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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Nutritional Benefits of various types of Milk;


Nutritional Benefits of various types of Milk;

The intake of balanced nutrition is very important for daily activities
and for maintenance of good health. In order to compensate the lack of
some nutrients in the daily diet, Nutritionists recommend taking one or
two of varieties of milk as per their need.

Here we discuss nutritional benefits of various types of milk; Coconut
milk contains more calcium than traditional cow milk and an excellent
source of Vitamins like, Vitamin B complex constituents, Vitamin E,
Vitamin C and minerals such as selenium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium,
potassium and sodium, and rich in fiber, proteins as well. Coconut milk
the immune function, prevents gall bladder stones, prevents
liver disorder, improves digestion, prevents inflammation, prevents skin
disorders and helps for weight loss.

Traditional cow milk is good source of Vitamin D, Vitamin K, calcium
and proteins, which is said to be a healthiest option to compensate lack
of these ingredients in regular diet. The skimmed milk helps for weight
The presence of iodine prevents gout, improves thyroid
function. The presence of calcium in Cow's milk strengthens bones
and potassium regulates blood pressure.

f-vrious- types-of-milk/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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