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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Stimulating the Flow of Inner Energy


Good Morning!

Stimulating the Flow of Inner Energy

Stimulating the flow of energy in our bodies is an easy and beneficial approach
to circulate blood, energy and fluids through our system. Movement of any kind
is the first step! Stimulating your flow of inner energy will boost your own
inner feelings of well-being. This is great for any practitioner who deals with
patients and clients.

Try this:


1. Find a comfortable seated position, feet placed firmly into the ground, spine
straight, hands clasped and relaxed in your lap, eyes closed.

2. Begin with slow rhythmic breathing inhaling through the nose and exhaling
through the nose. Your goal is to make the exhale breath twice as long as the
inhaling breath. As you concentrate on this breathing, feel your hands and feet
start to warm up and your fingers tingle as your energy flow is stimulated.

3. To strengthen this exercise, visualize this energy flow as a red glow passing
down your arms and legs with each exhale. As the red energy glow passes through
your hands, allow it to radiate up through the center of your body. Red is a
warm, generating color. Always follow the breath through your body, visualize
it's path. Lead it to where you want it to go. 5 -10 minutes of this will allow
your body to be adequately energized!

Mountain Pose (Tadasana) and Variation

1. Stand erect, feet together, eyes closed. Listen to your body as it breathes.
Allow all the tension to relax in the muscles. Let go.

2. Step feet apart, shoulder width. Slowly raise the arms up on both sides with
an inhale to shoulder level. Exhale as you feel the blood rush through the arms,
palms up.

3. Inhale and raise arms up all the way to the top, bring palms together, as you
exhale. Hold this posture for 5 to 10 seconds Breathing through the posture.

4. On your next exhale, lower your arms to a folded position over your head,
grasping your elbows with opposite hands. Relax and breath in this posture,
holding for 5-10 seconds.
5. Slowly inhale, open up and slowly lower the arms back to your sides.
6. Repeat this exercise four more times. You will create a powerful healing
inner energy supply and balanced physical tone.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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[AlternativeAnswers] How Motion Aids Healing


The therapy most often are taught to deal with acute injury uses the
acronym RICE: rest, ice, compression and elevation. While it is
important to take a rest the injured body part, it is equally important
is not too much rest. Rice research must stand for the range of motion,
according to many sports therapists. In fact, the master developer and
principal of the soft tissue release, Stuart TAWS, uses the acronym MICE
(Movement, ice, compression and elevation) for his method of therapy.

anyone who hears the word surgery automatically assumes that bed rest
will be next. This is due to the fact that almost all hospitals to
comply with bed rest after surgery for many years. Due to rest too long,
patients had adhesions large it took a while to heal.Patients
recover more quickly now, and they are encouraged to take advantage of
mobility opportunities after a surgical procedure. In fact, a patient
who has had knee surgery will be put into a device the knee flexes and
extends continuously to keep the formation of adhesions.Adhesions,
resulting in an inhibition of the normal range of motion, can occur if
an area is given too much rest after an injury. The customer can accept a
reduction in the normal range of movement. They often do not notice any
difference at all. This is one reason that people regularly re-injure
an area that was injured before.
To learn how, and how to move an injured area, you need to know how
the body responds to injury and the different stages of the inflammatory
process.The initial stage of inflammation is acute or reactive
stage. Redness and swelling occurs because of vascular changes at this
stage and is likely to extend over a period of three to four day time
period.In this phase, the amplitude of motion decreases due to
swelling and muscle spasms, with or without intent guarding the area to
prevent further injury and pain. To help reduce swelling during this
phase of lymphatic massage is suggested. After the muscle spasm is
reduced, gentle movement may take place. Regeneration
is the second phase of inflammation. This may take several weeks. While
this phase is underway, consisting of fibroblasts, collagen helps to
reconnect the tissues that have been destroyed. The collagen fibers are
formed at random, and may block the move when they cross the muscle
fibers or other tissues. At this point, movement is essential to ensure
that the collagen fibers are aligned with the muscle and fascia for the
movement is facilitated.Remodeling and maturation of the scar is
the last stage of inflammation. During this phase, the patient needs to
move the area regularly to the scar tissue does not restrict future
movement or lead to unsightly scars. Then form scar tissue, deep tissue
massage work should be used to break.Taking these things into account, the movement should be done.Gain
a full understanding of the history of previous injuries and symptoms
being experienced at this time. You should use active movement, opposed
to muscle testing, and passive range of motion assessments to determine
the health of the area. If you suspect that a muscle tear has occurred,
to avoid muscular endurance tests.Once you have all the client's
story, starting with passive motion. Examine carefully and work
limitations in range of motion. The patient should not suffer any pain
during this process.Do not move a joint beyond its normal range
of motion. Look at the other side, not concerned to determine the
patient's normal range of motion.The muscle can be pressed in as
you stretch. This process is known as passive stretching. This process
ensures that the collagen fibers that cross the grain of the muscle is
broken while running parallel to the muscle fibers are not. If pain
free, the person can return to active movement.You can click on
the muscle while the client is actively recovering stretch. The muscle
is stretched, because of reciprocal inhibition will be more relaxed, and
the client will use the antagonist. This process is more effective than
passive stretching.At this point, you should start slowly with
passive movement, and then graduate to the active resistance movements,
remembering to stay within the client's comfort range. The movement is
very effective in accelerating the healing of their clients.
source article: http://healthmad.com/health/how-motion-aids-healing/

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Alternative Answers for Sinusitis


Good Morning!

