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Saturday, February 19, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Dr Bate's Weekly newsletter -2/19-11 Facts and interesting numbers


*Interesting Facts and Ignored Numbers

This editorial is a bit different. There are some basic facts that too few
people know about, and the numbers associated with these are staggering in
their implications.

Primary Fact - virus and bacterial cells multiply in binary. That is, they
DOUBLE in numbers about every 20 minutes in the bloodstream. This isn't
simple to understand. OK, so what does that mean?

Let's take some imaginary numbers, and see what might happen in your body in
flu season. Let's suppose you got 1000 virus cells when someone coughed near
you. Now suppose you just happened to take the RDA of vitamin C by eating an
orange (75 mg). Now, lets be generous and say that that 75 mg of vitamin C
actually killed as much as 500 of those cells before it ran out of
effectiveness. (That's being really generous, as it would be more likely to
kill only 10-50, but this is an "illustration.)

Since you are not going to get much more vitamin C over the next 24 hours,
let's see what happens to those virus cells.

First, the number is back up to the"original" IN 20 MINUTES, and it doubles
every 20 minutes thereafter.

At the end of the first 2.5 hours, the number of virus cells in the
bloodstream has gone up to around a million cells, and over the next 2.5
hours, it's gone to 10 million, and so on. In 24 hours, that little bit of
virus cells will have gone from 1000 into trillions.

Now, you are feeling the symptoms, maybe a tickle in the back of the throat
or some mucous, or a sneeze, or whatever. You've got the flu.

If you start now to take much larger doses of vitamin C than the RDA, say
2000 to 4000 mg of vitamin C every hour, what will happen?

Let's be generous again, and assume that the 4000 mg actually kills off 75%
of those trillions of viral cells. (Again, I am being overly generous.)

Do the math with me. In 20 minutes, those flu bugs are up to 2X25% or 50% of
the original, and 20 minutes after that, those bugs are back up to full
strength. Do you begin to get the picture?

In only another 20 minutes they're twice as many as there were when you
started with the 4000mg.

Big Pharma paid researchers have done numerous such tests "proving" that
vitamin C isn't effective against colds and flu. (They usually only use 1000
mg or less, so it's safe to NOT cure anything).

Because the RDA for vitamin C is only 75 mg (about one orange worth), it is
worthless against any virus. We have been deluded (brainwashed) into
thinking that this 75 mg dosage is sufficient for humans as a "daily"
healthful amount. It just ain't so.

So, how come the RDA for a 150 pound ape in the zoo is 4000mg daily? Humans
and apes, and all other primates have no way to manufacture vitamin C, as
almost all other animals can, and the mechanism is the same in us as it is
in that ape.

Are humans less valuable than the ape in the zoo? To Big Pharma selling
billions of bucks worth of cold and flu drugs, you can bet on it.

I have had moderate emphysema since I quit smoking over 40 years ago, and if
I get flu or a cold, it used to settle into my lungs, and I coughed for a
few weeks or more. Not pleasant, so I avoid that.

Here's what I do - at the first sign - that tickle or sneeze or whatever, I
start immediately to take 4000 mg of vitamin C EVERY 15 MINUTES. I do this
for at least one hour, or until I reach "bowel tolerance", or close to that
point. I'm completely over the flu within a few hours. (I cut down
considerably when that bowel tolerance is found).

(Some newer members to this newsletter may be wondering at this point "what
is bowel tolerance". It's that point where you just start diarrhea, and that
indicates that you don't need that much vitamin C any more.

Yeah, diarrhea isn't all that pleasant, but it beats the hell out of a cold
or a flu or polio, or mumps, or measles or any other viral disease. Big
Pharma doesn't want this "NEWS" to get out, because they might lose billions
in vaccines, cold and flu remedies - none of which are as good or as cheap
as plain old vitamin C - they can't patent it, and make money out of it.

