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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Dr Bate's Weekly Newsletter - 3/10 - Heart Attack alone


Alone With a Heart Attack
You're at home alone, and you suddenly feel a severe pain in the chest. It
is now radiating up all the way to your jaw area, and it's going outwards
to your left arm. Almost certainly you're having a serious heart attack.

You've only got about 10 seconds left. Your heart is stopping, and you'll
be losing consciousness unless you do something right now!

Start coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be
taken before each cough. The cough must be deep and prolonged, as when
producing sputum from deep inside the chest. And a cough must be repeated
about every 1-2 seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the
heart is felt to be beating normally again. Cough even to pain!

It's now immediate decision time! How can you get the fastest medical help
or CPR?

1. Call 911 while coughing.
2. Scream for help IF someone who knows CPR is near enough to hear you.

You MUST get CPR immediately or you may die.

The deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and the coughing movements
squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating.

There's still another benefit of this deep breath/cough routine. The
squeezing pressure on the heart may even help it regain normal rhythm. In
this way, heart attack victims can often get to a hospital and live a lot

One case was reported where the victim was driving about 5 minutes from a
hospital, and managed to stay alive while driving this distance by simply
using this deep breath/cough routine.

Five minutes or even longer is a huge improvement on 10-30 seconds of heart
stoppage. You may be able to save your own life.

Take a CPR course and you might be the person nearby that saves another's
life. Saving another persons life! Now, that's a real ego trip that makes
anyone feel good.

CPR is pretty simple to learn, and almost everyone can learn how to do it
effectively and safely.

Emily Patterson, the "creator" of the term Johnson and Toxin for the mega
giant Big Pharma firm of Johnson and Johnson that makes and sells many
products that contain cancer causing chemicals bought the URL "
and modeled it after the original J & J web site,except it tells the real
story of that lovable baby shampoo that has different formulas around the
world because most countries ban the original. Click on that URL to see
it. Every click adds up to more people seeing the perfidy of Big Phrma in
general and J & J in particular.

In the US, Great Britain, Canada and Australia, there are 5 (count em)
carcinogenic chemicals allowed by the FDA (which is under the thumb of Big
Pharma instead of protecting the public as was intended). That shampoo
with that lovely baby pictured is banned in China and Japan, and a
different formula is used. It is banned in many other countries and a
slightly different formula is used that contains less carcinogenic
chemicals. So, Johnson & Johnson could easily switch to a less
carcinogenic formula easily, but that would cost money, so they stall while
people are dying of cancer. At best, such products start the carcinogenic
process for later cancer. And J & J knows all about it.

The funny (or sad) thing is that Ms Patterson has offered to sell her
original site (Sunflower Naturals) and her formula for a safe shampoo to J
& J that would clear up this controversy and huge cost to J & J, but they
refused. Now, it's costing them a lot in stock prices falling when they
even introduce new products, and several lawsuits are pending detailing
their possible criminal actions. Just how stupid and arrogant can Big
Pharma get?
*Alternate Health News Digest This week*

From Natural News:
Aspartame danger - urgent warning about tumors and seizures


Australian children to be sterilized without parental consent under new
eugenics law


If GMOs are so good for you, why don't food companies tout GMOs on their
food labels?


Explosive report reveals "Frankenstein" is loose on the farm and making you


Myth busted: Why unvaccinated people pose NO threat to public health


Warning: Sleeping pills are linked to a 460% increase in sudden death. Be
sure to avoid these dangerous drugs:


In today's article, I reveal why AntiSec is doing the job that U.S.
government regulators refuse to do by investigating Monsanto

While Janet Napolitano urges Americans, "If you see something, say
something," Iowa insists, "If you say something, you'll go to jail!" Word
of advice? Don't buy meat that comes from Iowa!


Looking to avoid aspartame? Here are the top 10 worst sources:

From Dr Mercola:
Monsanto Guilty of Chemical Poisoning in France


This Popular Nut Slashed Breast Cancer Risk in Mice by 50%


Can Probiotics Prevent the Development of Celiac Disease?


