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Friday, July 1, 2011

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Questions about GERD


All the answers were good, it seems. My husband and I also take 1 Tlb.
apple cider vinegar with 1 Tlb. honey in a warm glass of water, with each
meal. Can be before, or after, or with.

Also, the person who suggested essential oil of peppermint gave you a good
clue. However, one suggestion -- when first trying it, put some olive oil,
or almond oil on the spot/s you are using the peppermint oil. If your skin
is tender, it may burn a bit more than it should. Skin can get red from
this oil if it is tender.

Best of luck to you. My grandson had GERD as a baby, but he outgrew it, so
I can't be of much other help.


On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 9:47 PM, Dr. DHMS <dr.dhms@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> This problem can be due to many reasons which are to be unfolded. Stomach
> disorders like dyspepsia, eructations, gastric derangement etc can be the
> reason. This is the problem of digestive tract, you feel diseased in upper
> part which may be a reflection of lower part as well. Anemia can cause it
> also. Besides all that there may be some long standing psychological
> problems with you like grief, tension, depression etc.
> So this requires much of investigation by questioning and Homeopathic way
> of treatment is the best way to follow. If you have one practicing Classical
> Homeopath in your area please contact to him.
> I may help you remotely but it will take more time and patience.
> Dr.
> ________________________________
> From: Channing <channing28270@hellokitty.com>
> To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 3:50 AM
> Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Questions about GERD
> I am a Female with Autism the Aspergers Kind I am having a lot of problems
> with Vomiting from my GERD (Also Known as ACID Reflux or Heartburn) I have
> some questions my questions are:
> 1. I am having a lot of regurgitation before I Vomit What can I do to stop
> regurgitation?
> 2. Does a Food Allegery make a Person have:
> 1. Regurgitation
> 2. Vomiting
> 3. Make them feel that they are having a heart attack
> These are the symptoms I am having?
> 3. I am on protonix for GERD (Also known As ACID Reflux or Heartburn) and
> this is not Helping at all. I have tried Tums, Gaviscon, Prilosec Zantac and
> Omeprazole for my GERD (Also known as ACID reflux or Heartburn and this did
> not Help
> 4. When I vomit I am vomiting up any food and drink I take in at Dinner
> time when I usually finish at 5pm because I am vomiting every night between
> 6pm-12am If I have Dinner What Can I do?
> 5. My Gastro Doctor Says he Cannot Help me with fixing the Vomiting problem
> that is going on with my GERD (Also known as ACID Reflux or Heartburn) What
> Can I do?
> I want to say Thank you to anyone that can give answers
> Channing
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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