we are all equally the children of God.

Your true, spiritual self (atman) does not have color, nor dimension, nor race, nor class, nor gender. In spirit, you are neither a capitalist, nor a communist. You are neither Indian, nor Black, nor White nor Latin. Rather, your true self is the eternal, perfect, blissful spiritual center of your everyday existence: Atman.

Transcending both the bodily dimensions of life and all limited materiality, your true self finds itself currently situated in your body due only to your own free-will desires, motivations, consciousness, and actions of the past. Karma is the causal antecedent of all the diverse material bodies that we see around us. While our bodies and minds are all radically different, however, the souls of every living being are all equally held in the compassionate glance of God's merciful and loving gaze. To God, we are all equally His children, temporarily separated from Him, but all destined to one day again be in His loving embrace.

Equality is an exceedingly important goal toward which we should all aspire. In the political realm, Dharma calls upon each of us to always be compassionate, just, and fair to all we encounter, no matter how different they may seem to us in physical appearance. The only truly pure equality that exists, however, is that equality that exists on the spiritual realm. Thus, in the transcendental eyes of the yogi, or pure sage, all living being are seen with equal vision (sama darshina).

This concept of spiritually-inspired equal vision is beautifully explained to us by Lord Sri Krishna in His famous Bhagavad Gita (Song of God). In the 18th verse of chapter 5, Lord Krishna instructs His devotee Arjuna in the following way:

Brahmane gavi hastini
Shuni caiva shvapake cha
Panditah sama-darshinah

"The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision [sama-darshina] the learned and gentle priest, a cow, an elephant, a dog or an outcaste."

Indeed, because the humble sage views the diverse beings around him, not as mere mechanistic bodies, but as all possessing a pure spirit soul (atman), he does not even see the difference between different species of life, what to speak of different kinds of human beings! To the sage, the soul of the cow, and the dog, and the elephant is just a worthy of dignity, respect, and spiritual equality as is the soul contained in the human being. Sama Darshina, or equal spiritual vision, is the highest form of equality toward which we can all aspire – for it sees the inherent equality that exists in the spiritual essence of all living beings. Seeing all beings as our spiritual brothers and sisters, we will then, by natural extension, offer all people our respect on the political, social, cultural, and economic realms.

The truly equal society, then, is the Dharmic society, a society comprised of citizens who aspire toward the finer and nobler spiritual aspirations of life, and who thus view the world from a spiritual perspective. That nation which will most justly serve the interests of its people is the Dharma Nation. Make yourself a truly worthy citizen of God's Dharma Nation by spiritualizing your own vision and viewing your neighbors and fellow living beings as the atmans they truly are. Begin the Dharma Revolution in your own life!

About the Author

Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya (Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.) is universally acclaimed as one of the world's most respected and qualified Dharma teachers and Hindu spiritual leaders alive today. He personifies what it means to be a true and authentic guru.

Dr. Deepak Chopra has exclaimed in 2002: "You've done truly phenomenal work teaching the pure essence of Yoga". In a similar manner, Dr. David Frawley has said about Sri Acharyaji, "Dr. Frank Morales represents the Sankalpa [the will] of the Hindu people and the cause of Sanatana Dharma. I urge all Hindus everywhere to give him your full support, assistance, and encouragement in his crucial work. He needs and deserves our help."

Sri Acharyaji began his personal spiritual journey over 35 years ago at the tender age of ten when he read the Bhagavad Gita for the very first time. He coupled his decades of intense spiritual practice and study with advanced academic achievements, earning a B.A. in philosophy/theology from Loyola University Chicago, as well as an M.A. and Ph.D. in religious studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

He has lectured on Dharma at dozens of top universities, such as Harvard, Columbia, Rutgers, Cornell, and Northwestern. He has also served as a consultant for such Fortune 500 companies as Ford Motor Corporation and Lucent Technology.

Explaining to his doctoral advisor that "I don't want to just study the history of religion…I want to make religious history", Sri Acharyaji eventually left academia to devote himself exclusively to spiritual teaching and to the preservation of the great tradition of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism).

Today, Sri Acharyaji occupies his full time teaching Dharma spirituality to diverse audiences. In addition to leading classes, satsanghas, seminars and lecturing on Sanatana Dharma widely, Sri Acharyaji is a renowned author, as well as a personal spiritual guide (guru) to a rapidly increasing following of enthusiastic students from both the Indian and the non-Indian communities.

