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Monday, August 6, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Preventing Cancer with Nutrition


*Cancer, Nutrition and Regenerative Medicine - 3 week course taught by
GreenMedInfo.com founder Sayer Ji.

*All course enrollees will receive a free digital copy of The Dark Side of
Wheat. <http://www.greenmedinfo.com/product/dark-side-wheat-pdf-document> *

More information: http://tinyurl.com/greenmedinfo

1 in 4 Americans will develop cancer at some point in their lives. Yet, the
current medical establishment focuses on "early detection" as a primary
means of prevention and views cancer as a fatalistic disease only to be
treated with chemo, surgery and radiation. Drawing from exciting new
developments in the fields of nutrigenomics, epigenetics, whole food
nutrition, and mind-body medicine, this 3-part course, will explore this
alternative view of cancer causation, as well as the profound implications
this will have for those who wish to take back control of their health, or
that of their loved ones.

Sayer Ji, founder of Greenmedinfo and co-author of *The Cancer
Killers*with New York Times best-selling author Ben Lerner will cover
fascinating topics:

- Natural substances which combat multi-drug resistance, infections and
- *6 bodily tissues that can be regenerated through nutrition*
- How most vitamins on the market today are petrochemically derived, and
possibly dangerous
- *Why wheat may be the most toxic "health food" consumed today*
- Is the modern day, drug-based physician a glorified pharmacologist,
and is vaccinology as much religion as it is science?
- 5 life-saving spices once worth their weight in gold.
- 10 Longevity Promoting Foods that Can change your life (including
pomegranate as a back up "ovary")
- The Post-Organic Era: Why personal health can no longer be separated
from planetary health
- Why GM agriculture is destroying our biosphere
- The medical miracle of sunlight; how the molecular fabric of our body
falls apart without adequate exposure

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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