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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Chasteberry Vitex???(female questions)


YES YES YES .(hehe)

Chasteberry is a wonderful herb ... absolutely wonderful. It helped me
regulate my cycles, control the moodiness and craziness i felt ..and kept
things more normal.

My kinesiologist gave me the chasteberry and told me to take different
amounts at different times of the month. I took it for a few years ...
recently, i started going to a naturopath who also gave me a "female
formula" (consisting of chasteberry and other herbs to help the cycle) and
it was in a liquid form as opposed to the pill supplement i got from my
Kinesiologist. I Can tell you it was SO MUCH STRONGER and i went from better
to even BETTER !!! (who could have thought?) not only that - but now i NEVER
need to take advil for cramps .... its really quite exciting actually :)
also, i have less mood swings with it... crying ... i feel mentally and
emotionally stronger with it....

If you have any more questions about my experience - feel free to email me

deb :)

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:59 PM, shepelec2002 <pscs@aol.com> wrote:

> I am 43 yo.
> I started taking 400mg of chasteberry vitex in a capsule form, 2X a day 3
> days ago.
> I know this is an herb that is slow to work.
> But, I started spotting on Friday and although this is normal for me,
> usually have pretty bad cramps until I start my period.But this time, I have
> hardly had any. (I am due for my period in the next few days).
> Would the chasteberry vitex be doing this already?
> I am hoping the Vitex will stop the spotting and cramping prior to my
> periods. They come about every 25-27 days and last about 5 days. But I
> really, really, hate the spotting.(I had a full GYN workup and everything
> was normal)
> Other questions:
> Is this safe to take long term? The bottle says to take 2-3 pills a day for
> 3 months, then one a day.
> Could anyone share some positive stories on how Vitex worked for you and
> your cycles?
> Thank you!
> Cindy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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