The Hidden Email the White House Hopes to Keep Under Wraps


Why Is the FDA Ignoring Its Own Scientists' Warnings About Amalgam?


Bill Gates: One of the World's Most Destructive Do-Gooders?


Your Greatest Weapon Against Breast Cancer (Not Mammograms)

From Alliance for Natural Health:
New Scientific Data Forces Government to Reverse Its Stance on Fluoride in
the Water Supply


Profoundly Flawed Study Used as Basis for CDC's New Report on Supposed
"Dangers" of Raw Milk


Cancers, Infectious Diseases, and Lifestyle Illnesses: Why "Miracle Drugs"
Are the Problem, Not the Solution

From NewsMax - Health:

Exclusive Video: Dr. Blaylock: New Weight Loss Drug Harmful to Nervous


Shampoo, Lotion Toxins Tied to Cancer, Organ Damage

(And Johnson & Toxin is a perfect example see 2nd editorial above).

Muscle Pain a Red Flag for Damage in Statin Users


From Harmony email:
GW and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals Fund Research of Marijuana for Epilepsy

(I've advocated making MJ and other drugs legal and taxing them. We'd make
billions in taxes, and free at least 50% of US prisoners with drug offenses
saving more billions.)
From Emily Patterson:
Take a look at http://Johnsonandtoxin.com <http://johnsonandtoxin.com/>.
Maybe J and J will get it together and stop using carcinogens in their

That's the digest for this week. I am still looking for volunteers for
allergy trials, and am looking especially for those who have to (or should)
carry epi pens. Please pass this on to any you know. NT can cure this,
but I need research to prove that fact.

Phil Bate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30+ years)
Inventor of (at home) inexpensive Neuroliminal Therapy
NT Solves ADD-Autism, Depression, and much more

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Monday, March 12, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] The Carotenoid Family: Lutein


Good Morning!

The Carotenoid Family: Lutein

Carotenoids, of which beta-carotenes are the most popular, are found in many fruits and vegetables, animals, plants and microorganisms. The body converts beta carotene into Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for vision, growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity. Among the 600 or more carotenoids in foods, beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein are well-known leaders in the fight to reduce the damage from free radicals.

Lutein is another carotenoid found in vegetables and fruits. Lutein acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells against the damaging effects of free radicals. The central area of the retina in humans and primates is called the macula and contains lutein as the primary carotenoid.
Lutein acts to filter and shield harmful blue light from the eye and may decrease the risk of developing macular degeneration, the eye disease that afflicts one in three people over age 65. [20].

Smokers who consumed the most beta-carotene and flavonoids from food, also appeared to cut their Alzheimer's risk. [14]. Yet, smokers who take excessive beta carotene supplements may increase their risk of lung cancer. [33].

A recent study has also shown the risk of osteoperosis with excessive Vitamin A. Retinol is the direct form of vitamin A found in most multivitamins, cod liver oil, liver, fortified foods, and whole milk products. Dietary retinol is associated with fractures, beta carotene is not. Beta carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A by the body, is not associated with any increased risk of fracture. [34]. This study has shown that intake of vitamin A or beta carotene, can be best obtained by eating more red and yellow vegetables than taking supplements.

The recommended safe upper limit of retinol is 3000 mcg (9900 IU) per day. This includes all sources of retinol, including foods such as liver, dietary supplements such as cod liver oil and vitamin A supplements, fortified foods such as cereals, and multivitamins.

Foods high in carotenoids include red, orange, deep-yellow, and some dark-green leafy vegetables, such as tomatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, winter squash, brussel sprouts, spinach, kale and broccoli.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


