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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] How Motion Aids Healing


The therapy most often are taught to deal with acute injury uses the
acronym RICE: rest, ice, compression and elevation. While it is
important to take a rest the injured body part, it is equally important
is not too much rest. Rice research must stand for the range of motion,
according to many sports therapists. In fact, the master developer and
principal of the soft tissue release, Stuart TAWS, uses the acronym MICE
(Movement, ice, compression and elevation) for his method of therapy.

anyone who hears the word surgery automatically assumes that bed rest
will be next. This is due to the fact that almost all hospitals to
comply with bed rest after surgery for many years. Due to rest too long,
patients had adhesions large it took a while to heal.Patients
recover more quickly now, and they are encouraged to take advantage of
mobility opportunities after a surgical procedure. In fact, a patient
who has had knee surgery will be put into a device the knee flexes and
extends continuously to keep the formation of adhesions.Adhesions,
resulting in an inhibition of the normal range of motion, can occur if
an area is given too much rest after an injury. The customer can accept a
reduction in the normal range of movement. They often do not notice any
difference at all. This is one reason that people regularly re-injure
an area that was injured before.
To learn how, and how to move an injured area, you need to know how
the body responds to injury and the different stages of the inflammatory
process.The initial stage of inflammation is acute or reactive
stage. Redness and swelling occurs because of vascular changes at this
stage and is likely to extend over a period of three to four day time
period.In this phase, the amplitude of motion decreases due to
swelling and muscle spasms, with or without intent guarding the area to
prevent further injury and pain. To help reduce swelling during this
phase of lymphatic massage is suggested. After the muscle spasm is
reduced, gentle movement may take place. Regeneration
is the second phase of inflammation. This may take several weeks. While
this phase is underway, consisting of fibroblasts, collagen helps to
reconnect the tissues that have been destroyed. The collagen fibers are
formed at random, and may block the move when they cross the muscle
fibers or other tissues. At this point, movement is essential to ensure
that the collagen fibers are aligned with the muscle and fascia for the
movement is facilitated.Remodeling and maturation of the scar is
the last stage of inflammation. During this phase, the patient needs to
move the area regularly to the scar tissue does not restrict future
movement or lead to unsightly scars. Then form scar tissue, deep tissue
massage work should be used to break.Taking these things into account, the movement should be done.Gain
a full understanding of the history of previous injuries and symptoms
being experienced at this time. You should use active movement, opposed
to muscle testing, and passive range of motion assessments to determine
the health of the area. If you suspect that a muscle tear has occurred,
to avoid muscular endurance tests.Once you have all the client's
story, starting with passive motion. Examine carefully and work
limitations in range of motion. The patient should not suffer any pain
during this process.Do not move a joint beyond its normal range
of motion. Look at the other side, not concerned to determine the
patient's normal range of motion.The muscle can be pressed in as
you stretch. This process is known as passive stretching. This process
ensures that the collagen fibers that cross the grain of the muscle is
broken while running parallel to the muscle fibers are not. If pain
free, the person can return to active movement.You can click on
the muscle while the client is actively recovering stretch. The muscle
is stretched, because of reciprocal inhibition will be more relaxed, and
the client will use the antagonist. This process is more effective than
passive stretching.At this point, you should start slowly with
passive movement, and then graduate to the active resistance movements,
remembering to stay within the client's comfort range. The movement is
very effective in accelerating the healing of their clients.
source article: http://healthmad.com/health/how-motion-aids-healing/

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