Alternative Answers for Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis refers to inflammation of the sinuses that
continues for weeks, months, or even years. Allergies are the most
common cause of chronic sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis can persist even
after antibiotics are given. It's the most frequently reported
chronic disease. Chronic sinusitis can also be caused by structural
abnormalities of the nose, such as a deviated septum (the bony
partition separating the two nasal passages), or by small growths
called nasal polyps, both of which can trap mucus in the sinuses.

Acute sinusitis occurs when bacteria invade the sinus cavities and
impair proper drainage of mucus from the sinuses to the nose. Chronic
inflammation of the nasal passages or rhinitis also can lead to
sinusitis. Allergic rhinitis or hay fever is the most common cause of
chronic sinusitis and is a frequent cause of acute sinusitis.

Investigate your sinusitis. It could be food related, environmental,
or reactions due to chemicals . Vasomotor rhinitis is caused by
humidity, cold air, alcohol, perfumes, and other environmental
conditions. Medical science believes the sinuses around your nose act
like small air-quality filter centers. It's their job to warm,
moisten, purify, and generally condition the air you breathe before
going to your lungs.

Entering bacteria gets trapped and filtered out by mucus and minute
nasal hairs called cilia. This air-flow system can sometimes slow
down when something impedes the cilia, if a cold clogs the sinus
openings, or if an allergen swells the sinus linings. Then air gets
trapped, pressure builds, the mucus stagnates, and bacteria breed.
Infection sets in and you have sinusitis. When you get clogged up,
you may end up with a permanent thickening of the sinus membranes and
chronic congestion.

Sinusitis can also be caused by a variety of factors, such as virus,
fungal infections, and medication side-effects. Inhalation of
airborne allergens such as dust, mold, and pollen, often set off
allergic reactions.

Those who are cigarette smokers and people who suffer from upper
respiratory allergies are even more likely to develop bad sinus

There are four pairs of sinuses in the human skull that help
circulate moist air throughout the nasal passages.

The common cold is the most prevalent predisposing factor to
sinusitis. Acute sinusitis typically causes symptoms of nasal
congestion and a thick yellow or green discharge. Other symptoms
include tenderness and pain over the sinuses, frontal headaches, and
sometimes chills, fever, and pressure in the area of the sinuses.

Chronic sinusitis differs slightly, in that symptoms can be milder
and may only include postnasal drip, bad breath, and an irritating
dry cough. Hay fever, environmental triggers unrelated to hay fever,
food allergens, and dental infections can also lead to sinusitis.
Humidity is the key to keeping the cilia working, the mucus flowing,
and the sinuses drained.

Managing Your Sinusitis

Prevention is the key!

Twice a day, stand in a shower hot enough to fog up the mirror. Or
lean over a pan full of steaming water with a towel draped over your
head, creating a steam tent. Inhale the vapors as they waft up toward
your nostrils. Eucalyptus oil is often used in a steam inhalation to
help clear nasal and sinus congestion. Eucalyptus oil works similarly
to that of menthol by acting on receptors in the nasal mucosa,
leading to a reduction in the symptoms of nasal congestion. Just add
4 to 6 drops to a pan of steaming water with a towel draped over your
head and inhale the vapors.

Applying moist heat over the sinuses, is an easy way to wash away
sinus pain. Apply a warm washcloth over your eyes and cheekbones and
leave it there until you feel the pain subside. It may take only a
few minutes.

Flush out nasal secretions. Mix 1 teaspoon of non-iodized salt or sea
salt with 2 cups of warm water and a pinch of baking soda. Pour it
into a shot glass, tilt your head back, close one nostril with your
thumb, and sniff the solution with the open nostril. Then blow your
nose gently. Repeat on the other side.

An Ayurvedic solution, similar to this is done in the same manner
with a Netti Pot. It looks similar to a tea pot, but with a longer,
narrower spout for the nostrils. These can be found in most health
food stores.

To clear excess mucus from the sinus, combine the juice from the
horseradish root with the juice of 3 lemons. Take a 1/2 teaspoon
between meals for several months until the mucus in the sinus clears.

Herbal Remedies

Bromelain Bromelain is a plant-enzyme. Bromelain is not actually a
single substance, but a group of protein-digesting enzymes found in
pineapple juice and in the stem of pineapple plants. It is primarily
produced in Japan, Hawaii, and Taiwan. Local swelling is the
releasing of histimines in a localized area causes the vasodilation
and increased permeability of blood vessels. Bromelain has an anti-
inflammatory effect and is a very effective treatment for sinusitis.
It is recommend taking 200 to 400 milligrams three times a day on an
empty stomach at least ninety minutes before or three hours after
eating. Discontinue use if you develop any itching or rash.

