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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How to Make Cultured Veggies at Home to Boost Your Immune System

Your digestive tract is probably the most underappreciated system of your body, often ignored until its screams of discontent become loud enough to grab your attention.

By the time your gut reaches this degree of disgruntlement, the problems have usually been developing for months — or years — and are challenging to resolve.

Instead of waiting for obvious signs of a problem, why not perform some regular “gut maintenance” that will lessen your chances of developing a problem in the first place?

Your gut is much more than a food processing tube — it houses about 85 percent of your immune system. This is in large part due to the 100 trillion bacteria that live there, both good and bad that can stimulate secretory IgA to nourish your immune response.

When your GI tract is not working well, a wide range of health problems can appear, including allergies and autoimmune diseases. If you suffer from any major illness, you simply will NOT be able to fully recuperate without healing and sealing your gut. Balancing the menagerie of microorganisms that occupy your GI tract is a key part of maintaining your immune health, which will be the focus of this article.

Your stomach is where digestion really gets rolling, with the introduction of more enzymes and a whole lot of acid. Fortunately, your stomach is uniquely designed for this process, as it is SO acidic. Its lining must actually regenerate at a feverish pace — just to keep up with the continuous digestion of itself! You require a brand new stomach lining every few days.
Your Stomach Actually Protects You from Infections

A recent article in Scientific American1 explores an alternate explanation about how your stomach works. The “sieve hypothesis” suggests your stomach may operate as a sieve or filter, preventing some of the more harmful microbes from passing through to your small intestine. Evidence for this is not new. It comes from a 1948 study by Dr. Orla-Jensen, a retired professor from the Royal Danish Technical College — a study that has essentially been “lost” in the literature for more than 60 years.

The professor argued that your stomach uses acid to kill pathogenic disease-causing bacteria, fungi, viruses, worms and protozoa, while allowing the more beneficial microbes (which are acid-tolerant) to pass through. If your stomach is unsuccessful at killing these pathogens, then they can dominate your intestines, damaging and eroding your intestinal walls and causing illness.

Your stomach generally becomes less acidic as you age, particularly after age 70. In his study, Orla-Jensen compared the gut bacteria of young people with that of healthy seniors, as well as with seniors suffering from dementia. He found that as people age, they have a greater proportion of pathogenic microbes to beneficial microbes in their intestinal tracts. This was particularly pronounced in seniors with dementia... which begs the question about whether dementia could actually be caused by an “intestinal infection.”

A study done at UC Davis found that E. coli and salmonella bacteria in mice produce fiber-like structures very similar to the inflammatory brain plaques seen in people with Alzheimer’s disease2. Your brain is shaped by bacteria in your digestive tract. Bacteria in your gut actually control how your brain cells express specific genes.3 Other studies report that disturbed gut flora in seniors contributes to accelerated aging, frailty and premature death.

More research is needed in order to understand the exact relationship between dysbiosis and dementia. But at the very least, these studies underscore the importance of maintaining high levels of beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract. In fact, this bacterial community may be in charge of your entire metabolism.
Unhappy Gut Bacteria May Make You Fat

Inflammation from bacterial endotoxins may be a factor helping to drive the obesity epidemic.4 Junk food causes nasty microbes to bloom and friendly bugs to decline, just as sugar and refined carbohydrates feed the bacteria in your mouth that are responsible for tooth decay. Sugar and processed foods make your “friendly” microbe community unfriendly — even downright hostile. Humans today have lost the microbial diversity that once kept us healthy.

When dysbiosis occurs, bacteria release noxious byproducts called endotoxins. Endotoxins increase the permeability of your gut wall (“leaky gut syndrome”) and make their way into your bloodstream, triggering system wide inflammation. It’s been shown that the hypothalamus, which houses the appetite control center of your brain, is often inflamed and damaged in obese individuals. When inflammation affects your brain, and especially your hypothalamus, your entire metabolism changes.

So, here’s how it goes...