Sri Acharyaji was the Resident Acharya (Spiritual Preceptor) of the Hindu Temple of Nebraska (2007 - 2009), which represents the first time in American history that a Hindu temple has ever made such an esteemed appointment. He is the Founder-President of the International Sanatana Dharma Society, a global movement dedicated to teaching Dharma in its most authentic form.

Sri Acharyaji is the real thing: an enlightened guru with the ability to deliver the highest wisdom and spiritual liberation to his sincere students.

Sri Acharyaji's teachings stress the achievement of enlightenment through the practice of meditation, Yoga, and directly experiencing the presence of the Divine. Another overarching aspect of Sri Acharyaji's teachings focuses on the importance of love, compassion and service toward all living beings.

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[AlternativeAnswers] Alternative Answers for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)


Good Morning!

Alternative Answers for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression. Most people tend to
slow down a little in the winter and experience some form of "winter blues", but
full-blown SAD can be extremely disabling.

SAD is often the result of the winter season when the days are shorter. People
tend to sleep more, become sedentary, crave carbohydrates, gain weight, and
avoid social interaction. Psychologically, they are depressed.

Attaining a balance of yin-yang or light and dark is innate in the Chinese
Medicine and Feng Shui philosophies. Although we cannot see the electromagnetic
frequencies of the earth or planets, it is important for us to live in an
environment that allows us to be synchronized with these forces.

Many sufferers are often unable to function without continuous treatment.
Depending on the person and the geographical location, the depression can last
for several months with symptoms such as overeating with carbohydrate craving
and weight gain, sleeping more than usual, fatigue, and social withdrawal. It is
the long duration of the symptoms that distinguish SAD from the so-called
holiday blues.

It is not known why some people (those between 18 and 30) are more likely to
suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder and why it seems to affect women more
than men ... unless the statistics are based on the fact that women are more
ready to admit to depression and ask for help than men.

There are several alternative therapies for treating seasonal depression. One,
which has been used with remarkable success is Light Therapy. Light and color
have been valued throughout history as sources of healing. Today, the
therapeutic applications of light and color are being investigated in major
hospitals and research centers worldwide. Results indicate that full-spectrum,
ultraviolet, colored, and laser light can have therapeutic value for a range of
conditions from chronic pain and depression to immune disorders.

The oldest form of light therapy is natural sunlight, which is the ultimate
source of full-spectrum light. For those living in areas that see very little
sunlight this time of year, there are other options; full-spectrum light
therapy, bright light therapy, various forms of UV light therapy, syntonic
optometry, cold laser therapy, and visual color therapy.

For treating SAD, white light therapy is often preferred over the full-spectrum
light because the additional UV light found in full-spectrum light is not
necessary to achieve the antidepressant effect of the therapy, and can be
harmful to the eyes. Different wavelengths stimulate different aspects of our
physiology, all playing a vital role in our functioning. We especially need
natural light with its subtle variations that act on our well-being. The rhythm
of dark and light from day and night and the full-spectrum of light is essential
to our circadian rhythms (biological clock), endocrine, immune, sexual and
nervous systems.

Depression may be the result of inadequate or improper nourishment. If the brain
is not receiving sufficient fuel, it will not function properly.

Vitamin B deficiency is often a physical cause of depression.

The best approach to combating depression is to eat more wholefoods, give up
sugar, tea, coffee, alcohol.

L-Tyrosine is essential for alleviating stress by boosting production of
adrenaline. It also raises dopamine levels which influence moods. (Do not take
if you are taking an MAO inhibitor drug.) It should be taken on an empty stomach
with 50 mgs Vitamin B6 and 100-500 mgs of Vitamin C for better absorption. Best
taken at bedtime.

5HTP is often used in the place of SSRI drugs and L-Tryptophan and may help in
serotonin deficiency related conditions such as severe depression, epilepsy,
anxiety, insomnia, weight loss and addiction. Also studied for PMS, migraine and
chronic tension headaches. 5-HTP is only used in serotonin production. 5-
hydroxytryptophan is also able to pass through the blood-brain barrier easily,
unlike tryptophan, which can only pass through the barrier by using the same
transport molecule that carries leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

Increase your intake of vitamin B complex, 100 mgs 3 times daily Plus extra
Vitamin B 5, 500 mgs daily, the most potent anti-stress vitamin.

Vitamin C, 2,000-10,000 mgs daily in divided doses.