Cayenne Peppers contain Capsaicin, a substance that can stimulate the
nerve fibers and may act as a natural nasal decongestant.

Elderflower, is excellent for catarrh and sinusitis. This herb
reduces symptoms and promotes healing.

Garlic has the same chemical found in a drug given to make mucus less
sticky. This is a wonderful natural antibiotic and detoxifier which
protects the body against infection by enhancing immune function.

Horseradish is an herb used traditionally, as it dissolves mucus. One
half to one teaspoon (3–5 grams) of the freshly grated root can be
eaten three times per day. Horseradish tincture is also available.
One quarter to one half teaspoon (2 to 3 ml) can be taken three times
per day.

Nettle Leaf, 300mg, taken twice per day can lead to effective
results. Stinging Nettle plant (Urtica dioica) relieves hay fever
symptoms quickly in most people, has no toxicity, and is even a
valuable source of iron and trace minerals. Do not take this herb if
you have high blood pressure.

Wood Betony is used in traditional European herbal medicine as an
anti-inflammatory remedy for those with sinusitis.

Aromatherapy Remedies

Aromatherapy can clear sinusitis by combating infection, opening up
nasal passages, reducing congestion and relieving pain. Essential
oils such as Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Lavender, Marjoram,
Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tea Tree and Thyme are all
beneficial for this condition. Cedarwood: is an excellent choice for
treating respiratory problems. As an expectorant, it helps to
dislodge and expel mucus, decreases congestion. As an antiseptic, it
fights infection.

Eucalyptus: fights bacterial and vrial infections. This oil
stimulated regeneration of lung tissue. It increases blood oxygen
supplies allowing more oxygen as well as nutrients to be delivered to
the cells throughout the body.

Ginger: stimulates the immune system. It warms the chill from winter
and dampness, cools the body by inducing sweating, reduces the
drainage of a runny nose and helps with respiratory infection.

Lavender: clears congestion, stuffiness and soothes respiratory and
throat disorders and boosts the immunity.

Marjoram: eases respiratory disorders such as asthma, bronchitis,
colds and flu and sinusitis.

Peppermint: clears sinuses and improves breathing.

Pine: fights respiratory infections and encourages the release of
mucus. This oil relieves congestion and makes breathing easier.

Rosemary: helps relieve respiratory disorders, fights infection,
expels phlegm and assists in lymph drainage.

Tea Tree: a cousin to eucalyptus, this oil relieve respiratory
disorders, fights bacteria, viruses and fungi and has a reputation of
improving immunity.

Thyme: improves immunity by boosting the production of white blood
cells. This oil is great for respiratory disorders.


Steam treatments and hot baths have a cleansing effect on allergies.
Instructions for a warm bath: Fill your bathtub with water slightly
warmer than body temperature, around 97° to 101°F (You can check the
temperature of the water with a regular thermometer.) As the tub
fills with water add 2 spoons of Angel's Mist Deep Soak Sea Salts to
the bath water for a soothing, skin cleansing soak. Submerging as
much of your body as possible, stay in the bath for at least 20
minutes, adding water as needed to maintain the temperature of the

Steam Inhalation First, boiling water. Remove the pot from the stove.
Add a few drops of lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree oil or the other
oils listed above to the water and then with a towel, make a tent
over your head and inhale the steam for 10-15 minutes. Add just a few
drops of one - three oils only.

Consider cleansing the nasal passages with a Neti Pot. This Ayurvedic
solution has been used for centuries to keep the nasal passages clear
of mucus and congestion.

Nutritional Advise

Water should be a very important part of any nutritional program. 6-8
8 ounces per day. Water allows for the cleansing, thinning and free
flow of mucus in the system.

Some studies indicate that people with sinusitis have environmental
allergies. Although food allergies may also contribute to the
problem, some researchers believe food allergies only rarely cause
sinusitis. If other treatment approaches are unsuccessful, people
with sinusitis may choose to work with a nutritionist in order to
evaluate what, if any, effect elimination of food and other allergens
might have on reducing their symptoms.

Supplementation with 250 mg of Pantothenic Acid two times a day helps
most patients suffering from allergic rhinitis, a significant
predisposing factor for sinusitis. However, research has yet to
investigate the effects of Pantothenic Acid supplementation with
people who have sinusitis.

Histamine is associated with increased nasal and sinus congestion.
Vitamin C (2,000 mg three times per day) reduced histamine levels in
people with either high histamine levels or low blood levels of
Vitamin C.

Bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple, has been reported to
relieve symptoms of acute sinusitis.

Eliminate milk and all milk products from the diet, including
prepared foods that list milk as an ingredient. An overwhelming
majority of patients report dramatic improvement in sinus conditions
after two months of this dietary change.

Do not smoke. Do not spend time around smokers or in smoky

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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