The Yogis Shall Lead Us
by Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
Aum Tat Sat. Vedic India is the spiritual mother of the Earth. She was, at one time at least, the land of yogis, of sages, of philosophers and of saints. Today, sadly, after over 60 years of anti-Vedic, crypto-Marxist misrule, India is now infamous as one of the most corrupt nations in the world. Swami Ramdev has revived an age-old tradition of wise and selfless yogis leading the way from the evils of government corruption and despotism, to the re-establishment of Dharmic governance, and the honesty, prosperity, freedom and justice that such Vedic governance ensures. Like Chanakya Pandita, Swami Vivekananda and Srila Prabhupada before him, Swami Ramdev has shown us that, when our politicians have abandoned the people and have all become scoundrels, we are to then look to the yogis for leadership. As the Middle-East has experienced its Democratic Spring with the fall of one long-standing dictator after another, now the beginning stages have been dramatically set in place for India, Bharat Mata, to have its own Freedom Spring, and to reverse over sixty years of crypto-Marxist totalitarian corruption. When the politicians have become an enemy of the people, the saints will lead us toward the light.
There are 20 million yogis in America, and tens of millions in Europe. Yet, sadly, very few Western yogis are even aware of the fact that, until only recently, Yoga faced the possibility of extinction in India herself - the very birthplace of Yoga. Almost no Western yogis are aware of the fact that since her independence in 1947, most Indian national governments have been atheist regimes that were radically dedicated to the eradication of Hinduism, Vedic spirituality, and Yoga practice. Up until just a decade ago, more people were practicing Yoga in the American state of California than in all of India combined! Sri Swami Ramdev changed all that. Almost single-handedly, Swami Ramdev revived Yoga practice in the birthplace of Yoga, encouraging tens of millions to begin practicing Yoga for the very first time. Now he is leading a peaceful social reform movement to remove rampant corruption from despotic government institutions and practices. For his courageous efforts, his life is in now danger. Tens of thousands of peaceful yogis and meditators have been violently attacked by government thugs, and this selfless servant of truth was temporarily arrested. His crime was sitting in meditation, fasting, and calling for ethical integrity in government. With his unimaginable arrest and persecution at the hands of a viciously despotic government, a spark of peaceful outrage has been ignited that has not been seen in India since the days of Mahatma Gandhi. Sri Swami Ramdev has shown the world the quiet, dignified power of Yoga in action. He has shown us that Yoga is so much more that merely a series of physical asanas, and that Yoga has the power to make our entire world better in every way.
We Western yogis must extend our unwavering support to our brother and sister yogis in India. We must now translate the peace, joy and wisdom that Yoga has gifted us with in practical terms in our desire for a better world - a world of freedom, justice and peace for all living beings. India will be free. India will re-embrace her divine heritage of Vedic civilization. The world will taste the bliss of liberation. The Yogis shall lead the way. Welcome to the Dharma Revolution. A revolution of love. Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.
- Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
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