When you consume junk foods, certain bacteria flourish and produce endotoxins, which your immune system detects and, interpreting these endotoxins as an attack, responds with inflammation. Your body changes its metabolism to redirect energy for “battle.” The result is overproduction of insulin, increased fat storage, dampening of your appetite control signals, and eventually obesity. The best way to reverse this inflammation and restore a healthy metabolism is by eliminating excess sugar and processed food, and adding more friendly, beneficial bacteria from naturally fermented foods.
Cultured Vegetables Are the Ultimate Superfood

One of the leading experts in the optimization of intestinal flora is Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, who developed the GAPS nutritional protocol (Gut and Psychology Syndrome/Gut and Physiology Syndrome). For decades, Dr. McBride has successfully treated adults and children with severe illnesses, including autism, epilepsy, mood disorders, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease and many more, with her GAPS protocol.

A key component of the GAPS program is the daily consumption of fermented foods. Fermented foods are potent chelators (detoxifiers) and contain much higher levels of probiotics than probiotic supplements, making them ideal for optimizing your gut flora. In addition to helping break down and eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from your body, beneficial gut bacteria perform a number of surprising functions, including:
Mineral absorption, and producing nutrients such as B vitamins and vitamin K2 (vitamin K2 and vitamin D are necessary for integrating calcium into your bones and keeping it out of your arteries, thereby reducing your risk for coronary artery disease and stroke5)
Preventing obesity and diabetes, and regulating dietary fat absorption
Lowering your risk for cancer
Improving your mood and mental health
Preventing acne
Introducing Cultured Vegetables into Your Diet — The Right Way
Now that you understand the importance of optimizing your GI flora, let’s take a look at just how easy it is to accomplish this task by making fermented vegetables at home, in your own kitchen. If you aren’t accustomed to these foods, you may have to work them into your diet gradually. Many folks really enjoy the taste of fermented vegetables, which really have a pleasantly salty-tart flavor.

According to nutritional consultant Caroline Barringer, just one quarter to one half cup of fermented veggies, eaten with one to three meals per day, can have a dramatically beneficial impact on your health.

If you’ve never eaten fermented foods, too large a portion may provoke a healing crisis, which occurs when the probiotics kill off pathogens in your gut. When these pathogens die, they release potent toxins. If you are new to fermented foods, you should introduce them gradually, beginning with as little as one teaspoon of sauerkraut with a meal. Observe your reactions for a couple of days before proceeding with another small portion, and increase your dose gradually, as tolerated.

Realize that many food preferences develop very early in life, so the sooner you can introduce fermented vegetables to your child, the better. Traces of the flavors of the foods mothers eat are perceptible in their breast milk and amniotic fluid. Babies whose mothers eat things like garlic or broccoli while pregnant tend to be more likely to enjoy these foods later in life.
Making Cultured Veggies at Home: Equipment Checklist

Culturing your own vegetables is not difficult, but as with anything, having the right tools makes the job much easier and more fun. I have spent the last six months streamlining the process and refining my basic recipe. One of the key ingredients though is the starter culture. We are in the middle of a very extensive testing process to provide a culture that will give you large amounts of vitamin K2 in your fermented vegetables. We hope to have that available later this year if all goes well. In the meantime, you can use the following kitchen tools to make your own fermented vegetables:
Food Processor: You’ll be cutting up large quantities of raw vegetables, which is very labor intensive without a food processor. Make sure yours has a shredding disc, as a typical S-blade will result in too fine a chop, which makes for a pulpier, mushier end product.
Juicer: My own experimentation has resulted in selecting celery juice as the basic brine for my cultured veggies, making a juicer necessary.
Good Knives: Make sure you have a set of good quality, sharp knives for prepping your vegetables.
Cutting Board: A large, sturdy cutting board is a must.
Very Large Bowl: This bowl should be large enough to hold the entire batch of shredded veggies, so a large capacity stainless bowl is a necessity.
Canning Jars: Basic wide-mouthed 32-ounce Mason jars are all that is necessary for both fermenting and storing the vegetables. These are inexpensive and easy to find at your local hardware store, grocery, or online. Make sure they are wide-mouthed, as you’ll need to get your hand or a tool down into the jar for tightly packing the veggies.
Krautpounder: This solid wood tool that looks like a small baseball bat is very handy for tightly packing the shredded veggies into your jars and eliminating air pockets.
Making Cultured Veggies at Home in Six Easy Steps

