Brown patches and spots on skin appear for many reasons — age, sun
exposure, pregnancy, as a side effect of certain medications, freckles, moles,
Seborrheic keratoses, nutritional dificiency, hormones, allergy rashes, and
more. You can try these home remedies and see if they work.
Lemon juice. Easy, cheap, and effective. Lemon juice works as a natural
bleach. Apply bottled lemon juice or the juice of a lemon to the spots.
Hydrogen peroxide. This, too, is a bleach, but stronger than lemon juice. It is
used in hair dyes to lighten hair and also in teeth whiteners to bleach
the stains off teeth. Over-the-counter strengths can help fade brown patches
and spots on skin. Try buttermilk. Buttermilk, available in the dairy
section of your grocery store, contains lactic acid, which has been used for
years as a way to treat brown spots. Apply sour cream to your face. Leave it
for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water. You should start to see a
difference after one week if you do this daily. Parsley, Lemon, Red Currant
and Orange juice, add to moisturizing cream. Apply mixture as a face mask a
few minutes everyday. Sandalwood powder mix with Glycerin, Rosewater and
Lemon juice. Apply paste on dark spots.
--- In, "Khushroo" <kdubash@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > My wife has been getting dark pigmentation on her face, specifically
her forehead and cheeks for almost a couple of years now. A skin doctor
diagnosed this as allergies, but was unable to determine what she is allergic
to. So the problem persisted.
> >
> > Recently, she went through a patch test, and the doctors have
concluded that she is allergic to propolis and bees wax. I went into the net, and
see that so many creams etc contain this. So she is off all forms of creams,
lotions, and even lipstick! And she puts sun screen lotion (without these
ingredients) most of the time.
> >
> > Is anyone familiar with this, and if so, can anyone help? Any
suggestions will be welcome. Will the dark patches heal? Understandably, she is
going through an emotional trauma because of this.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Khushroo
> >
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