Increasing your Potassium 80 mgs, Calcium 1,500-2,000 mgs daily and Magnesium
1,000 mgs daily is helpful.

Low doses of Melatonin seem to help many people by regulating balance in the
body. Try using half the recommended dose for the first 3-4 days and monitor
your results.

Meditating. Quieting your mind for 10-15 minutes is a wonderful release.

Aromatherapy is very effective. Jasmine and Bergamot oils are uplifting and
refreshing, while lavender is calming and relaxing. Put a little on your wrists,
or a piece of cloth you can carry with you. In a pan of hot water drop about 6-8
drops of oil to diffuse it into the air, or perhaps you have your own diffuser.

I always like to stress one other factor, which plays a major role in our
mind-body connection. That is our belief system. It often is what you believe it
to be. Your Belief System is an important part in healing.

Allow your self, change, time off, a different path. Seek what it is that is at
the root of your dis-ease or comfort level. Address it. Believe that you can do

The insertion of very fine needles into a series of acupuncture points helps to
increase endorphins and helps with mood swings. Acupuncture boosts the
metabolism and increases the way the body functions on a visceral level. At the
organ level, it assists the body to work at its most optimal improving all body


MOVE!!!! Exercise also plays a MAJOR role in the treatment of depression.

Exercise is very helpful in depression because it stimulates circulation and
releases serotonins in the brain, the hormones that encourage contentment and an
all around feeling of happiness.

It not only keep the body physically and mentally fit but also provides
recreation and mental relaxation. It is nature's best tranquilizer. Exercise
produces chemical and psychological changes that improves your mental health. It
changes the levels of hormones in blood and may elevate your beta-endorphins
(mood-affecting brain chemicals). Exercise may also improve the function of the
autonomic nervous system.

Exercise also gives a feeling of accomplishment and thus reduces the sense of
helplessness. Some form of active exercise, must be undertaken each day at a
regular hour. To be really useful, exercise should be done in such a manner as
to bring into action all the muscles of the body in a natural way. Walking is
one such exercise. It is , however, so gentle that one must walk several miles
in a brisk manner to constitute a fair amount of exercise. Aerobics (low impact)
is even better, for it increases cardiovascular health and wipes out the focus
of depression and makes you feel wonderful! 3-5 days a week at 30 -40 minutes
should be your goal. The depressive mood can be OVERCOME by activity. Those who
are depressive will forget their misery by doing something. They should turn
away from themselves and consider others. At home they can take to decorating,
repairing or constructing something new. The pleasure of achievement overcomes
the distress of misery. Stop making excuses!


Water is essential in any healing process. Distilled water is the best. 6-8
eight ounces glasses per day.

Diet has a "profound effect" on the mental health of a person. Even a single
nutritional deficiency can cause depression in susceptible people. Nutritional
therapy can be used to build up brain chemicals, such as serotonin and
norepinephrine, that affect mood and are often lacking in depressed people. Eat
foods rich in B vitamins, such as whole grains, green vegetables, eggs and fish.

The diet of people suffering from depression should completely exclude tea,
coffee, alcohol, chocolate and cola, all white flour products,sugar, food
colorings, chemical additives, white rice and strong condiments.

The diet should be restricted to three meals. Fruits can be taken in the morning
for breakfast with milk and a handful of nuts and seeds. Lunch may consist of
steamed vegetables, whole wheat bread and a glass of butter-milk. For dinner,
green vegetable salad and all available sprouts such as alfalfa seeds, cottage
cheese or a glass of butter-milk would be ideal. This is one example. Do what is
right for you! Two additional snacks between 100-120 calories can also be eaten
in order to keep up blood sugar levels and metabolism. DO NOT over eat.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS. L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Sunday Morning Telephone Grid Healing, 1/30/2011, 10:00 am

Reminder from:   AlternativeAnswers Yahoo! Group
Title:   Sunday Morning Telephone Grid Healing
Date:   Sunday January 30, 2011
Time:   10:00 am - 11:30 am
Repeats:   This event repeats every week.
Location:   telephone conference call
Notes:   People meet from all over the world and hold a very high energy which many can feel... We are interlinking with group energies in other realms.. Please listen in at 712 432 1600 PIN 1099743#. Many participants have had amazing healings and transformations by participating on this call.
visit www.messageaday.net for more info....
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Peacefulmind.com Sponsors Alternative Answers-

