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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Peacefulmind.com Summer Season Specials


Peacefulmind.com Summer Season Specials

The wonderful summer season is upon us! You still have time to take advantage of some of our best seasonal specials!

Posybrew Flower Essences

Posybrew Flower Essences aka Posybrew Healing Essences is a Florida (USA) producer and distributor of single flower essences and high potency essence blends. Essences are an ancient gentle and subtle vibrational therapy for emotional comfort and mental strength.
Discover your flower power!


Once In A Blue Moon

And it is here (Aug 31st, 2012). Under the spell of a blue moon, this unique necklace was created during the peak energy of the Blue Moon, (Nov. 21, 2010) therefore, it helps us to fully express ourselves through communication and clarity of expression. Use this rare jewel to open up, relay your inner thoughts and bring forth creativity.
What are you yearning to express?


Top Herbal Remedies

Andrew has gathered together the top herbal remedies from many forms of World Medicine Consider the best herbal teas, Western herbal liquid tinctures, the top Chinese traditional herbal forumulas and herbal granules, the best single homeopathic remedies, the top Ayurvedic herbs or our organic supplements. Find more here...


Sea Shell Massage Kit

Based on Andrew's article "The healing power of the sea", this fantastic kit brings the magic of the sea to your massage table. This amazing massage therapy is a unique blend of styles Andrew has learned on his journeys through Hawaii, Bali, Phuket and the Bahamas! Your clients will experience the beauty of a sea shell massage using a variety of fantastic hand picked shells..
Experience the power of the sea...


Crystal Massage Homestudy Course

This course incorporates Andrew's years of massage experience with his fantastic healing paradigm through crystals as a massage component. Crystal massage can be a really beautiful and uplifting experience. It works on a deep esoteric level and not only does the physical body enjoy total relaxation but all the inner emotional stresses are brought skillfully to the surface of the mind - and dissipated. Uniting cystals and massage!


Chakra Tealights

Created by Andrew for his energy medicine practice, this set of 7 Chakra colored tealights are associated with each one of the Chakra energy centers. They have a burn time of about 12 hours and come in a colored silk bag with information relating to the Chakra along with a meditation for healing. These candles are non-scented. Bring color into your life!


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