The following are the basic steps to making wonderful cultured vegetables at home. For additional information, refer to our previous article on this topic.
Vegetable and Herb Selection: The first step is gathering up your veggies. Make sure they are all organic. Cabbage (red or green) should be the “backbone” of your blend, comprising about 80 percent (I use green). Choose dense, tightly packed heads. Five or six medium-sized cabbages will yield 10 to 14 quart jars of fermented vegetables. Remember to reserve some cabbage leaves for the jar tops (see Step 3).

Add in hard root vegetables of your liking, such as carrots, golden beets, radishes and turnips. Peel your veggies as the skins can impart a bitter flavor. I also enjoy adding red bell pepper, Granny Smith apples, and even a hot pepper, like a habanero (make sure you wear gloves!). One pepper for the entire batch is plenty.

Aromatics can be added in small quantities — a little goes a long way, as fermenting concentrates the pungent flavors. Tasty additions include peeled garlic, peeled ginger, and herbs such as basil, sage, rosemary, thyme, or oregano. Onions tend to overpower the mix, no matter how little are used, so I avoid them.

Finally, you can add sea vegetables or seaweed to increase the mineral, vitamin, and fiber content. You can add pieces of whole dulse, or use flakes. Wakame and sea palm do not have any kind of fishy flavor but need to be presoaked and diced into the desired size. Arame and hijaki DO have a fishy flavor.
Culture and Brine: For your brine, I recommend using a starter culture dissolved in celery juice. One quart of celery juice is adequate for 10 to 14 quarts of fermented veggies. While you can do wild fermentation (allowing whatever is naturally on the vegetable to take hold), this method is more time consuming, and the end product is less certain. Inoculating the food with a starter culture speeds up the fermentation process. I currently recommend using two of our Complete Probiotics as the starter culture until we get our refined version which will make more vitamin K2.
High Vitamin K2 Starter Culture As I said above, we are in the middle of a very extensive testing process to provide a culture that will give you large amounts of vitamin K2 in your fermented vegetables and we hope to have that available later this year if all goes well. In the meantime i recommend using two of our Complete Probiotic Capsules for every quart of fermented vegetables as that is very close to what our final culture will be.
Packing the Jars: Once you have your shredded veggies and brine mixture combined in your large bowl, tightly pack the mixture into each Mason jar, and compress using a masher to remove any air pockets. Top with a cabbage leaf, tucking it down the sides. Make sure the veggies are completely covered with brine and that the brine is all the way to the top of the jar, to eliminate trapped air. Put the lids on the jars loosely, as they will expand due to the gases produced in fermentation.
Fermentation: Allow the jars to sit in a relatively warm place for several days, ideally around 72 degrees Fahrenheit. During the summer, veggies are typically done in three or four days. In the winter, they may need seven days. The only way to tell when they’re done is to open up a jar and have a taste. Once you're happy with the flavor and consistency, move the jars into your refrigerator.
Storage: Refrigerating your vegetables drastically slows down the fermentation. They will keep for many months this way, continuing to mature very slowly over time.
Enjoy! Always use a clean spoon to take out what you’re eating. Never eat out of the jar, as you will contaminate the entire batch with bacteria from your mouth. Make sure the remaining veggies are covered with the brine solution before replacing the lid.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

About Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is passing loose or watery faeces more than three times a day, or more frequently than is normal for that particular person. It affects almost everyone from time to time and is usually nothing to worry about.

A common cause of diarrhoea in both children and adults is gastroenteritis, which is an infection of the bowel.

Bouts of diarrhoea in adults may also be brought on by anxiety or drinking too much coffee or alcohol. Diarrhoea may also be a side effect of a medicine.

In adults, diarrhoea caused by gastroenteritis will usually clear up in two to four days when the infection has cleared. If it lasts for more than a few weeks it may be a sign of a more serious condition and should be investigated by your doctor, especially if there is blood or pus in your faeces.

