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Friday, January 18, 2013

[AlternativeAnswers] Finding Your Wise Mind The Balance Between The Left Brain And The Right Brain


This is an article I wrote on my blog www.tipstobehappyinlife.com

Finding Your Wise Mind The Balance Between The Left Brain And The Right Brain

I thought of the Wizard of OZ "If I Only Had a Brain" when I started writing this article. My brain is stuck at times and I have to learn how to recharge, and find balance between the left and the right side. So like the Scarecrow, I have a brain, I just need to train it, and take control of my mind, feelings and thoughts. The time is now, and I have taken steps to change, and find happiness for myself by living in the moment and find my wise mind.
In an effort to find my happiness I turned to DBT which stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Developed by Marsha Linehan in 1993. The method focuses on being " dialectical" which works to find balance between the left brain and the right brain. The self help group I'm in has taught me skills to change my behavior through meditation, living in the moment, and finding my wise mind. Some people might call it intuition, gut feeling, inner voice, or higher power. When I practice wise mind I think of a situation and observe my feelings, thoughts, and urges that come to me. Then I ask myself what is my wise mind telling me?
Everyone has that inner voice inside them, and the idea is to pay attention on purpose to what the voice is telling you, and not to judge what you see. When being in the present moment you will control your words and just observe without speaking out of turn, and stop sticking your foot in your mouth; like I have done many times. We also practice breathing by repeating the words wise mind in and out to ourselves to find our center. Take notice of your body, and observe everything inside and out side yourself. Sometimes the group can stir up a lot of emotions, but that is part of the process of learning about oneself and growing.
In the end it's all about finding happiness. Being happy is so important in life because we only have one chance to get things right. When you find happiness you will have more meaningful relationships, and people will want to be with you. Finding you wise mind takes a lot of practice but if you practice everyday it becomes easier. Listen, and observe, and everything will come together. There is much more to learn about Dialectical Behavior Therapy. I have not learned everything since it is only a 10 week course. My brain and I are a work in progress, we are still trying to achieve greatness and find happiness. My left brain, and my right brain thank you for letting me share with you.

You can find information on Marsha Linehan on the internet listed under DBT training Dialectical Behavioral Therapy/Core Mindfulness Skills/Wise Mind ...

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