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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: herpes virus remedies


As Jesus said in the Bible:  "God has given you all the herbs on earth to heal your bodies with."  I have found this to be very true.  Just
because the medical profession does't have a "drug" that can cure everything, doesn't mean you can't cure it.  I have cured this in myself
and others many times over.  If anyone wants to know what it would take to kill it for themselves, just let me know.
Dr Lee

From: Phil Bate PhD <philbatephd@gmail.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 3:28 PM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: herpes virus remedies


As a long term sufferer (65) years), there is NO "cure", only prevention,
and that means keeping your Lysine body level above Argenine. I take
1000mg per day, and it's rare when it erupts. When it does, I simply feel
the itch, and rub plain bathroom soap on it, and scratch, and it scabs up
and disappears for another six months. This is the season, so I'll
brpobably go up to 1500 mg of Lysine. Have fun. In 65 years, I have
infected anyone.

Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30 plus years)
Inventor of NT Therapy - An inexpensive, effective approach &
"at home" therapy for ADD- autism, insomnia, depression etc
http://drbate.com -

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