Diarrhoea in children usually passes within five to seven days, and will often clear within two weeks. Seek medical advice if your child has diarrhoea for longer than this.

If a baby or child has had six or more episodes of diarrhoea in the last 24 hours, then see your doctor. It can be serious in babies because of the risk of dehydration.

Facts & figures

While statistics are not kept on how many people have diarrhoea in Australia, it is a serious problem in poorer countries around the world. Some key facts to keep in mind are:
There are about 2 billion cases of diarrhoeal disease every year.
Diarrhoeal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years of age and kills about 1.5 million children every year.
Diarrhoeal disease mainly affects children younger than two years of age and is a leading cause of malnutrition in children under five years of age.

More Calcium Tips

Foods high in calcium and vitamin D are essential for children who are growing. These nutrients give them the essential vitamins and minerals to grow healthy strong bones and teeth. Both of these nutrients work together.
My Plate reminds us that a healthy plate has a serving of a dairy food at each meal.

Here is a list of helpful tips that
give you ideas on how to get your child to eat more high calcium and vitamin D foods like milk
easy recipe and meal tips for adding more dairy foods to your child's meal
tips on how to encourage your child to choose low fat or nonfat dairy foods

List of Tips To Help Kids Eat Foods Like Dairy Products That Are High In Calcium and Vitamin D

Add low-fat or fat-free milk instead of water when cooking oatmeal and hot cereal.
Dip fruits and vegetables into yogurt.
A five year old needs about 2 cups of non-fat or 1% milk each day.
Make a smoothie with fruit, ice, and low-fat or fat-free milk.
If your child can’t drink non-fat or 1% milk, try soymilk with calcium.
Make a salad with dark green, leafy vegetables. It is another source of calcium.
Look for cereals fortified in calcium
Wean your child off of whole milk to 2% and then to 1% or fat free.
Add low-fat or fat-free milk instead of water to tomato soup.
Have pizza or macaroni and cheese
Have a glass of low-fat or fat-free milk instead of soda.
Have a low-fat or fat-free frozen yogurt.
Serve broccoli or cooked, dry beans as a side dish for added calcium.
Have some low-fat or fat-free string cheese.
Toss tofu with added calcium into stir fry and other dishes
Top salads, soups, and stews with low-fat shredded cheese
4 to 8 year olds need 800mg and 9 to 18 year olds need 1300mg each day of calcium.
Make cocoa for a cozy drink for the kids with low fat or nonfat milk.
Kids' need Vitamin D to keep bones strong and fight disease.
Try some pudding made with low-fat or fat-free milk.
Try flavored low-fat or fat-free milk such as chocolate or strawberry
Add low-fat or fat-free cheese to a sandwich.
Drink a glass of orange juice with added calcium.
Pour low-fat or fat-free milk over your breakfast cereal.
Have a cup of low-fat or fat-free yogurt

How Angelina Jolie was duped by cancer doctors into self mutilation for breast cancer she never had

In a New York Times op-ed explaining her decision to have both of her breasts surgically removed even though she doesn't have breast cancer, Angelina Jolie cited risk numbers as key to her decision. She said that doctors told her she had an "87% risk of breast cancer." Her solution? Undergo three months of surgical procedures and have her breasts cut out.

Problem solved, right? With her breasts removed, she says her risk of breast cancer is now reduced to a mere 5 percent. The same bizarre logic can also be applied to men who cut off their testicles to "prevent testicular cancer" or people who cut out their colons to "prevent colorectal cancer." But that would be insane, so nobody does that, because one of the most basic principles of medicine is that you don't subject patients to the considerable risks and costs of surgery and anesthesia to remove organs that have no disease!

But the really sad part about all this is that Angelina Jolie was lied to. She didn't have an 87% risk of breast cancer in the first place. All the women reading her NYT op-ed piece are also being lied to. Here's why...

