In my quest to get iodine I have encountered a major issue. With our current world events, everyone is purchasing iodine! Ebay sellers are price gouging and when I search pharmacies they only carry poisonous versions, when I ask the pharmacist where I could find the internal (potassium) version they immediately give me the fifth degree as to why I want it (for radiation fear from Japan).
I am wondering if anyone here can give me any information as to where I can purchase the internally safe version of iodine. I also have to ask, if I cannot find any, would buying the external only iodine work if I dabbed it on my skin?
Thank you in advance for any information you can provide!
Jamie A
--- In, Angls4Hope@... wrote:
> Iodine - the Great Detoxifier
> March 23, 2011
> The family of halides is part of your family. What are the halides?
> Molecules of iodine, fluoride, bromine, and chlorine that silently reside in your
> body - in all of us. One of the halides is a good guy, but the other three
> wear the black hat of toxic polluters. When you have enough of the good
> halide on board, it pushes out (detoxes) the bad ones.
> Halide #1 - Fluoride (Fluorine)
> Industrial chemicals are used to make the fluoride found in toothpaste,
> municipal drinking water, and in the food we eat that has been processed
> with fluoridated water. These chemicals are not pharmaceutical grade; they are
> the hazardous waste products of nuclear processing plants and industries
> which make aluminum, steel, and fertilizer. In the 1930s, a study funded by
> aluminum manufacturers made a dubious connection between fluoridated water
> and the prevention of tooth decay, and toxic waste began pouring into city
> water systems. (Christopher Bryson. _Fluoride Deception_
> (
> 8uq0ibQr5nDvsD1jqiaRA--mJ0fdTIuRZCv1jzk9t0bWUsLhH5R81vIJgszuNxExljO7PVEqV7O5
> EdySI1Qv_sMNCEH6XycwcclkUrS-Y1zKTckefcANADJoJJjZIsMV3UkfJKViLCw4i176V1JFu-bM
> cQHxK7KQEA5VWfkVbdBz-sv_9X6cjBWN72oh8UtJhdd1ImNSLGogYmxRUIzOx55N__xdSQ==) .
> 2006)
> Most European countries long ago rejected fluoridation of water, just as
> they rejected genetically modified foods. In the United States, however,
> authorities are now admitting Americans are too saturated with fluoride. In
> November of 2006, the American Dental Association advised parents to avoid
> giving babies fluoridated water. In January 2011, the Department of Health
> & Human Services recommended lowering the level of fluoride added to city
> tap water after new data found dental fluorosis (brown mottling of the
> teeth) in 41% of adolescents aged 12-15 years. Activists in a number of cities
> and at various organizations, including _Fluoride Action Network_
> (
> qznu1mRknjv073wuYEFoVO9Zuer3GSlEOCL6VClxc82XvpGjEJh8wFDkPmZvnejZN9uXmM24A8a5
> iNi0SZC-p3qHjMmqrJKgzJVYg==) , are working to stop fluoridation.
> The World Health Organization has shown there is no difference in cavity
> formation in countries that fluoridate their water supply as compared to
> countries that do not fluoridate. There are no studies that show ingesting
> fluoride has any large benefit at preventing cavities. Five studies published
> since 2000 have reported no increase in tooth decay in communities which
> have ended fluoridation.
> "The irony here is that the FDA, which does not regulate fluoride in
> drinking water, does regulate toothpaste, and on the back of a tube of
> fluoridated toothpaste... it must state that 'if your child swallows more than the
> recommended amount, contact a poison control center.'" - _Paul Connett,
> PhD_
> (
> fm1sb9cBAW8LP-jeOmlxLeyAtkWjQNtd1MZ9kIcX-l9-nEH9S8YdT2AMHG8ovwjpiUYtubtESBE1
> tCyZGw45z3aCs7Tm8Xn2pBXIycbw==)
> There are many studies that show fluoridated communities have higher rates
> of hip fractures, more cancer, and increased numbers of thyroid
> disorders. Fluoride poisons more than 200 enzymes in the body. It is a so-called
> _"endocrine disrupter,"_
> (
> kiZUfLqpRfI1_1Bnyh2NWuFSb3R4uxTIaumjuTtvUEoQ6kg8F5xFUfiBQCI9TsrERNp9H1S_YaV6
> IkEY8pUFCRShw==) well-known to reduce the function of the thyroid which
> can lead to a long list of problems including loss of mental acuity,
> depression, inability to fight infections, and weight gain. Fluoride also is a
> risk to the _brain_
> (
> HOFyLUbxrlhFAkgFx0-ismYLnTOrmUtWdlr7WIvkzJhojgNVSX94QzROBwWC9ynRwITlHKoqYoue
> p145l_fRw==) including dementia-like effects.
> Halide #2 - Chlorine
> On one hand, chlorinated municipal water has freed civilization from
> dangers of waterborne epidemics. On the other hand, chlorination creates
> carcinogens in water.