14. Dr. Marianne J. Engelhart of the Erasmus Medical Center in
Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Those with the highest intake of vitamin
C and vitamin E from food appeared to be the least likely to develop
Alzheimer's disease. The Journal of the American Medical Association.
15. Meydani M. Vitamin E and prevention of heart disease in high-risk
patients. Nutr Rev 2000;58:278-81.
16. 1993, The New England Journal of Medicine published two
epidemiologic studies which found that people who took vitamin E
supplements had fewer deaths from heart disease.
17. Heinonen OP, Albanes D, Virtamo J, Taylor PR, Huttunen JK,
Hartman AM, Haapakoski J, Malila N, Rautalahti M, Ripatti S, Maenpaa
H, Teerenhovi L, Koss L, Virolainen M, Edwards BK. Prostate cancer
and supplementation with alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene:
incidence and mortality in a controlled trial. Department of Public
Health, University of Helsinki, Finland. Journal National Cancer
Institute. 1998 Mar 18;90(6):440-6, 441-7.
18. Giovannucci E, Ascherio A, Rimm EB, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA,
Willerr WC. Intake of carotenoids and retinol in relation to risk of
prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 87:1767-1776, 1995
19. Dorgan JF, Sowell A, Swanson CA, Potischman N, Miller R.
Schussler N, Stephenson HEJr. Relationships of serum carotenoids,
retinol, a-tocopherol and selenium with breast cancer risk: results
from a prospective study in Columbia, Missouri (United States).
Cancer Causes Control 9:89-97, 1998
20. Antioxidants and age-related macular degeneration. Age-Related
Macular Degeneration Study Group. Journal of the American Optometric
Association. January 1996--Vol 67, No. 1.
21. Farr SA, Poon HF, Dogrukol-Ak D, Drake J, Banks WA, Eyerman E,
Butterfield DA, Morley JE. "The antioxidants alpha-lipoic acid and N-
acetylcysteine reverse memory impairment and brain oxidative stress
in aged SAMP8 mice." Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center
(GRECC), VA Medical Center (151/JC), 915 N. Grand Boulevard, St.
Louis, MO 63109, USA.

22. Moini H, Packer L, Saris NE. Antioxidant and pro-oxidant
activities of alpha-lipoic acid and dihydrolipoic acid. Toxicol Appl
Pharmacol 2002 Jul 182:84-90

23. Lopez-Burillo S, Tan DX, Mayo JC, Sainz RM, Manchester LC, Reiter
Melatonin, xanthurenic acid, resveratrol, EGCG, vitamin C and alpha-
lipoic acid differentially reduce oxidative DNA damage induced by
Fenton reagents: a study of their individual and synergistic
actions. Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and
Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Valladolid, Valladolid,
Spain. 2001

24. Gregory JF, 3rd. Ascorbic acid bioavailability in foods and
supplements. Nutr Rev. 1993;51(10):301-303.

25. DeRitter E. Physiologic availability of dehydro-L-ascorbic acid
and palmitoyl-L-ascorbic acid. Science. 1951;113:628-631.

26. Johnston CS, Luo B. Comparison of the absorption and excretion of
three commercially available sources of vitamin C. J Am Diet Assoc.

27. Padayatty SJ, Levine M. Reevaluation of ascorbate in cancer
treatment: emerging evidence, open minds and serendipity. Journal
American College Nutrition. 2000;19(4):423-425.

28. Boylan MT, Crockard AD, Duddy ME, Armstrong MA, McMillan SA,
Hawkins SA. Interferon-beta 1a administration results in a transient
increase of serum amyloid A protein and C-reactive protein:
comparison with other markers of inflammation. Immunology Letters
2001; 75: 191-197.
29. Kamal-Eldin A, Appelqvist LA. The chemistry and antioxidant
properties of tocopherols and tocotrienols. Lipids 1996;31:671�701

30. Kamat JP, Devasagayam TPA. Tocotrienols from palm oil as potent
inhibitors of lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation in rat brain
mitochondria. Neurosci Lett 1995;195:179�82.

31. Theriault A, Chao JT, Wang Q, et al. Tocotrienol: a review of its
therapeutic potential. Clin Biochem 1999;32:309�19 [review].

32. Suarna C, Hood RL, Dean RT, Stocker R. Comparative antioxidant
activity of tocotrienols and other natural lipid-soluble antioxidants
in a homogeneous system, and in rat and human lipoproteins. Biochim
Biophys Acta 1993;1166:163�70.

