I have been rather ill since childhood. Doctors have either told my parents I needed mental help or I wanted attention, etc, you know the routine. Same in my 20's, 30' 40', things became worse-- I was waking up after a few hours of sleep--sweating, hot,nauseated, and fainting while sleeping--fainting when getting out of bed--all test-x-rays , etc. showed nothing but I knew something was not right.
My blood pressure became so bad with the palpitations that finally after 3 years of different types of b/p meds and 4 cardiologist- I have been taking 60mg of Cardizem, 3x a day--if I took more it made the heart beat more. I also take 12.5 Synthroid. Fish Oil- Vit.D, Acidophilus.
Three weeks ago I had become very ill--taken to the ER--they kept me there for about 11 hours and sent me home--said nothing was wrong.
My cardiologist sent me to an internist and after a bunch of blood work--the test results came back.
Besides the usual things which have gone up high from a few months ago, this doctor checked my catecholamines, here are the results:
Dopamine (1-20 pg/mL) <20
Epinephrine (1--200 pg/mL) 26
Norepinephrine (80-520 pg/mL) 662 H
Any suggestions on a care plan for me to discuss with both of my doctors? What does this mean? I,m miserable... do not know what this means nor what to do to make myself feel better.
Thank-you kindly.
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