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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Dr. Klinghardt to speak in Manhattan February 10-13, 2011


Dr. Klinghardt to speak in Manhattan February 10-13, 2011

We would like to invite you and the NY Metro Area/East Coast patients and
practitioners to come to a talk given by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD in

Detailed information about the upcoming NYC seminar on Autonomic Response
Testing and the special evening talk ,"Healing Long Term Lyme Disease and
other Chronic Infections without Antibiotics" is located on our website:
www.klinghardtacadaemy.com. Dr. Klinghardt is known for his complementary
work with chronic illness world wide and teaches practitioners how to
individualize protocols for Lyme disease, MS, Autism, Cancer and other chronic
conditions related to toxicity and pathogens.

We hope you and local LLMD's and interested individuals will attend this
unique evening.

Dr. Klinghardt is rarely on the East Coast, but will be teaching in NYC on
Feb 10-13, 2011 at the Holiday Inn Midtown. We hope you will pass this
information to your colleagues so the NY area practitioners have an
opportunity to come see and experience this world wide shift toward individualized
health care. Our goal at the Academy is to equip medical practitioners
with the tools necessary to become true medical healers and learn how to
combat the growing epidemic of chronic illness. We also want to empower patients
with knowledge and optional healing protocols that are affordable. We
understand that there is no cookie cutter apporach to lyme disease, so all we
can learn to add to our arsenal of protocols can only be beneficial to all.

Please call me with any questions.
warm regards,

Debbie Floyd
Director, Klinghardt Academy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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