How cancer doctors lie with statistics and use fear to scare women into high-profit procedures
The very idea that breast cancer is a "percent risk" is a complete lie. In reality, everyone has cancer micro-tumors in their bodies, including myself. Cancer is not a disease you just "get" like being randomly struck by lightning. It's something you must "manage" or "prevent" day by day, meal by meal, through a lifestyle choice that involves vitamin D supplementation, nutrition, superfoods, vegetable juices and avoidance of cancer-causing chemicals and radiation.

So when a doctor says you have a "chance" of getting cancer, what he's implying is that you have no control over cancer, and that's an outright lie. Cancer quackery, in other words.

Even Jolie with her BRCA1 gene that's linked to breast cancer can quite easily follow a dietary and lifestyle plan that suppresses BRCA1 gene expression. It's not rocket science. It's not even difficult. It can be done with simple foods that cost a few dollars a day. Those foods include raw citrus, resveratrol (red grapes or red wine), raw cruciferous vegetables, omega-3 oils and much more. Those same foods also help prevent heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and other chronic diseases.

Indole-3-carbinol (I3C), by the way, a natural chemical found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage, offers powerful prevention against BRCA1 gene expression. But you don't hear cancer doctors telling women to "eat more cabbage" because that doesn't make the cancer industry any money. You can buy I3C as a potent nutritional supplement from a variety of sources. It's literally cancer prevention in a capsule.

So the whole "chance" argument is pure quackery. There is no chance involved in whether you get cancer. It's all cause and effect. You are either living a pro-cancer lifestyle and therefore growing cancer, or you're living an anti-cancer lifestyle and keeping cancer in check so that it never becomes a problem. Cause and effect is what results in either the growth of cancer tumors or the prevention of cancer tumors. There is no "luck" involved.

It's fascinating, isn't it, that medical doctors don't believe in luck or voodoo on any topic other than cancer. But when it comes to cancer, they want all women to be suckered into the victim mentality that cancer is purely a matter of "luck" and therefore women have no control over their own health outcomes. How dis-empowering! How sick! How incredibly exploitive of women!

If you really want to be informed about breast cancer and the corrupt, dishonest cancer industry, read my related article 10 Facts about the Breast Cancer Industry You're Not Supposed to Know. Or listen to our upcoming FREE Cancer Solutions Summit broadcasting this coming Monday, May 20th.

Why doesn't the cancer industry empower women with a sense of control over their own health?
I find it astonishing that the cancer industry doesn't believe in cause and effect. They would rather scare women with "risk" statistics that imply people have no control over cancer. Empowering women with a sense of control over their own health is the last thing the cancer industry wants to do, because that would cause them to lose customers and lose money.

It's far more profitable to scare all women into a state of such irrational panic that they agree to the most insane things imaginable such as chopping off both their healthy breasts even though they have no cancer. Such women are then convinced they've literally saved their own lives by agreeing to be mutilated by cancer surgeons.

"My chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to under 5 percent," says Jolie. "I can tell my children that they don't need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer."

Will she also tell her children they should mutilate themselves, too, as a form of medical disease prevention? And what happens if she learns she has a risk of brain cancer? Does she chop off her head and call it a cure?

The scam of making women believe there is only ONE way to reduce your "risk" of breast cancer
The other enormous scam in all this is the idea that there's only one way to reduce your "risk" of breast cancer. Even if you believe the fictitious number of "87% risk," why does everyone automatically assume there is one and only one way to lower that risk?

"For any woman reading this, I hope it helps you to know you have options," writes Jolie in the NYT. Yet she utterly fails to offer women any options other than the one she took: check in to a cancer center and let them play "cut-poison-burn" on your body. Jolie's op-ed piece, which reads as if it were written by the public relations department of the Pink Lotus Breast Center, offers nothing in the way of nutrition advice, lifestyle choices, holistic therapies, wellness, alternative medicine... nothing! What an incredible disservice to all the women of America...

In the world of health, nutrition and cancer, there are thousands of ways to prevent cancer and suppress the expression of BRCA1 genes. But Jolie and the cancer industry seem to imply no options exist other than chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery. Three options only. Nothing else exists in their world, not nutritional prevention, not vitamin D therapy, not vitamin C potentiated micro-chemotherapy, not ozone therapy, sauna treatments, acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, stress reduction or anything else. You are supposed to believe that none of these things exist!