> Chlorine is not only in our tap water, we inhale it and absorb it through
> the skin during showering and bathing - by some estimates, you absorb as
> much in one shower as you do by drinking eight glasses of water. Chlorine is
> also in most swimming pools.
> According to the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, cancer risk among
> people using chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those
> whose water does not contain chlorine. One school of thought says chlorine
> triggers excess free radicals which feed the growth of abnormal cells
> leading to tumor development.
> When it reacts with organic materials naturally abundant in tap water,
> chlorine produces harmful by-products including chloroform, and chloramines
> and trihalomethanes (THMs) which have long been known to be instigators of
> asthma.
> Perhaps, given your genetics, dosing your body every day with chlorine may
> bring on a _heart attack_
> (
> tKLtBt4HBi51OCQK67nbG_HJ4etYWIxnrTOU2MMgcEhga9_jQ_eu2i8VRRQzh4Z4GmpoJycvbvto
> T5trXv2o-TwiJQA9J8es4qoMJyDRrRkHJSbiDrXk=) . During the 1960s, Dr. Joseph
> Price extensively researched the incidence of cardiovascular disease in the
> world and found the highly reactive nature of the chlorine molecule scars
> the inner lining of the artery, and the body protects itself by painting a
> thin film of cholesterol over the damaged area.
> "Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. While it
> prevented epidemics of one disease, it was creating another. Two decades ago,
> after the start of chlorinating our drinking water in 1904, the epidemic
> of heart trouble, cancer and senility began." - _Joseph M. Price, MD_
> (
> fxoQIt_mpIdcghCWJ7n320zK2jsFYv6pgFG4-2YuFQrovQ5pycoUo_d5aBfqjFwLdNKif-MOVJuu
> L9StX9OF63jL0QP8J8rIL-q9mbFXuq-IuNqs9b5TsLTCgSdJuiLbht_vqXLP8-2BxWbSQ_HRDxGM
> NnjkUqUN1U_7pxFPKOQM1G2vwrM4NJ)
> Halide #3 - Bromine
> Every day, we unknowingly absorb bromine from the pesticides in our
> strawberries, the plastic in our computers, the fire retarding PBDEs (used in
> used in fabrics, carpets, upholstery, and mattresses), and if you are a soda
> drinker, from your citrus-flavored soft drinks (Mountain Dew is famous in
> some circles for its brominated vegetable oil content).
> But the biggie on the list is maybe your non-organic bread. According to
> _BreastCancerChoices.org_
> (
> jpyruUbZO6Ud7_ZYQ4a6Nt9a3N-zPi-HP26KxBFgqljmSSFiK05Pyd5ImWbisY2TVJl7CzQbb46L
> nOQ0mduaPY4Mw9B27U_qyXN6Hw8yJy6cHaKnnE=) , "potassium bromate as an
> additive to most commercial bread and baked goods probably provides the most
> egregious contribution to bromide overload in Western cultures." It used to be
> that iodine was used as a dough conditioner. But in the 1980s, bakers
> switched to bromated flour because it makes more elastic dough which can stand
> up to bread hooks and other commercial baking tools. In 1990, England
> banned bromate in bread. In 1994, Canada did the same. In 1999, the Center for
> Science in the Public Interest petitioned the FDA to prohibit the use of
> potassium bromate, charging that the FDA has known for years that bromate
> causes cancer in lab animals.
> Note: Organic breads do not use bromated flour, nor does Pepperidge Farm.
> Bromide is a central nervous system depressant and can trigger a number of
> psychological symptoms such as acute paranoia and other psychotic
> symptoms. Elevated bromide levels have been implicated in every thyroid disease,
> from hypothyroidism to auto-immune diseases to thyroid cancer. Bromines are
> endocrine disruptors - they mess up the metabolism, the body's ability to
> clear out the garbage and regenerate healthy new materials.
> "The reason we are seeing such a high prevalence of iodine deficiency and
> thyroid disorders is due, in large part, to the excess exposure of bromine
> from our modern conveniences ... My experience has clearly shown, compared
> to those patients who do not have a serious medical illness, those with
> health issues have much higher bromine levels."
> - Dr. David Brownstein. _Iodine Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live
> Without It_
> (
> US3cbyM_
> 3b4LOorKYwQFkQf_Y-nIik-CBEHjIZBbx0k5dQGIOlRK0HzM3SHSJ4BWCYIZu9Kbhi09pCL_8n8zEVNtpIiho_FFpo3hKfuz4x7LLY1oWB0EvodPDDOVuLLbQFNkqIjlSGm9DLC6WFumlIr7
> 1NZ7Oaa2H2B0jCu7y8tP5tf0v61nf_CmKl9dKuY=) . 2009
> Halide # 4 - Iodine
> In last week's newsletters, I talked about the human need for iodine, how
> Lugol's solution blocks the absorption of radioactive iodine, the fact
> that hypothyroidism is rampant because our food is iodine deficient, and the
> vital job this nutrient does in keeping our metabolism positively charged up
> instead of droopy and malfunctioning.
