Hi Dawn,
Your gallbladder is a pear-shaped pouch on the underside of your liver. Its purpose is to store and concentrate bile, As a bile-storage organ, your gallbladder is needed to help you digest fat, an important nutrient needed by all parts of your body. If your gallbladder does not properly function, it sets off a chain reaction of other health problems that may lead to body aging and gallstones.If a gallbladder attack results form a stone in the bile duct, then there will be severe pains radiating from the upper abdomen to the back or right shoulder.
An unhealthy gallbladder may give you gaseous indigestion,irregularity, visual disturbances, poor fat digestion,bloating and skin lisions.This obstruction may cause infection along with jaundice and liver injury.With proper health care and the use of power foods, you should be able to enjoy a healthy gallbladder and risk of gallstones.
Simple olive oil is a miraculous power food that can wake up a sleepy gallbladder and lubricate its components and ducts,so that it can store and then release bile as needed to metabolize needed vitamins A,D,E and K which must have some fat for body assimilation.
Take two tablespoons of ordinary olive oil before you start any of your main meals.It's the gallbladder-pampering power food that helps keep it functioning smoothly and protects against gallstones. Also try drinking camomile tea as a means of stimulating the sluggish gallbladder so that accumulated sludge can be washed through the urinary tract and out of the body, add lemon juice for vitamin c, because the ingredients in the camomile herb become invigorated by the active vitamin c to promot a form of cleansing for the gallbladder.
Eliminate fried foods, rich pastries,pork,creams and gravies.Instead eat lean broiled or boiled meats,whole grains,fruits,vegetables and skim milk products.Drink lots of water and fruit and vegetable juices daily. Avoid tension, keep yourself physically and mentally active.
Its also good practice that in the morning, drink a glass of slightly warmed apple juice. Its malic acid content creates internal reverberations so that accumulated sludge and pebble-like encrustations can be washed out during your morning bowel movement.
I hope this simple program will do much good for you to keep your gallbladder with the use of the power foods.
Ramesh G.Nair
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