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Friday, April 29, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Decision of Health and life


After a tubal ligation, it is still possible for a woman to have children. Usually, this happens through either tubal ligation reversal or IVF. If you are interested in becoming a mother, choosing which procedure is right for you can be difficult, even with all the information available. Still, with careful consideration and good advice you can decide which method is best for you.
Many women (and even their physicians) think that IVF is the only real option for a pregnancy following a tubal ligation. Yet in reality, tubal ligation reversal is a real option and in many cases a better choice for most women. Tubal ligation reversal offers a higher success rate and comes at considerably lower cost.
A study of over 5000 women undergoing tubal revealed some important findings if you are considering a tubal ligation reversal. In the study only 36% of the women undergoing IVF achieved successful pregnancy and even fewer, about 30% of the women in the study, carried the pregnancy to completion and had a baby. In comparison, women who chose tubal reversal became pregnant 66% of the time! Additionally, for women over 40, who often have a more difficult time getting pregnant the results were even more surprising: only 1 in 6 women who chose IVF had a successful pregnancy in contrast to the 1 in 3 women who had a baby following tubal reversal, double the chance with IVF! For younger women under the age of 30 years old, 43% of women who had IVF delivered a baby while more than half (55%) of their peers choosing tubal reversal became moms. These numbers prove that tubal reversal is effective and a better choice over in vitro fertilization.
In addition to being more successful in the study, tubal ligation reversal is less expensive, involving a one time payment at the time of surgery after which a woman can try for pregnancy as many times as she wishes. In comparison to IVF, where the costs can be quite staggering and you are required to pay for each cycle of treatment – regardless of whether or not you get pregnant. In fact, sometimes women will pay for repeated cycles of IVF month after month, without ever getting pregnant at all!
Of course, don't just take our word for it. If you've had a tubal ligation and are thinking about becoming pregnant, be sure to check the pregnancy statistics and success rates for tubal reversal versus IVF for yourself. We're convinced that after looking into it you'll be convinced for that a tubal reversal is a cheaper, more effective and flexible procedure for your pregnancy!

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