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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Special Movie: People v the State of Illusion


Special Movie Presentation

People v the State of Illusion

"In an age where so many people are hurting and searchingfor the key
to their happiness, this film puts the key in the viewer's handsand
challenges them to see they can unlock their own prison… This film
is aMUST-SEE for all those seeking to change for the better." The
Reel Critic.com

Saturday, September 15

Two Screenings: 2 PM and 7 PM

$15in advance; $20 at the door

(ifstill available)

Both shows are expected to sell out FAST,

So please register online at CaritasSpiritistCenter.org

Discussion following withWriter & Producer, Austin Vickers

Good movies are based on the successfulattempt to tell a story. People v
TheState of Illusion takes youfurther, by making you part of the story
being told. This film by Austin Vickers, questions the verynature of
reality, and through an examination of our perceptions, beliefs
andimagination, makes you both judge and jury in what will be the most
importanttrial you will ever witness. This must-see psychological movie
includes, asexpert witnesses, some of the nation's leading thinkers
in the fields ofneuroscience, biochemistry, psychology, quantum physics,
and consciousnesstheory, including Dr. Thomas Moore, Dr.Candace Pert,
Debbie Ford, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Robert Jahn, Dr. Peter Senge,Brenda
Dunne, and Dr. Michael Vandermark.

Peoplev The State of Illusion,directed by Scott Cervine and written and
produced by Austin Vickers, is set inthe notorious "Old Main
Prison" of the New Mexico State Penitentiary, and tellsthe story of
Aaron Roberts, a single father who is arrested and tried oncharges
following an incident that claims the life of a woman. He is
convictedand sent to prison, and his daughter becomes a ward of the
state. While there,an attorney learns of her plight and the story of her
father, and decides torepresent her in an emotionally-compelling case
against the State. It is aninspiring movie that will wake you up to the
power of your imagination,encourage your hope and elevate your spirit.

Seethe movie trailer at:



At The Caritas Spiritist Center

5723Arapahoe, Boulder, CO, 80303 * 303-449-3066

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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