The condition you describe is called Herpectic Whitlow. You can view more at the following link.
I am unsure what supplements to suggest. I'm new on here too. If there is a supplement to take to reduce cold sores (HVS-1, HVS-2) then I would think that supplement would work for your hands as well. Perhaps someone else on here could suggest something.
Pondering Cat
--- In, Sandee Wright <tisch6@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I get occasional cold sores on my nose (mostly when I am either
> pre-menstrual and/or stressed), only a few times a year. I have noticed in
> the past 2 years I get cold sore-like blisters on my fingers. They hurt,
> and once they burst they form a scab, just like other cold sores...has
> anyone ever heard of this or experienced it? I haven't found anything on
> the web about it. I usually use a healing salve on them and they heal
> fairly quickly..but wondering if there is a supplement I can take. Also I
> haven't had a cold sore on my nose in @ a year, but more on fingers this
> year
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks for any help
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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