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Saturday, April 9, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: too much of a good thing - goitrogenous foods


Do u know how to do the iodine square check?

Of course, with the good iodine. You make a 2"x2" square, like on upper leg or abdomin. If levels are good, the square will still be there in 24 hrs. If low, it will disappear, as soon as 2 hrs after application. You keep doing the square until it lasts for 24 hrs.

I found this rememdy a few years back in one of the perscription for healing books. It helped me to get off the perscribed meds for low thyroid. Howeve I still went and had it tested every 6 months to make sure I was keeping it at a good level.

It was kind of funny how my Drs responded. It was like, "why are you on thyroid medication?", and he took me off.

Good luck

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, Andrea Gauland <tehuafarm@...> wrote:
> I have a sluggish thyroid. I take kelp tablets and tyrosine to help
> offset it. We eat a lot of cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cabbage,
> etc), as well as eat millet cereal once a week. How much is too much,
> to tip the scales back to my thyroid being affected?
> Andrea
> NZ

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