HEALING NATURALLY- Learn preventative and curative measure to take for many ailments at:


-To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this address in an email to them:


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  Post message: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
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[AlternativeAnswers] Zero Disease Lecture & Workshop Series, 18 – 21 May in Sedona, AZ





Stephen West

Join Stephen West
with Andrew Aloha "Live"
in the Zero Disease Lecture & Workshop Series

Wednesday, 18 May – Saturday, 21 May 2011
in Sedona, Arizona

Zero Disease: May 18th @ 7:00 PM - Wednesday - FREE EVENT

Race for the Truth: May 19th @ 7:00 PM - Thursday - ($25)

Discover Power: May 20th @ 7:00 PM - Friday - ($25)

Certified Lymphology University:

CLU - "It's the university with a CLU!" — Training Workshop

May 21st, 10am-6pm - Saturday (Only $250 - Regularly $1,495)

In the past, Lifetime membership was required to experience these
priceless techniques. Pay only $250 which you can apply towards the
complete Applied Lymphology Course with Lifetime membership training
this same weekend.

When you buy a car, do you test drive it first? That's what you can do
with this program and everyone who experiences these events is doing
everything they can to take that next step!

*** Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Evenings:
333 Schnebly Hill Rd, Sedona Creative Life Center
in the Sedona Room

*** Saturday @ 360 Brewer Road, Keep Sedona Beautiful

Get ALL THREE 2 hour events for $40

Additional BONUS OPTION:
Get ALL THREE 2 hour events PLUS the FULL DAY CLU hands on training
event - all for only $250.

RSVP - 801-471-2500 - Lifetime Students FREE - Limited Space - Priceless
Value! - Empower yourself NOW!

Now it's possible for everyone to experience this priceless lifesaving

NOTICE: Participation at the Race For The Truth, Discover Power and CLU
events is by qualification only. Please click on the website event
titles for further event details.

For more on this workshop series go to: www.events.zerodisease.com

[Listen to Andrew Aloha with Spiritual Image Productions on
BlogTalkRadio] <http://lnk.ms/6wQwY>
(Click Button Here to Listen!)

***Also, Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with Stephen West in "You
Can Power Heal with Dr. West" on Spiritual Image Production's
BlogTalkRadio, Friday, 13 May 2011, 7 – 8:30pm, MST

Connect with us @ http://lnk.ms/6wQwY <http://lnk.ms/6wQwY> or
http://lnk.ms/50TJd <http://lnk.ms/50TJd>

** BTR and Skype Users can call (646) 716-4251
Or, conference call (712) 432-0075, access code 689328#
Or, Skype Users can call in "Free Long Distance, International or
Domestic" by adding "freeconferencing.0075" to your list of Skype
Contacts. Then, call this contact and dial-in the access code above
using the "dial pad" at the pulldown menu located at the downward arrow
next to the "Mute" icon at the middle-top.

For more on "Live From Sedona" go to:

For more on Andrew Aloha and SIP go to:
"SIP's Divine Calendar" <http://lnk.ms/5b5w7>
SIP's "Divine Events" <http://lnk.ms/94Zy8>
SIP's Golden Age Private Party Sessions <http://lnkd.in/6MaRcg>
SIP's Golden Age Membership Club <http://lnk.ms/H7xWt>


Andrew Aloha

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
Peacefulmind.com Sponsors Alternative Answers-

HEALING NATURALLY- Learn preventative and curative measure to take for many ailments at:


-To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this address in an email to them:


To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers please Go to:


Community email addresses:
  Post message: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
  Subscribe:    AlternativeAnswers-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
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By Prof. Dr. Abdul Samad Musafir.

www.zheelsciences.com <http://www.zheelsciences.com/>
For more info:
Zheel Sciences Institute
605 Clifton Center Block-5 Khyabane Roomi Clifton Karachi Pakistan.
Tel: 922135444457 / 35810215-6-7

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Recent Activity:
Peacefulmind.com Sponsors Alternative Answers-

HEALING NATURALLY- Learn preventative and curative measure to take for many ailments at:


-To INVITE A FRIEND to our healing community, copy and paste this address in an email to them:


To ADD A LINK, RESOURCE, OR WEBSITE to Alternative Answers please Go to:


Community email addresses:
  Post message: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
  Subscribe:    AlternativeAnswers-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
  Unsubscribe:  AlternativeAnswers-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
  List owner:   AlternativeAnswers-owner@yahoogroups.com
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