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  Good Morning,  Nutrition and Hormonal Balance As an acupuncturist in the area of fertility, I realize tha...

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Friday, March 30, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] "Saving a Million Hearts", 3/30/2012, 12:00 am

Reminder from:   AlternativeAnswers Yahoo! Group
Title:   "Saving a Million Hearts"
Date:   Friday March 30, 2012
Time:   All Day
Location:   Lexington Griffin Gate Marriott
Notes:   Saving a Million Hearts: "Ask the Experts" Forum Anticipating New Directions in Cardiovascular Medicine
Do you have questions about chelation therapy that you want to discuss in the company of experts? We want to help you discuss and evaluate burning controversies in this area of medicine. We also want to know what interventions have worked most effectively in your experience to quickly reverse symptoms and reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease.
We have planned free-flowing panel discussions with ample time for your questions and comments over one full day moderated, by L. Terry Chappell MD. Come hear about the best alternative practices by leaders from around the nation.
Topics on the agenda include Phosphatidyl choline, IV magnesium, Myer's cocktail, diet and exercise, Viscosity, Fibrinogen, Platelets, Hyaluronic acid, MCT, coconut oil, Vitamin C for Lp(a), CRP-sensitive treatment, Allergies and CV disease, Best monitoring tests, Arginine/Lysine, Arterial age and risk, and EDTA chelation protocol and variances.

With your help we can do a fantastic job toward saving a Million Hearts.

Facilitator: L. Terry Chappell, MD is a family physician with 35 years of experience, with special emphasis on preventive and nutritional medicine since 1978. Dr. Chappell has cultivated his interest in ways to help people function better without totally relying on drugs and surgery. A graduate of University of Michigan Medical School, Dr. Chappell has established a worldwide reputation as a leader and teacher of complementary and alternative medicine. He has served as President of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the President of the International College of Integrative Medicine.

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[AlternativeAnswers] Tong Ren Therapy


Has anyone here looked into Tong Ren therapy? It is a healing system developed by Tom Tam, a Boston area acupuncturist, that involves using a magnetic hammer to tap specific points on a plastic acupuncture model, or "doll", to promote healing. I know it sounds like crazy voodoo, and the professional skeptics & debunkers are all over it. Tam is on their Quacklist Top 10, which is, of course, one of the reasons I find it appealing :>)

You can sign up for on-line "guinea pig" classes to try it out, & later, if you like it, you can buy a kit to tap along, or to help friends & family. It really hinges, I think, on the belief that we can heal ourselves & others with the powerful intent of our own minds & tapping in, no pun intended, to the energy of the universe, & what Tam calls "the collective unconscious".

I have no vested interest in this, am not promoting it, but recently discovered it, find it interesting, and thought it might appeal to other members of this group. There are many informative sites accessible from a Google search for "Tong Ren" but here's just one, to get you started:



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Thursday, March 29, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Celery Nutritional Benefits


I am taking Celery extract in capsule form for HBP. Seems to be helping.

--- In AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com, "ideas4health.in" <ideasforhealth@...> wrote:
> Celery Nutritional Benefits:
> Celery is being used as one of the vegetables for its nutritional
> benefits, which belongs to the family group of plants as that of
> fennel, parsley, umbelliferae family. Celery roots, seeds, prized
> stalks and leaves are used as vegetable in the food items, and also
> used extensively as natural remedy for treating various health
> disorders. Celery plant grows about 1 foot and comprises of leaves
> arranged like stalks, in the shape of cone. These stalks are very
> tender, mild, and delicate with crunchy texture and tastes lightly
> salty. Two varieties of celery are generally found, one is white
> variety that is common in Europe and another green variety, which is
> common in the United States of America.
> Celery plants are supposed to be originated from Southern Europe and
> North Africa and spread over Europe, USA and in other countries
> including in the parts of Himalayas region. Now it is grown and found
> and became predominant vegetable in the Countries like United States of
> America and Europe. Celery nutritional profile includes; Celery leaves
> are enriched with Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex constituents
> like B1, B2, B5, B6, folic acid, Vitamin K, and contain the essential
> minerals such as potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorous, calcium,
> molybdenum, manganese, magnesium, and numerous vital amino acids, fatty
> acids, dietary fiber, sugar and carbohydrates. Celery vegetable does
> not loose nutrients while cooking unlike other vegetables and foods.
> Celery Nutritional Benefits includes; celery is very good source of
> Vitamin C, phytosterols like phthalides and coumarins that reduces
> cholesterol, and hypertension, and helps to prevent cancer. The rich
> content of Vitamin C found in celery leaves prevents common cold and
> prevents common infections. Celery also prevents asthma, help to
> provide relief from rheumatoid arthritits, osteoarthritis. The presence
> of Vitamin C is eliminates free oxygen radicals, improves cardiovascular
> health, improves heart health, prevent heart strokes. Due to the
> presence of 3-n-phthalides, phthalides that relax muscles and dilates
> blood vessels, which leads to lower blood pressure and the presence of
> calcium, potassium and magnesium together improves heart health, and
> prevents hypertension. Intake of celery juice reduces LDL Cholesterol
> levels while enhancing the secretion of bile juice.

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