And why? Because the cancer industry wants to funnel women like cattle into their slash-poison-burn system of quack treatments. And Angelina Jolie is their new cheerleader. Scarred and no doubt experiencing the chest and armpit numbness that almost always accompanies mastectomy surgery, she now seeks to "inspire" other women to exercise their own sick "choice" and have their breasts removed, too!

It is the sickest invocation of women's power that I've ever witnessed. This is not empowering women, it's marching them into self-mutilation. And the "risk" is a complete fraud. In truth, Angelina Jolie had a higher risk of dying on the operating table than dying from breast cancer if she simply followed an anti-cancer lifestyle.

Don't be tricked into self-mutilation by cancer industry quacks
In summary:

• The claim that you have a "percent risk" of breast cancer is a big lie which implies you have no control over cancer.

• BRCA1 genes can be kept quiet (suppressed) through proper foods and lifestyle choices. A gene is not a death sentence.

• The implication that there is only ONE way to reduce breast cancer risk is a complete lie. There are thousands of options and strategies for preventing cancer. Never be cornered into surgery by a group of surgeons pushing irrational fear.

• Cancer micro-tumors exist in everyone. Cancer must be "managed" in everyone to keep it in check and avoid the growth of tumors.

• The cancer industry tricks women using unethical fear tactics to scare women with false statistics into high-profit cancer procedures that only cause them harm.

• The claim that cutting off healthy breasts somehow "empowers" women is sick and demented. Women are far more empowered by honest information on nutrition and healthy living that allows them to keep their bodies intact rather than being sliced up by dishonest cancer surgeons.

Listen to our FREE cancer solutions seminar on May 20th, as we launch our New Cancer Solutions Healing Summit featuring incredibly valuable lectures by holistic / alternative cancer doctors who know what they're talking about. It's FREE and all women need to be empowered by this truthful information.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040349_Angelina_Jolie_breast_cancer_surgery.html#ixzz2V7pwku9R

Monday, June 3, 2013

Teeth Brushing Risks Most People Don't Know About

Brushing your teeth is important, but most people don't realize is there

is something just as critical when it comes to having clean, healthy teeth.

Find out the "other key" most people completely dismiss -

and the healthy alternative everyone should know about...

Doesn't it make sense to take control of keeping your teeth clean and breath fresh with the same focus you put on other aspects of your body?.

It doesn’t take much thought to realize how everything you consume, healthy or otherwise, must pass through your mouth to get absorbed by your body.

So, it should not be a total surprise that using a toothbrush twice a day is important to reduce tooth decay…

The bottom line… using a toothbrush regularly is one way to help reduce plaque and tooth decay.

And I’ll help you discover what I believe is the total dental solution.

Let’s take a closer look at some crucial wakeup messages your teeth could be ‘telling’ you…

Toothbrush and Dental Floss:
Signals Your Teeth Could Be Warning You About

Your teeth have plenty to ‘say’. The problem is many folks just don’t ‘listen’.

In My Opinion, It All Starts with What You Eat

Your diet can make or break the cleanliness of your teeth and mouth…

If you’ve been a visitor to my site or a subscriber to my Newsletter, you know how I constantly stress the importance of eating a wholesome diet of unprocessed, low-sugar, and primarily organic foods.

Well, when you think about it… all food comes into contact with your teeth before it moves on to be absorbed into your system. So, eating a healthy diet is key to a clean mouth… it all starts there.

And when it comes to oral care, there’s a virtual war going on.

A clean mouth and teeth start with your diet.

In fact, there’s plenty of evidence showing fluoride to be highly toxic. Ever wonder why fluoride-containing products carry warning labels like…“Do not swallow”?

Despite what you’ve been led to believe by conventional health and dental agencies, fluoride is NOT an essential nutrient and in my opinion, it does NOT prevent tooth decay.

