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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: homeopathic medicines


let me know the progress of the first case.
                      Send me full and detailed history of  candida infected patient,and please
do send me your details too , where do you stay and who are these patients .

--- On Tue, 11/1/11, Nicole Nolte <nicolenolte@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

From: Nicole Nolte <nicolenolte@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: homeopathic medicines
To: "rajib nain" <rajibnain@yahoo.co.in>
Date: Tuesday, 11 January, 2011, 11:15 AM

I also wanted to ask you a guestion about candida and if there is a good homeopathic remedy for that?
I've heard there are some remedies but wonder if they work for stuborn cases.
I would love to hear any recommendations you may have for this too, if you have time.
Thanks again for everything.

On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:00 AM, rajib nain wrote:

Dear Nicole,
                Give him ARNICA MONT. -200 ONE DOSE  EVRY 5TH DAY
                            and KALI PHOS- 30 ONE DOSE TWICE DAILY 
                                         As his symptoms start receding and he gets better,
                    kindly increase the gap between the doses,like Arnica once a week
                    and kali phosphoricum  once in a day and so on.I hope he doesn't get
                   seizures ,if so , let me know.
                                      These medicines should be stopped once he (i don't know his name) is alright.
                  If you find anxiety,palpitation  and spasm of the lungs and/or throat is severe during attacks, give him  CUPRUM  METALLICUM-6  THREE DROPS every 15 minutes(buy a bottle of 30ml) on the tongue or in a half teaspoon water(,only during such episodes),he will recover from these episodes ..Please try to avoid anything which
aggravates and brings on apprehension in the child.keep him happy !taper down other medications if any, gradually and finally they will not be required
.Kindly let me know how and when he gets Anxiety,meanwhile  start this treatment. And keep me posted on his recovery.
                God willing you will see him getting better within a week!

                    Give him my love
                                 -rajib nain

--- On Mon, 10/1/11, Nicole Nolte <nicolenolte@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

From: Nicole Nolte <nicolenolte@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: homeopathic medicines
To: rajibnain@yahoo.co.in
Date: Monday, 10 January, 2011, 9:48 PM

I saw your post about homeopathic remedies, I'm wondering if you have any experience with anxiety.
What do you recommend for anxiety brought on by an accident (head concussion) in a 9 yr old.
He started getting heart palpitations, tightness in throat (muscles around thoat constricted), depressed thoughts, etc.
He'd never had anything like it prior to the accident.
I'm wondering what type of results one would expect after taking a homeopathic remedy for something like this.
Thanks so much for any recommendation!!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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