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Sunday, May 22, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: The Emotion Code....


Genevive, I have the Emotion Code book and used it a lot.

PROS: It is effective, faster and easier to learn than older emotional release modalities.

CONS: (1) the author suggests that the reader learn muscle-testing/kinesiology to determine which emotions need to be cleared. I've used kinesiology for 20+ years, but many people find it difficult to always get accurate results, and it may take lots of practice to get good at it; (2) the author instructs the reader to use a magnet to clear the meridians, and offers them for sale on his site(s)-- internet info says that some people should avoid magnet use.

I use a similar meridian clearing modality that does not require muscle testing or a magnet, and clears the core FEAR emotions, called FREED: Fast Release of Emotional Energy Drains. It works on people and animals, too.

Wishing you success in your healing quest!
--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "Genevive32" <genevive32@...> wrote:
> Hi all, has anyone ever heard of "The Emotion Code"? It's where you release trapped emotions in your body. What are the pros & cons of this? Thanks, Genevive

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