Check out The Bob Charles Show guests on the Pyramidonenetwork for Friday & Sunday & Monday.
April 24th Friday 7-8 pm EST – Rev. Marilee Ann Snyder-Nieciak:
Transformational Author, Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki healing, Restoration healing, Akashic Records Consultant, Crystal Skull guardian, Spiritual Counseling, Speaker and Trainer Incorporating Young Living Essential Oils. After her Near Death Experience in 1972, Marilee studied ancient healing techniques. Rev. Marilee is a Healer whose mission is to Empower You to Empower Yourself. Her Restoration Healing is a System for Healing our ancestral wounds and cellular memory received from our parents and Ancestors. In 2002 she was awarded a Sacred Pipe and given her own Method of teaching the Akashic Records in alignment with each individual's vibration and frequency. In keeping in this tradition Marilee has been guided to learn, share the Wisdom, the Knowledge, Light and Love of Crystals and the Original 13 Crystal Skulls. She has two skulls, "Rose" and "Cydonia". They support her energetically and spiritually with messages and guidance. Her Skulls are friends and part of her family. Marilees's book "Ancient Wisdom for NOW: Crystals and The 13 Crystal Skulls", about The Original 13 Crystal Skulls are electropiezo quartz crystal and called the Singing Skulls. The Skulls are living Intelligent Beings with vast Libraries of Knowledge & Wisdom. websites: & - Essentail Oils you tube: -
April 26th Sunday 3-4 pm EST - Khartika Goe: Ms. Goe pursued her research of the metaphysical dimensions. She travelled extensively throughout the world and has been successful in capturing other dimensional beings and planes of existence on film. After assisting metaphysical researchers, she went public with her own accounts in her groundbreaking article, "Adventures in Alternative Realities," published in 16 languages. She has been contacted by documentary filmmakers hoping to use her accounts for future projects. Ms. Goe has evolved from a rigorous academic background into writing and lecturing on the unknown and the mysteries of the universe. Author of book "The Multidimensional Traveler: Finding Togetherness", an inspiring journey that awakens us to worlds beyond physical limitations. It provides adventures through time, space, and the universes. Freed of limitation, we are initiated into the lost knowledge of multidimensional travel. Her current work focuses on assisting children with physical and developmental disorders in the development of their energetic abilities. She is also researching how different brain frequencies serve as a portal to other dimensions. website:
Monday 7-8 pm est: The Lori Spagna Show "Transformational Experiences for Humans and Animals". (Human and Animal Communicator and Psychic/Medium) A Lightworker and Visionary who speaks on Animals and Ascension. The awakening of Planet Earth from the animal's perspective, and the future of animal medicine. A holistic health and energy healer, animal communication and canine behavioral trainer, akashic records practitioner, psychic intuitive, empowerment coach. She transformed her life after a series of near death experiences while living in Maui. She has over 20 years of experience serving humans and animals around the world and a internationally recognized expert, speaker and author. She provides seminars, healing circles and workshops on how we can improve our lives by learning from animals. Lori is founder of efil's god Spirit, efil's god and efil's god Dog Training, which focus on a spiritual, holistic approach to communication and healing for the mind, body and spirit. Call in to the show with your question for animal or human. Call in tel. # 1-843-300-1399 - website:
Lori's Blog:
Guest show schedule list links below:!schedule1/cv2p
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