Maybe you can locate a farmers market that grows local or organic food.
Fruit has to be eaten alone. Protein and veggies can be eaten together.
Protein and Starchy foods should not be eaten together. Veggies and Starchy
food can be combined. Diet should be 80% Alkaline and 20% Acidic. Reduce
sugar and red meat intake and drink plenty of pure water.
Wait the following lengths of time between meals that don't combine:
a. Two hours after eating fruit.
b. Three hours after eating starches.
c. Four hours after eating proteins.
About Food Combining:
About Alkaline/Acidic Foods:
In a message dated 12/9/2012 12:07:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi Everyone, I am new here. I have wanted to improve my diet for a long
time but the area I live in has really toxic food.
I don't have extra money so that has created some restrictions. I live in
an area where the food stores really don't care about what they sell. I was
ill for a long time. I would eat an apple with peanut butter for protein,
almost every day. I stopped for a while & then ate my apple & peanut butter
& felt like I had been drugged. So I did not eat an apple after that
except for from a bad of organic apples I bought when I was in another area. I
have not had peanut butter since them.
I was diagnoed with diabtes years ago but I went off of medication. I do
believe in the metaphsycial/Louise Hay way of thinking.
I have found I don't tolerat milk well, I am allegic to eggs, wheat & a
lot of foods yet I don't have medical insurance or money to be professionally
tested. I am willing to keep a food journal.
How can I buy organic foods if none of the stores nearby have them?
I drink an Atkin's drink in the morning & I guess it is the soy or whey
that makes me feel horrible but it is a good protein source so I would like
to replace that with something better.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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