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Saturday, October 9, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: electric blankets


Hi Laura,
Another thing that helps warm up the body: Iodine. It occurs naturally in North Atlantic Dulse, and can be purchased as "liquid dulse" at most natural food stores. 4 or 5 drops only, though, as too much can cause extreme temperature rise in the body. I once knew a thin young lady complaining about cold [like you have], took a teaspoon of liquid dulse [way too much], and her temperature shot up to 110 within a matter of two hours. Natural iodine in small doses can be medicinal, yet lethal when too much is consumed, so be careful.

Coconut water, high in good saturated fat and a few carbs can help. A little extra layer of "fat" on the body in winter can be a life saver. No one has to be anorexic thin to be pretty.

I generally eat vegan, mostly raw in summers, yet more cooked legumes, grains, along with salad and/ or steamed veggies in winter months along with hot drinks to stay warmer. Fruits are great nourishing, cleansing foods, yet generally won't warm up body much... with the exception of avocados, high in GOOD fat.

My dog helped save me one time, when moving into house with 3' thick stone walls, in middle of winter. It took 2 weeks to warm the place up above 60.

Dennis http://www.HealingNews.com

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, laura mundorf <mundorf54498@...> wrote:
> thank you for this info. i am very thin, living in TN where the temps are in 80's. but at night they drop to 40's. so am thinking cheyenne pepper before bed & my dog. laura  i used to use e. b. waking up with backaches. :(     not anymore

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