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Saturday, December 8, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] healthy diet questions


Hi Everyone, I am new here. I have wanted to improve my diet for a long time but the area I live in has really toxic food.

I don't have extra money so that has created some restrictions. I live in an area where the food stores really don't care about what they sell. I was ill for a long time. I would eat an apple with peanut butter for protein, almost every day. I stopped for a while & then ate my apple & peanut butter & felt like I had been drugged. So I did not eat an apple after that except for from a bad of organic apples I bought when I was in another area. I have not had peanut butter since them.

I was diagnoed with diabtes years ago but I went off of medication. I do believe in the metaphsycial/Louise Hay way of thinking.

I have found I don't tolerat milk well, I am allegic to eggs, wheat & a lot of foods yet I don't have medical insurance or money to be professionally tested. I am willing to keep a food journal.

How can I buy organic foods if none of the stores nearby have them?

I drink an Atkin's drink in the morning & I guess it is the soy or whey that makes me feel horrible but it is a good protein source so I would like to replace that with something better.

I would eat a spinanch salad for lunch & then have a protein source & veggie for dinner. I need help & I am overwhelmed so any suggestions you have are greatly appreciated.

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