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Monday, May 2, 2011

RE: [AlternativeAnswers] RE: Dry Eyes



How astute of you to recognize the relationship with dry eye and emotional
issues. How blind of me to miss this as I usually address health issues
with emotional health. There is too much in my life to mention it all but
now that the wool has been removed from my eyes, I shall immediately get to
work on some positive affirmations. Bless you for your wise reply.

Abundant Blessings,


Colleen wrote:

Judy, dry eyes can be your body's way of asking for help with painful
too. Please consider (1) when the dry eyes started and (2) what was going on
your life then. Did you see a job, income, money situation, loving
or something that meant a great deal to you or your loved ones "drying up"
possibly going away? Did you see painful situations in your life or your
ones' lives that you'd rather not see happening?

If so, please consider doing emotional release work. I've cleared my own eye

health issues by releasing the fears and emotions that caused them. After
responded to my body's plea for help, it began and completed the healing
process, usually from 2 days to 2 weeks.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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