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Monday, January 21, 2013

Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Pl. continue praying


Peace Be Unto You,
Always remember that  the love that our loved ones  have shared with us will always be with us. Death is a transition. The
body dies but the soul is eternal. I lost my biological mother when I was a   year old. My aunt and uncle who raised me
both died from cancer.   I understand and know what you're going through. Be strong not only for your family but also
keep yourself together. Remember that God is  ever-present and will continue to comfort and keep you.  I will keep
you in prayer.

From: needsuccessarun needsuccessarun@yahoo.in>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 11:18 AM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Pl. continue praying

Thanks for your support and prayers. This month I have lost my mother suddenly by heart attack who was very dear to me. She was my inspiration and support in life. She was always anxious and worried about me . After her demise my father who is heart patient has become lonely and was also admitted . Now I am trying to come out of grief of loss of mother and take care of my father . Due to your prayers and grace of God my panic is little reduced. Still I would need your continued prayers for good health of my father and overall stability of my family and myself. Kindly keep praying for my father , me and my family. God bless you in health . peace and happiness.



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