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  Good Morning,  Nutrition and Hormonal Balance As an acupuncturist in the area of fertility, I realize tha...

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Cysts & other things


Yes it sure could, and also a factor for this is having your blood sugar a little high.
High acid in the body due to diet, too much coffee, pop, sugar and stress will cause your pH to become acidic. Most disease thrives in acid pH. Get some pH testing strips and see where you are at. You should be and stay around 6.4 to 6.8 throught the day depending on what you are eating. Alkalizing foods are green veggies, spirulina, chlorella, chlorphyll. Since most of us are so busy and mean well but can't get to more steamed and raw foods, I suggest a green drink everyday. You can find them at your health food store, but be sure they are a good brand with high quality ingredients.
Stop or at least cut way back with coffee, chocolate, soda, a lot of red meat. Do green tea instead and use filtered water.

Keep your bowels moving and if you are over 40 check out Dr. John Lee's work on progesterone cream. This will help oppose the extra estrogen in the body.

Iodine found naturally in foods cannot be absorbed by the body if your pH is acidic. Also if you do a lot of breads with bromates this will knock the iodine out too. So keep an eye on that. Dulse capsules are very high in iodine.

Since you are not utilizing your nutrients you might consider a good food based enzyme that also contains protease. Take two with meals.
Vit D. 3 not D2 can be added. Magnesium is so important for your central nervous system and can be easily added by capsule. Many formulas also contain the zinc.

Ask you Dr. about Ioderal, it is for iodine support and will be absorbed with acid pH. They sell the 12mg. on Amazon and remember more is not better. You would be fine with 1 or 2 a day and then see how your blood work is doing. It is always best to go slow and check things after 3 months with blood work.

Other things that cause too much estrogen which feeds cysts are microwaving food in plastic containers, drinking hot drinks out of styrofoam cups, putting plastic wrap on hot foods. The chemicals in the plastic that acts like estrogen in your body leaches out and you are consuming that.

Also if you crave sugar a lot, get some chromium going maybe 2-3x a day. Especially just before lunch so you don't have that 3 PM slump looking for sugar to feel better. This will help your blood sugar stay balanced and also stop the cravings.

Start here and see the changes, there are other herbs to use but this all might be enough to see improvement without making you feel overwhelmed.
You can e-mail me offline anytime with questions at

I have been teaching holistic education for 30 years and do a lot of support on line for people.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "gclarney" <gclarney@...> wrote:
> I have been diagnosed with a large uterine fibroid, am prone to ovarian cysts, have a thyroglossal cyst (which has just flared again) and yesterday diagnosed with multiple cysts in my breast. I have a 'mild' Iodine deficiency as well as zinc, magnesium and Vit D deficiencies and at the lower end of 'normal' for Vit B12 and Ferritin. I'm also not absorbing nutrients or proteins from foods eaten. Could all of this be contributing and would taking Iodine help treat these cysts? If so, what is a safe dosage?
> Thanks in advance

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