33. Albanes D, Heinonen OP, Taylor PR, Virtamo J, Edwards BK,
Rautalahti M, Hartman AM, Palmgren J, Freedman LS, Haapakoski J,
Barrett MJ, Pietinen P, Malila N, Tala E, Liippo K, Salomaa ER,
Tangrea JA, Teppo L, Askin FB, Taskinen E, Erozan Y, Greenwald P,
Huttunen JK. Beta Carotene and Lung Cancer., J Natl Cancer Inst.
1996 Nov 6;88(21):1560-70.

34. Serum retinol levels and the risk of fracture. K. Micha�son, H.
Lithell, B. Vessby, et al., New Engl J Med, 2003, vol. 348, pp. 287�

35. Burke BE, et al. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial of coenzyme Q10 in isolated systolic hypertension. South Med J
2001 Nov;94(11):1112-7.

36. Watts GF, et al. Coenzyme Q(10) improves endothelial dysfunction
of the brachial artery in Type II diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia
2002 Mar;45(3):420-6.
37. Ebadi M, Govitrapong P, Sharma S, Muralikrishnan D, Shavali S,
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Signals Recept 2001 May-Aug;10(3-4):224-53
38. Tran MT, Mitchell TM, Kennedy DT, Giles JT. Role of coenzyme Q10
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2001 Jul;21(7):797-806
39. Singh RB, Niaz MA Genetic variation and nutrition in relation to
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40. Langsjoen H, Langsjoen P, Langsjoen P, Willis R, Folkers K.
Usefulness of coenzyme Q10 in clinical cardiology: a long-term study.
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41. Langsjoen PH, Langsjoen PH, Folkers K. Isolated diastolic
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42. Overvad K, Diamant B, Holm L, Holmer G, Mortensen SA, Stender S.
Coenzyme Q10 in health and disease.Eur J Clin Nutr 1999 Oct;53
43. Beck J, et al: Periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. J
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44. Shults CW, Oakes D, Kieburtz K, Beal MF, Haas R, Plumb S, Juncos
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S, Stern M, Watts RL, Kurlan R, Molho E, Harrison M, Lew M; Parkinson
Study Group. Effects of coenzyme Q10 in early Parkinson disease:
evidence of slowing of the functional decline. Arch Neurol 2002 Oct;59

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[AlternativeAnswers] Wholefoods Nutritional Benefits


Wholefoods Nutritional Benefits:

Natural foods or otherwise called as wholefoods, which are produced by
nature, the essential phytonutrients are found in wholefoods or Natural
foods in acceptable proportions by the Human Body, as the human
digestive system or physiological system of the body is well designed
to digest the wholefoods with ease and to get energy from these foods
for sustenance of life and prevention of health disorders. In general,
Natural foods or wholefoods or raw foods are unrefined and unprocessed,
which are well prepared by nature itself for benefit of the Humans and
for other animal kingdom.

Some of the wholefoods are leafy green vegetables, fruits, legumes,
nuts and seeds, whole grains such as whole wheat, brown rice, sweet
corn, maize, barley, finger millet, spices, herbs and fish etc.,
comprise the most vital nutrients which provide sustenance of life and
prevention of many health disorders naturally. The nutrients which
nourish the human body and play a major role for maintenance and to
keep away health disorders. Sufficient intake of all essential
nutrients present in whole foods (natural sources of Foods) is required
to maintain not only health but also decrease the risk of developing
health related disorders.

Let us discuss wholefoods nutritional benefits; the major essential
nutrients are dietary fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, water are found in whole foods in the
proportions acceptable to the physiological systems of the living
organisms, humans as well. When we take natural or wholefoods, body
gets all the benefits of vital nutrients and it is required for proper
functioning of the whole body. Though dietary fiber doesn't come
under essential nutrient, it is required by the body for overall
functions of physiological system, because it cleanses the digestive
process, and improves digestion, prevents constipation and digestive
disorders. The natural food source for both soluble and insoluble
dietary fiber is lentils, apples, peas, beans, oranges, plums, prunes,
bananas, and psyllium etc.,

For more details please

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