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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Canker Sore Help


No wonder there are problems, this is abuse of the name homeopathy. Your son is probably having a proving symptom of one of the remedies. First, I would stop taking both of them, then, ideally someone should evaluate the whole case to see how to guide it on track. So, just having time away from that can do the trick. But \if you can't do that right now because of the discomfort there is acute treatment of canker sores that may help.

One remedy should be used at a time. If it works stick with it (using as little dosing as possible, up to 3 times a day for up to 3 days). If it does not work then move on to another remedy.

Homeopathic remedies can ease the pain, reduce inflammation and heal the tissue.

Arsenicum album: A person who breaks out in burning, painful mouth sores, and also feels anxious and tired, is likely to benefit from this remedy. Hot drinks often ease the pain, and the person feels best when keeping warm. They often have unhealthy, easily-bleeding gums, and tend to be extremely neat and tense. Arsenicum album is recommended when the mouth is dry and burning, and the ulcers are soothed by warm water. Restlessness and anxiety are felt. Often caused by stress and worry.

Borax: This remedy is often helpful when canker sores feel hot and sensitive. Sores may break out on the inside of the cheeks, on the gums, and on the tongue. Produces profuse saliva, yet still feels dry inside the mouth. Other indications are: sensitive to noise, suffers from motion sickness, bleeding ulcers when touched, and hot and tender mouth.

Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is often indicated for infants and small children who suffer from recurrent canker sores. Other indications are: head-sweats during sleep, and slow to teethe or learn to walk. May also canker sores in adults who are chilly, stout, and easily fatigued.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy may be indicated when a person develops painful mouth sores that become infected-with pus formation, extreme sensitivity, and aggravation from cold drinks. Often feels extremely chilly, vulnerable, and oversensitive.

Mercurius solubilis: This remedy is useful when bleeding gums, a swollen coated tongue, and offensive breath are seen along with canker sores. The sores feel worse at night, and salivation is profuse, with drooling during sleep. The person tends to sweat at night and is very sensitive to any change in temperature.

Natrum muriaticum: Pearly sores that erupt inside the mouth, especially on the gums or tongue, may respond to this remedy. The mouth feels dry, and the tongue may have a tingling feeling. Often troubled by cold sores around the corners of the mouth or chin, and have chapped or cracking lips. A craving for salt, strong thirst, and a tendency to feel worse from being in the sun are other indications for Natrum muriaticum.

Nux vomica: A person who needs this remedy may break out in canker sores after overindulging in sweets, strong spicy foods, stimulants, or alcoholic beverages. The person may have swollen gums, a coated tongue, and bloody salivation. Irritability, impatience, and a general chilliness are often seen.

Sulphur: For sores that are painful, red and inflamed, with burning pain that is worse from warm drinks and aggravated by heat of any kind. The mouth may have a bitter taste; the gums can be swollen and throbbing. Reddish lips and mucous membranes, and a tendency toward itching and skin irritations are other indications.

Using 2 pellets, dissolve in 4-6oz. pure water. Dose by giving a teaspoon at a time with a new plastic spoon each time (dispose of them once used). Before each dose shake, vigorously stir or tap the cup/bottle of solution 5 times (this is called succussing, to slightly raise the potency).
Take one dose and wait for a response.
If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. Repeat only if it seems to have helped but has plateaued.

Frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual, so it is best to be guided by a homeopath.

Liz :)

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, Lucia <lucia_n36@...> wrote:
> Yes, the doctor's prescription was Pulsatilla 200 CH for 7 days in the morning and Nux Vomica 30 CH for 10 days in the evening. If you need any more information please ask. I'd like to know how to handle this problem and I'd also like to know if there is any problem with the prescription. This is a new doctor and now I am wondering whether I should trust her or not.
> Thank you for your reply!
> Lucia
> --- On Tue, 7/26/11, lightspirals <lightspirals@...> wrote:
> Did the doctor prescribe Puls. and Nux. together?  How many doses?  It does not sound like the classical approach of homeopathy, which can be problematic.  I'd need to know more before offering help.
> Liz :)
> --- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, Lucia <lucia_n36@> wrote:
> >
> > I need some help for my son, 25, who is having a problem with a canker sore inside his mouth. He was on a homeopathic treatment, ...
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