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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: taste and smell


Hi Vivek,

Any time you lose your sense of smell and/or taste, it is related to zinc deficiency. A severe deficiency, actually, when it gets to that point.

Fighting off an illness will use up a lot of zinc, as well as other critical nutrients like vitamin C and magnesium.

There was just a thread about this a little while ago - search for "zinc taste test" in the archives and it should pop up.

Wishing you the best of health,


--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "Vik" <shreeom@...> wrote:
> Have had a cough for over a month and a half. Earler it was dry, when I took ayurvedic treatment. For the past 2 weeks or so some phlegm is getting out. Now the cough is getting much better but I seem to be losing the senses of taste and smell. Could it be the aushidhis I took or something else? Please advise
> Vivek

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