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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Re: Question on Traditional Chinese Medicine/Homeopathy


TCM, Herbal medicine, Homeopathy, Orthodox medicine or any of the healing system, all are slow and time taking. Slow in a sense that a life long period is required to completely cure a patient. Now if a patient of 55 is sick besides taking orthodox medicine, can't we say the system of medicine is slow and eating up the age of patient, moreover increasing poison level in body. They cure and suppress the diseases as well. Suppressed disease along with the constitution become complex and being in that condition for a long period the patient forgets healthy activities of body. Exploring about the ailments in such patient takes time. The layer upon layer of disease is to be unfolded. The reality is that patients co-operation can shorten the time period of cure who normally fed up responding Dr.
Surely Homeopathy works truly for embryo to oldest.



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