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Monday, March 12, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Wholefoods Nutritional Benefits


Wholefoods Nutritional Benefits:

Natural foods or otherwise called as wholefoods, which are produced by
nature, the essential phytonutrients are found in wholefoods or Natural
foods in acceptable proportions by the Human Body, as the human
digestive system or physiological system of the body is well designed
to digest the wholefoods with ease and to get energy from these foods
for sustenance of life and prevention of health disorders. In general,
Natural foods or wholefoods or raw foods are unrefined and unprocessed,
which are well prepared by nature itself for benefit of the Humans and
for other animal kingdom.

Some of the wholefoods are leafy green vegetables, fruits, legumes,
nuts and seeds, whole grains such as whole wheat, brown rice, sweet
corn, maize, barley, finger millet, spices, herbs and fish etc.,
comprise the most vital nutrients which provide sustenance of life and
prevention of many health disorders naturally. The nutrients which
nourish the human body and play a major role for maintenance and to
keep away health disorders. Sufficient intake of all essential
nutrients present in whole foods (natural sources of Foods) is required
to maintain not only health but also decrease the risk of developing
health related disorders.

Let us discuss wholefoods nutritional benefits; the major essential
nutrients are dietary fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, fats,
antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, water are found in whole foods in the
proportions acceptable to the physiological systems of the living
organisms, humans as well. When we take natural or wholefoods, body
gets all the benefits of vital nutrients and it is required for proper
functioning of the whole body. Though dietary fiber doesn't come
under essential nutrient, it is required by the body for overall
functions of physiological system, because it cleanses the digestive
process, and improves digestion, prevents constipation and digestive
disorders. The natural food source for both soluble and insoluble
dietary fiber is lentils, apples, peas, beans, oranges, plums, prunes,
bananas, and psyllium etc.,

For more details please

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[AlternativeAnswers] Movie: Chico Xavier, Extraordinary Medium from Brazil, 3/23/2012, 7:00 pm

Reminder from:   AlternativeAnswers Yahoo! Group
Title:   Movie: Chico Xavier, Extraordinary Medium from Brazil
Date:   Friday March 23, 2012
Time:   7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Next reminder:   The next reminder for this event will be sent in 9 days, 2 minutes.
Location:   The Caritas Spiritist Center, 5723 Arapahoe Ave., #1A, Boulder, CO
Notes:   Special Movie Presentation

Chico Xavier

Extraordinary Medium from Brazil

a film by Daniel Filho

Friday, March 23, 7 PM


Chico Xavier is a moving portrayal of the extraordinary life of Brazil's most well-loved medium of the 20th century. Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1981 and 1982, Chico channeled over 400 books in his lifetime which were works of spiritual teaching, novels, poetry and philosophy, including some in foreign languages in which he was not fluent. All royalties from his books were donated to charitable causes. Consoling grieving family members with messages from their loved ones in the spirit world, Chico was widely respected as a great medium and healer.

With fine acting and direction, the film depicts Chico's life from a difficult childhood – his mother dies when the boy is 5, though she frequently visits and comforts him after her death – to old age, when he was celebrated internationally for his great service to humanity. Don't miss this stirring film!

Portuguese with English subtitles.

At The Caritas Spiritist Center

5723 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 1A

Boulder, CO 80303

For more information or to purchase tickets:

Call 303-449-3066 * or go to www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org/?p=1605
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Saturday, March 10, 2012

[AlternativeAnswers] Whey Protein Health Benefits


Whey Protein Health Benefits:

During the production of cheese, whey protein is obtained as end
product, which posses high content of essential amino acids chain among
all the natural protein source of foods. Whey proteins are purified form
of amino acids or proteins, considered as vital dietary component. Most
of the people are of the opinion that whey proteins are only for body
builders, but this notion is wrong because proteins occupy significant
place in the diet, for all the people and essential for all metabolic

Proteins play significant role in the body building and termed as body
building blocks as it comprise both vital and non-vital amino acids, and
it is one of the significant nutrient required by every individual, to
be taken daily for maintenance of good health. The important functions
played by proteins in the body are, it repairs cells in the body, and it
rejuvenates or repairs bones and muscles, regulates metabolism and cell
metabolism and provides energy for the body to carry on physical and
physiological activities.

Protein foods are classified into many groups according to presence of
fat content, the presence of amino acids, the rate of absorption and
digestion, taste it posses, and purity of proteins present in the food
products. Whey proteins or otherwise purest form of protein with good
and high quality content of all vital amino acids, and it could be
easily absorbed by the body. Nutritionists and Doctors termed whey
protein as super ingredient and it is recommended for sports nutrition,
infant nutrition, to boost immune system and for weight loss.

Whey protein health benefits include; whey protein derived from cheese,
curd and cow's milk are considered best protein because it is
soluble, doesn't stick to veins and arteries, easily digested and
absorbed, so it is recommended as best source of diet for children and
infants. Healthy diet should include the food products which contain
whey protein that contain low calories and low in fat source.
Requirement of proteins varies as per physical activities, age, weight,
of the people. Whey protein comprises of richest source of naturally
available chain of amino acids namely, valine, leucine, isoleucine.
Concentrated and isolated whey protein supplements are available in the
market. Nutritionists recommend whey protein as per the need of the
people. Isolated whey protein is best for all but concentrate form whey
protein are recommended for sports persons and body builders.

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