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Monday, January 31, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] New Here ,,look forward to learning


HI all
Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I am 48 been a single mom since my girls were 3 and 6 who are now 19 and 22 and grandmother to a 19 mo old . Oldest daughter and grandbaby live in New York and are very tired of the snow !! Youngest still lives with me while she trys to get her Massage Therapy business off the ground .
I dabble in Melt and Pour soap and all kinds of smellies and was hopeing that I could learn from this group different aromatherapy things ,,also ways to help my daughter with her business and maybe make some of her massage oils.
I live in extreme norht central Kansas and have been dating my Guy for little over 10 years now ,,we live 85 miles apart and get together on the weekends ,,or when we can !!! I know ,its strange ,,but it works!!!
Once again ,,thanks for letting me join this group !!
Regie in Ks

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