Good Morning!
This month we will be keeping tabs on your New Years Resolutions, in
order to empower you, help you to stay on track and give you some
great tips for keeping your promise to yourself.
Empowering Resolutions: Smoking and Lifestyle Changes
1. Exercise is encouraged and dietary and support systems are
recommended to rid the body of toxins and avoid relapses.
2. Get plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable juices and miso soup to
neutralize and clear the blood of nicotinic acid and to fortify blood
sugar. Carrots, Carrot juice, celery, leafy green salads and citrus
fruits promote body alkalinity and decrease cravings.
3. Managing cravings – Plan what you will do during a craving.
Examples: Chew licorice root sticks or gum; repeat your affirmation;
breathe deeply; exercise; call support person.
4. Avoid junk food, sugar, chocolate, coffee and cooked spinach. They can upset blood sugar levels and increase blood acidity which can aggravate smoking-withdrawal symptoms.
5. Herbal Tea such as Lobelia, Ban Bian Lian and Andrew's Stop Smoking mixtures can be sipped daily during the detox period to keep tissues flooded with elements that discourage nicotine cravings.
6. Drink water - Research shows that dryness causes cravings. Sip
water frequently throughout the day.
7. Deep Breathing Exercises – to increase body oxygenation.
8. Support Person - Ask someone to act as a sounding board and
provide encouragement when needed. A support person or someone to report to each day is a huge component when it comes to quitting. Having a support person makes you accountable. It can be a friend or family member or your health care practitioner. You are required to call or check in with your support person at the end of each day and tell them how many cigarettes you smoked/did not smoke... your emotions you dealt with... or cravings you experienced. The process is done to help you, not only express your daily strengths/fears but it gives you someone to support your journey.
9. Affirmations - An affirmation is a positive statement repeated
often to create desired changes in your life. Repeating the
affirmation helps imprint a new image of health so that the body can
then produce health. Examples: "I am a non-smoker. I make healthy
choices in my life."
10. Setting Boundaries - Avoid contact with other smokers This
includes loved ones. Stay away from smokers during the first few
weeks, especially.
11. Curbing the Oral Fixation - The need to have something in our
mouth is a habit that must be broken. This is apart of the desire and
addiction. Natural licorice sticks from the health food store are an
excellent substitute. You should have these on hand all the time.
They are good to chew on. Avoid eating food to replace these
12 Curbing the Tactile Fixation - The need to have something in our
hands is a habit that must also be broken. Natural licorice sticks
from the health food store are an excellent substitute. You should
have these on hand all the time. They are good to keep in your
fingers and serve two purposes.
13. Get plenty of fresh fruit and vegetable juices and miso soup to neutralize and clear the blood of nicotinic acid and to fortify blood sugar. Carrots, Carrot juice, celery, leafy green salads and citrus fruits promote body alkalinity and decrease cravings.
14. Get Acupuncture - The NADA protocol was designed and practiced for detoxing the body and coaxing the body into stimulating its own immune system.
Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
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