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Sunday, December 5, 2010

[AlternativeAnswers] Restless leg Syndrome


Hi Mike and Ingrid,

I agree completely with a lot of what Mike (is it mike mike?) said, I
disagree about anxiety and insomnia, which are both symptoms of
depression in my book.

Yeast overgrowth is epidemic in our culture due to wide overuse of Big
Pharma antibiotics. And Mike and certainly on MD's being
"Educationally Handicapped". That term was first used by Abram Hoffer
in the early 80's. I was the only PhD psychologist at that time in
the Orthomolecular Society. He, Carl Pfeiffer, and Linus Pauling were
all my friends and mentors. I miss them all.

My Neuroliminal Training subliminal messaging way to change brain
waves works even better than Neurofeedback to solve the underlying
allergy stress that causes depression, ADD-Autism, and much more. My
"Integrated 4 Part Therapy for Autism and Other Mental Problems" is
now helping hundreds of autism kids become "normalized", (One of
those four parts deals with digestion and Candida. It is often
overlooked, but is almost as important as removing mercury and allergy

To download this article, go to http://drbate.com/Ref/articles.html.
INT really works to cure allergies, but it takes time to do that,
which no NFB patient can do because of the high cost. This is one
time cost, then free to use literally foreer, and the longer you use
it, the better health you will have.

I've never had anyone with RLS, so cannot say if it's the answer, but
if you follow directions in my digestion web page, you can get rid of
the Candida.

Good luck, and better health

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