> Today, I add another chapter to that story: we are iodine deficient
> because of too much fluoride, chlorine, and bromine in our polluted world. These
> three toxic chemicals are as different as night and day from iodine in
> terms of human health, but all four are similar in chemical structure. They
> are members of what chemists call the halide family.
> Your thyroid gland is covered with "receptors" that are always on the
> lookout for iodine. But because of similar chemical structures, molecules of
> bromine also fit in those receptors and if iodine is lacking, the thyroid
> will do its best with bromine, making an ineffective form of thyroid hormone.
> It's like a game of musical chairs. Fluoride and chlorine are too small to
> fill the receptors, so they are not so much players in the game.
> Iodine - the Great Detoxifier
> Conversely, if we have plenty of iodine already in those receptors -
> because we eat iodine rich foods (unusual in the U.S.) or because we take an
> iodine supplement - then the fluoride and bromine have much less ability to
> warehouse themselves in the body. A constant supply of iodine flushes
> fluoride, bromine, and chlorine from our tissues.
> According to iodine expert, Dr. Guy Abraham:
> "Supplying daily intake of iodine for whole body sufficiency (100-400
> times the RDA) gives protection against goitrogens and radioactive
> iodine/iodide fallout; improves immune functions, resulting in an adequate defense
> system against infection; decreases singlet oxygen formation which is the major
> cause of oxidative damage to DNA and macromolecules, resulting in an
> anticarcinogenic effect in every organ in the human body; results in a
> detoxifying effect by increasing urinary excretion of the toxic metals lead,
> mercury, cadmium, and aluminum, as well as the goitrogens fluoride and bromide;
> normalizes hormone receptor functions resulting in improved response to
> thyroid hormones both endogenous and exogenous; and results in better control
> of blood sugar in diabetic patients; stabilizes cardiac rhythm, obviating
> the need for the toxic sustained release form of iodine, amiodarone; and
> normalizes blood pressure without medication in hypertensive patients." -
> Dr. Guy Abraham. _The Original Internist_
> (
> 1Jo0Fq-dtp3rAERLo2T-NMJvRFpFHHGD_WqumiYzfF0lJ2Vy9GEGfx0j_RaAkMQeP7lDcaCGjDNH
> YPr0-NNhmyaB8GE3AY1MFWst-fy_rR53lSRoqsQW6s) . Fall, 2005
> Iodine levels have significantly dropped. In the U.S. population, there
> was a _50 percent reduction in urinary iodine excretion between 1970 and
> 1990_
> (
> 4
> vJa-j08-eyjqQ-vS_G0pZJ48Q0G_dUbbrTbBO7mUota-40LjMMlQlxmzC-7xCUSPEJiT__QthbJRwGvJvniqVK9HI=) . A person with a lot of iodine on board will excrete a
> lot of iodine - 145 µg/L iodine for the U.S. is considered nearly optimal.
> Itimplies an iodine intake of about 200 µg/day, comfortablyabove the
> recommended minimum.
> If some good can come out of the events in Japan, then perhaps it will be
> that the mainstream medical community will re-evaluate the one, very
> flawed rat study long ago in 1948 that scared doctors away from using iodine.
> The therapeutic use of an iodine/iodide solution like Lugol's has the
> potential to drastically change the practice of medicine and enhance the ability
> of doctors to turn around the epidemics of chronic disease.
> Are You Iodine Deficient?
> At the Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine, we can perform an
> iodine-loading test for patients. The assumption is that if you are iodine
> sufficient, you will excrete over a 24-hour period most of what we give you for the
> test. On the other hand, if you are iodine deficient, you tend to hold onto
> most of the test sample and a smaller amount is excreted. You get the idea
> - we collect a 24-hour urine sample to do this. Given how many, many
> functions iodine impacts, this test seems about as basic to me as checking the
> oil level in your car engine.
> Lugol's solution contains 5 mg of the reduced elemental form of iodine
> (preferred by the breast, ovary, and prostate) and 7.5 mg in the iodide form
> (preferred by the thyroid gland and the nutrient that has been in the news
> for blocking radioactive iodine from damaging the gland). It is available
> at the Center.
> If you are taking Lugol's solution to protect the thyroid for the next few
> weeks because of events in Japan, then there is no need to test levels.
> However, if you suspect you have low thyroid function and are significantly
> iodine deficient, it might be a good idea to get a baseline test like the
> iodine loading test.
> Martha M Grout, MD, MD(H)
> Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine
> _Please feel free to forward this e-mail to friends._
> (
> 1104894841011)
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