Let's talk about some other numbers while on the subject of viruses. The
overwhelming cause of autism in children is mercury, and it's still in many
vaccines. There are thousands of cases where the child was developing
normally, then went for vaccinations (6-9 of them at one time because it
takes less time, and makes the MD more money). A day or so later, suddenly
the child is "not even close to normal, and we have another autistic child.

A lot of us in Alternate Health groups have been troubled for years, but
since the FDA and the CDC are totally controlled by Big Pharma, we've been
fighting an uphill battle.

Add to that the people who have been elected to represent us have to get
re-elected, and that takes big bucks. Who's good for a lot of that? Big
Pharma and the other monopolies - (Big Oil, Big Food, Big Banking, Big
Insurance. And a few others. "Our" (supposedly) representatives are being
bribed by this big Money.

Do we even need those vaccines that all children have to have (by Big Pharma
decree in most states)?

It may surprise you to know that many of the best minds in the medical world
say NO. How can this be" We MUST protect our children is the war cry (of Big
Pharma that doesn't care how many people are killed as long as their profits
stay up).

Why do we vaccinate against diseases that aren't around? In order for them
to spread, there has to be a carrier of that disease. And there aren't.

There is no smallpox any more, so we don't vaccinate against it any more.
When did we stop being that smart?

There is also no polio, chicken pox, measles, mumps and the other viral
diseases we routinely REQUIRE vaccinations for. Could it be because Big
Pharma wants to continue making that profit? (You think?).

I'm a moderate agnostic, but if I still had children, I'd swear (on the
bible or whatever)
against vaccinations of my child on religious grounds. They are dangerous,
and the vaccinations kill more children or harm them more than the actual

It's time for some rational thinking on this subject, and time for all of us
to start writing to "our" representatives in government to stop this hideous

That's my thoughts for this edition - I hope I've opened a few eyes with a
little math and a few real facts that aren't as well known as they should

From Natural News:

Chinese mass producing fake rice out of plastic


energy drinks may cause seizures

fluoride depletes iodine in your body?

denture cream appears to be linked to nerve damage:

From Dr Mercola:

Week's Top "Don't Miss" Articles

Breast Cancer Breakthrough - Cut Your Risk of Death in Half

Type of Meat that's Full of Cancer-Causing Toxins

Some ugly truths about soy (I recommend this read.)

Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child

From Kirti Chhabria:
Cancer Killer Discovered
This fruit is known as Katu Aatha in Sri Lanka -
Guyabano, The Sour sop Fruit

The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural
cancer cell killer

10,000 times stronger than Chemo.

Why are we not aware of this?
Its because some big corporation want to make back their money spent on
years of research by
trying to make a synthetic version of it for sale.
So, since you know it now you can help a friend in need by letting him know
or just drink some sour sop juice yourself as prevention from time to time.
The taste is not bad after all. It's completely natural and definitely has
no side effects.
If you have the space, plant one in your garden.
The other parts of the tree are also useful.
The next time you have a fruit juice, ask for a sour sop.
(Editors note - add in raw organic carrots, and you may have a winner
against cancer.)
From Arbor Clinical Nutrition:
Problems with statin myopathy and nutrition

The Pulse of Natural Health
This is another weekly newsletter that Is a good one to subscribe to free
with good info.

From Phyllis Brady

Some beautiful pics from National Geographic that touched me - I hope you
like them - Thanks Phyllis


(Another long URL - Oh well)
Returns are coming from the volunteers, and some are amazing to read. Some
very serious diseases and symptoms are really starting to be solved it
If this keeps up, it will be a real breakthru in the Alternte Health field.
I still have a few of the "interim" CD's left at $127. When the final
"fancy label" comes out commercially, it will be sold at $197. If you want
one of these few, go to the purchase page on the website, scroll down to the
bottom PayPal icon, put in "special", and add the $127 price. That's it.
Next week, I'll try to collect some of the volunteers comments for this.

That's it for this week. Hope it helps you, or your family or your friends.
Please feel free to pass it on. And feel free to visit my website for much
more Alternate Health information, all free.

Phil Bate PhD - Creator of NT

http://drbate.com - drbate@bellsouth.net

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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