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Monday, August 22, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Soul Satisfying Journeys: Making Choices


Good Morning!

Soul Satisfying Journeys: Making Choices

Our journeys are about making choices. Whether it is a choice about
where to go, how to go or when to go, the choice determines our
outcome. Soul satisfying journeys are mindful trips that include self-
awareness and a look within ourselves. This pertains to any journey,
be it from place to place, action to action or decision to decision.
The sum of our choices constitutes our life. The journey we take from
start to finish. We may not always make the proper choices, but we
are always allowed the ability to make another. No matter how far
down the "wrong" road we may be, this road we chose, we chose for a
reason. Here in lies life's lessons. Learn the lesson, then make your
next choice. This is how we discover the daily journeys in a span of
time that is ours and ours alone.

"Life is designed by our soul and spirit as our moment-by-moment
opportunity to expand our consciousness."

Tips for a Soul Satisfying Journey

1. The Power of Positive Thinking: Negativity is the root that
undermines our free flow of thought. The negative ideas we think can
manifest in the words we speak. The minute the words leave your lips,
is the minute they manifest. Change your thoughts to positive,
uplifting ones. Think hope not hopelessness. Think goodness, not
evil. Think joy not despair. Energy follows thought. Program thought
to be positive and your energy will reflect it!

2. Networking : When traveling on any journey, take the time to meet
those who cross your path. If you believe in Universal Attraction,
then your purpose for those you meet will unfold.

3. Find Quiet Time: Turn off the cell phone, power down the laptop,
cut yourself off from the constant world of communication. Try doing
it for 15 minutes. Then add another 15 minutes. Build your time up to
an hour, two hours, perhaps all day. Do you remember time before
these communication tools?

4. Find Time To Meditate: Become aware of your breath. Learn to close
your eyes, sit comfortable and smell the air around you. Enjoy the
sounds of nature or your favorite music. Enjoy the many meditations
in the meditation village.

5. Enjoy the Company of Those Around You: If you are on vacation with
your significant other, your family or children, give them your full
and undivided attention. Not only will you understand your will power
but you will truly show your loved ones how important your time is
with them!

6. Pamper Yourself : Take this time to enjoy a massage. Take a yoga
class or give yourself a soothing bath or spa treatment. Do something
for yourself that you would not normally do.

7. Be Flexible: You have a rigid, set schedule at work, with the kids
or in your daily routine. Learn a lesson from the willow tree and its
ability to bend in the great wind. Where as, when we are rigid like
the old oak tree, we can easily break apart under the stress of
change. Learn to relax and follow the path unfolding before you.

8. Become More Mindful: Mindfulness is the act of being fully aware
of what happens in each moment. Try living in the NOW. Be present.
Honor each moment you are given. Acknowledge each task you take.

9. Really Appreciating: what we DO have as opposed to what we would
like to have, makes a significant difference. This is always an
important element in any journey that is often neglected.

10. Find Happiness in Simplicity: and you will find the greatest joys
yet revealed to you. Smile when you talk on the phone. Great everyone
you pass by or meet today, with a smile. Appreciate the smell of the
air, the warmth of the sun and the laughter in children. Make that
the stepping stones of your travels.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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