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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Effects of Drugs (On Individual, Family and Society)

Drugs are not new to the world. It is not always considered as negative. No one can deny benefits of drugs in fighting diseases, allaying pain and stimulating an exhausted body. But these days, drugs are misused and abused.

Drug addiction is a state or condition in which a person has lost the power of self-control with reference to the particular drug. Addiction to Drugs involves three different phenomena :

Tolerance – It is characterized by a diminished effect on the addict of the same dose of drug over a period of time.

Physical dependence – It is illustrated by what happens to the addict when he does not get his drug. He experience the intense discomfort of withdrawal symptoms.

Habituation – It refers to the emotional or psychological dependence of the addict on narcotic drug. In other words he seek the drug to escape from emotional problems.

Effects of Drugs on Individual

1. Individuals become addicted.

2. Lack of interest in studies, sports and other activities of daily life.

3. Loss of appetite and decrease in body resistance to disease.

4. impairment of intelligence, memory and body coordination.

5. Damage to brain cells.

6. Indulgence in crime.

7. Accidents and mishaps.

8. Tendency to commit suicide.

Effects of Drugs on Family

1. Family becomes hostile to drug abuser because he demands for money and sometimes even steal money and other household goods.

2. Poor reputation in neighbours.

3. Quarrels in family.

4. Sometimes drug abuser may develop disease like AIDS, Hepatitis B etc due to sharing of syringes and needles with other drug abusers and when he live with family, other members of family are also at greater risk of having such diseases.

Effects of Drugs in Society

In any society if youth are fell prey to drugs, then no society or nation can progress for the development. Education will suffer,  jobs and occupation will suffer. society becomes victim of crimes. Expenditure of government will increase as drug de-addiction centres have to establish. Then surveillance teams have to make the keep check on drug dealing.

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