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Monday, June 20, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] UC Davis Finds Lyme Disease Bacteria in Lymph Nodes


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UC Davis Finds Lyme Disease Bacteria in Lymph Nodes
by Maejoy Tutor in Diseases on Jun 15, 2011

One of the most significant and considered as threatening and rising
diseases in US is the Lyme disease. The bacteria which causes this seems to be
hiding particularly in lymph nodes. University of California Davis
researchers have reported that this can trigger a considerable immune response,
except that it is not too strong to defeat the infection.

The results of this study, which engaged mice, might explain why there are
some people who get the disease repeatedly.

Professor Nicole Baumgarth from the UC Davis Center for Comparative
Medicine explained that the results suggested that the bacteria which causes Lyme
disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, have built up a new way in destabilizing
the immune response of the infected beings – human, dogs and wildlife.

Moreover, Baumgarth noted, "Borrelia burgdorferi have apparently struck an
intricate balance that allows the bacteria to both provoke and elude the
animal's immune response." She also expressed that on the first prospect,
it seems to be contradicting, but the bacteria can actually migrate to lymph
nodes which would involuntarily activate an immune response.

One of the traits of Lyme disease is lymphadenopathy or better known as
swollen lymph nodes. The researchers from UC Davis conducted a study
involving mice to discover why such situation is occurring, the cause of lymph
nodes increasing and also to find out the character of the immune response.

Results show that those mice infected with Borrelia burgdorferi gathered
these in the lymph nodes. With this, the lymph nodes have responded by means
of a strong, swift gathering of white blood cells, which generates
antibodies to fight off infections. Researchers also added that the bacteria's
presence also affected the destruction of the very distinctive structure of
lymph nodes.

Baumgarth explained, "Overall, these findings suggest that Borrelia
burgdorferi hinder the immune system from generating a response that is fully
functional and that can persist and protect after repeat infections." As a
conclusion, Baumgarth conveyed that this study might perhaps clarify the
queries of people, especially to those who are wondering why people who live in
prevalent areas can be infected repeatedly.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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