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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: approval


Good Morning, Ruth,

Thank you for your post.

As always, I am so grateful for your presence, participation and for being a part of this community, especially for as long as you have. It means a lot to me. Thank you.

Just so you know, this has nothing to do with you. The entire group can be moderated (message approval) or unmoderated.

I choose to have the group moderated in order to spare you from the hundreds of spammers, bloggers, blatant sales tactics, inappropriate material and just plan trash that gets posted to this group on a weekly basis.

I hope this meets your approval, as I really try to keep the group an educational and insightful community for you and everyone to come to.

With that said, TO THE COMMUNITY, I want this understood:

-Marketing is an important part of any business. I encourage it. I have set up a special place, here, within the group to list your favorite websites, herbal supplements, color therapist and so forth, here:


-You can list your events in our community calendar, here:


-You can add files that are relative and helpful for the group, here:


-Add your practice or service to our community database, here:


A word on posting:

When you post an article, post the entire article. Add your link at the end of the article. Anyone posting a paragraph teaser to your blog or website and then a link, takes the reader away from the communtiy. Contribute. After reading your article, if someone is interested in what you wrote, they will follow the link to your interesting blog or site.

I appreciate everyone's great energy here!

Thank you,

Andrew Pacholyk

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsmily" <ruthsmily@...> wrote:
> I have been a member for years and am wondering why I need approval for my messages to post? Anyone has an idea how long this period lasts? thank you.

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