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Thursday, March 31, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Blood Pressure


Allergic Reaction - High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Blood pressure is affected by 17 known variables. Smoking, overweight, salt consumption, stress, use of oral contraceptives, exposure to lead and cadmium – these among others factors, are all possible causes of hypertension. To that list we may eventually add allergy.

A few years ago, Lloyd Rosenvold, M.D., of Hope, Idaho, noticed that some of his patients developed high blood pressure from allergy to certain foods. Another doctor, George Fricke, M.D., of Sacramento, California, studied a group of twelve hypertensive people – some with blood pressure as high as 219/140 – in whom elimination of allergic foods brought blood pressure down to normal.

And in a study of food allergy and migraine, Dr. Ellen Gant, a neurologist in London, discovered that when a group of 15 hypertensive people avoided migraine producing foods, their blood pressure also returned to normal (Lancet, May 5, 1979). Surprising findings? Not really. High blood pressure is more than a simple matter of getting too much salt in the diet.

After all, we all know someone who salts his or her food heavily and has normal blood pressure. Whether blood pressure rises or not seems to be a matter of individual sensitivity to many factors, some of which doctors haven't yet identified clearly. Allergy, it seems, is one of those factors, and it's presence could help to explain why certain foods or habits raise blood pressure in some people but not others.
--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, olympia dreszer <odreszer@...> wrote:
> blood pressure spikes could also be related to food allergies
> Olympia Dreszer  odreszer@...
> --- On Tue, 3/29/11, Vivek B. <shreeom@...> wrote:
> From: Vivek B. <shreeom@...>
> Subject: Re: [AlternativeAnswers] Blood Pressure
> To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2011, 7:30 AM
> For a complete cure have sarpagandha. In Homeopathy it is called rauvolfia serpentina, 20 drops twice daily in half a cup of water before meals should cure you in some time. Healthy lifestyle, weight control would be good
> Vik
> --- On Fri, 3/25/11, rchilders36 <rchilders36@...> wrote:
> From: rchilders36 <rchilders36@...>
> Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Blood Pressure
> To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Friday, March 25, 2011, 3:32 AM
> Hi group, first time I have had to ask a question...I do enjoy the site,
> does anyone have any info on "blood pressure spikes?" Dr. had no
> answers except ...as we age things do happen...I normally have good
> average bp..but this episode put a bit of "fear" in me...I felt dizzy,
> nausea, and numb and felt as if my eyes were rolling around or
> crossing...sounds funny but certainly wasn't
> Would love to hear from anyone who has any knowledge of this.
> Thanks! Rita
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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