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Monday, November 12, 2012

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Low back pain. Help.


Hello Polina,

You might try looking in to homeopathy (in addition to other forms of
treatment). For the hip joint pain I would recommend Ruta high (200c
potency). There are a number of remedies that help with back pain, all of
them prescribed according to your unique symptoms. Rhus Tox is a very well
known remedy and the two of them work well together. On the whole Ruta is
a remedy that works for pain coming from cartilage, tendons, ligaments,
etc, whereas Rhus Tox is a remedy that helps with pain coming from a
muscular cause; one of the key symptoms for this remedy is pain which is
worse on first movement but eases with continued motion. Bryonia is also a
very good remedy for pain relief.

It might be worth your while seeking out a session with a qualified
homeopath in your area, but I am going to show my true colours here and
suggest you try and find a modern homeopath as opposed to a classical one.
There is a big difference in the way the two schools practice and I feel
you need the assistance of more than one remedy. (I have not been struck
down in flames as of yet, but there is still time, I suppose, lol!)

If you find it difficult locating a homeopath in your area, there are
online homeopathic pharmacies where you can obtain remedies from, and you
always have the ability to receive advice from the pharmacist before
purchasing remedies.

I hope this gives you another line to think about but if you need any
further clarification or assistance I will be more than happy to help if I

Best wishes,

On 12 November 2012 10:41, polina_romanova <polina_romanova@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Hello. I'm female,30. For a long time suffer from low back pain, right hip
> joint and right groin pain. I visited different doctors and tried many
> treatments but still without relief. I will be glad to listen to other
> people about it and get consultations. Thanks.
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