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Sunday, July 3, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Alkalinity: Advanced Concepts with Dr. Mohsen


Dr. Mohsen, a kindly and spry health educator, is an architect and
natural health researcher. He calls himself a Solagritect - a term that
combines solar power, agriculture, and architecture. We can't imagine
building a home without a kitchen; he can't imagine one without a
I attended his workshop last weekend and was introduced obliquely to the
weekend's topic when Elisabeth <http://www.consciousconception.net/> ,
the workshop organizer, offered me some apples and plums:

"They were just picked; fresh off a tree," she said.

For me, this was a cryptic introduction. I knew that fresh fruit was
good and that extremely fresh fruit was probably better. How much
better? Dr. Mohsen says plants lose their vitality thirty minutes after
they are picked. This might not mean much to you right now, but read on.
According to him, the missing link in the modern diet is this: we cannot
maximize our cells' alkalinity if we don't eat just-picked produce. This
is the missing link that even the most health-conscious of us are
unlikely to bridge with diet alone.

Host Theory

Dr. Mohsen's teachings hinge on Host Theory, not Germ Theory. Isn't it
funny that modern medicine bases the treatment of all pathogens on
something we still refer to as a theory? Germ Theory is alive and well
more than 100 years after Pasteur's death.

Host Theory is the opposite. It maintains that the modern diet and
lifestyle create an unhealthy body and an environment that is favorable
to germs and cancer. Acclaimed food writer Michael Pollan says the same
thing about our monoculture farming practices: vast expanses of the same
crop actually invite the weeds since there is no healthy ecosystem
keeping different species balanced and in check. Is it so far-fetched
then, that each of our bodies has an ecosystem, too?

Cellular pH

"Germs and microbes are transitory. The host is the key and pH is the
key to changing that relationship," said Mohsen. "It's not the potency
of the germ, but the resistance of the host that causes disease. This is
why food is so important."

A healthy environment that resists viruses, bacteria and cancer is an
alkaline one. Mohsen is not actually talking about the pH in the blood
since that needs to remain in a very narrow zone around 7.4 pH. He's
talking about the alkalinity of your cells. The more alkaline the cells,
the less disease and the better the healing and regenerative environment
in our body. The more acidic, the more likely pathogens or cancer will
find a suitable home.

Here is what happens to our bodies in the cellular pH zones Mohsen

* Health Zone - 7 - 7.4 pH: Electrolytes (calcium, potassium, and
magnesium) transport minerals. Mohsen says your blood carries an
astounding 1/3 more oxygen than if your cells are acidic! This is really
important for everyone from athletes to the ill. For example, one of the
adjunct treatments in Lyme Disease is an alkaline diet - it stops the
creatures from replicating because they hate oxygen.
* Disease Zone - 4.5 - 6.6 pH: This is a good environment for viruses
because they can multiply and cause symptoms. Over the counter
painkillers also send the body into a more acidic state.
* Terminal Diseases - 2.5 - 4.5 pH: Cancer and lupus can thrive here.
Cancers will occur in the most acidic part of your body.
* Fatal Zone - 1.5 - 2.5 pH: This is a highly toxic state. Extremely
low acidity can be induced by high doses of morphine.

Most fascinating to me was how alkalinity affects sleep. In the Health
Zone, you only need 5 - 7 hours of sleep per night, and most of your
cells will fully regenerate within 7 months. 400 billion cells per night
can regenerate. In the Disease Zone, however, you'll need 8 - 12 hours
of sleep per night. Your cells will take - get this - 7 years to
regenerate, and only 10-30 billion cells per night can regenerate. This
explains why I know so many raw foodies who look so healthy, look years
younger than their age, and who claim they only need a few hours sleep
per night.


I still didn't know what alkalinity had to do with eating fruit straight
off of a tree until Mohsen dove into an explanation of how our cells
accept water and nutrients. One of the missing links is that fruit on a
tree is "electrified" through the tree via the earth. That might sound
far fetched to some of you, and it certainly did to me, but I am slowly
starting to make sense of this.

"Real alkalinity depends on the availability of electrolytes," Mohsen
said, "Real alkalinity is electrolytes, not pH." Electrolytes have free
ions that make a substance electrically conductive. So we can eat a
highly alkaline diet, but without electrolytes we can't maximize

The water you consume has to be alkaline to pass signals into your
cells. pH differences between the inside of the cell and outside
produces voltage. If your blood has low pH (acidic), it drains the cell.
We want the opposite to occur - we want our cells to be porous and be
able to take in nutrients to feed mitochondria to make cellular energy,
ATP, and conduct other key functions.

So if you look at the pH chart above, each pH tier is actually
associated with different voltage! The Health Zone operates at 60 - 70
millivolts, while the Fatal Zone operates at 25 millivolts or less.
Basically real alkalinity makes you more electric and able to process an
optimal amount of nutrients into your cells which leads to optimal
immune system function.


Each cell in our body has a funnel in its cell membrane - it is teeny
tiny. It is an angstrom-sized opening. Before a cell lets water in,
Mohsen says, it intuitively checks for size (angstrom not nano), pH (6.6
or higher only), geometry, and emotional memory (See Dr. Emoto's work
<http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/e_ome_annai.html> ), and total
dissolved solids (too high and it won't let the water in.)

Since distilled water has no dissolved solids, this is the water he
favors. This is very different from most other natural health
professionals who recommend spring water, reverse osmosis water, or
Kangan alkaline water.

MSM: A Key Missing Nutrient

Back to the cell... and the part about tree-picked fruit. Without a
substance called MSM, the cells stay clumped together and cannot
optimally take in water and nutrients. MSM allows cell spacing. "MSM is
in ripe fresh fruit," says Mohsen, "within a few hours of picking, it's

This is why Mohsen says an optimal diet for health and prevention of all
acquired illness is an alkaline one. A diet of lemons, greens, fresh
fruit. But he says that since we don't eat food straight off the vine or
tree anymore, we need to supplement with three key nutrients: minerals,
MSM, and systemic enzymes. Systemic enzymes are the protein scavengers
of the blood - another missing link when food isn't consumed soon after

Testing Your pH & Dreaming of Greenhouses

Interested in testing your pH? Mohsen says to get a pH testing strip and
test urine first thing in the morning, but only after a good night's
sleep. If not, you might find you are more acidic. Urine pH - a
measurable proxy for cell pH - should be between 7.0 and 7.4.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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