Here is a recent finding showing more evidence exposing the fluoride myth…
From Langmuir (Dec 2010) – A study conducted at Saarland University (Saarbrucken, Germany) examined the effects of fluoride on a synthetic counterpart of tooth enamel and challenged the effectiveness of fluoridation on your tooth enamel when potential protective fluoride layers created on your teeth are so thin and narrow.

Plus, there are plenty of studies showing the dangers of ingesting fluoride, both from dental products and fluoridated water, including potential…
Increased lead absorption
Hyperactivity and/or lethargy
Brain damage and lower IQ
Lowered thyroid function
Genetic damage and cell death
Immune system disruption
Bone fractures and arthritis
Bone cancer (osteosarcoma)
Increased tumor and cancer rates
Fertility abnormalities

With all this said, I realize it’s not easy to find fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash. But that’s what I’m here for… I’m ready to help you find the best solution possible to help clean your teeth and freshen your breath.

But before we jump into the solution I recommend, let’s take a closer look at one of the most important functions in oral hygiene… brushing your teeth.

My Checklist for the Ultimate Oral Care Dental Kit
With all the misconceptions out there about what makes up a good dental kit to help keep your mouth and your teeth clean, I had my team put together a checklist to help you weed through all the misinformation and find what I believe works best.

Here’s what I believe are the key elements of a good oral care kit…

Fluoride-free Toothpaste – Fluoride-free toothpaste is hard to come by.
Fluoride and Alcohol-free Mouthwash – In my opinion, one of the biggest risks with most conventional mouthwashes is the fact that they are loaded up with alcohol. You already know some of the inherent risks with fluoride… alcohol is another culprit lurking in many mouthwashes that I believe you need to avoid.
Natural Breath Spray – Though not a total necessity for oral care, having the convenience of a natural breath spray (free from alcohol) while on the go is a major plus to keeping your breath fresh and your mouth feeling clean.
Fluoride-free Dental Floss – Many floss packages come with a fluoride coating. In my opinion, you should avoid this like the plague and instead look for floss with natural essential oils for optimal cleaning between your teeth. I also recommend floss waxed with 100% vegetable waxes (as opposed to beeswax) to help it glide more easily between your teeth.
BPA-free Toothbrush – It’s vitally important to find a toothbrush with soft nylon bristles and is BPA-free. Why BPA-free? BPA is a plasticizer and while the FDA has not recognized a health risk, issues have been raised as to potential ill-effects to your health if absorbed into your body.

So, this is my basic checklist for a dental care kit… not an easy task to find many of these components. But that’s exactly what I’ll help you do. My team has come up with a phenomenal dental kit that meets or exceeds my challenging checklist.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the extraordinary Mercola Natural Dental Kit and discover why it’s something I strongly recommend to give your mouth a boost.

But please remember, without a wholesome diet of unprocessed, low-sugar, organic foods, I believe that your mouth and teeth won’t be as clean as they can be.

12 Superstar Ingredients for a Natural and Effective Toothpaste

One thing I’ve quickly learned when searching for high-quality solutions, is there may not always be something available that meets my demanding criteria.

And such was the case with toothpaste. I was determined to go beyond even my own checklist on this one, to bring you the best of the best natural toothpastes. So, what did I do?

My first step was to find a manufacturer willing to work with my staff and I in creating a unique toothpaste formula… an all-natural formula I could feel good about recommending to you.

The end result was I found a manufacturer willing to work with us to create this amazing toothpaste. Here are the natural teeth-cleansing ingredients of the Mercola Natural Toothpaste you can only find on my site…
Calcium carbonate – Mild abrasive for cleaning your teeth.
Xylitol – Enhances flavor. More details on this amazing ingredient coming up.
Organic Aloe Vera Juice – Helps to cleanse the teeth and gums while soothing your entire mouth.
Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) – Promotes whitening and helps freshen your breath.
Essential Oil Blend – Made from natural peppermint, eucalyptus, cardamom, and anise for breath freshening.
Natural Sodium Lauroyl Lactylate (SLL) – Multi-purpose ingredient produced from coconut oil and food-grade all-natural lactic acid. It creates foaming action. This is not the same as risky SLS (more on this coming up).
Organic Tapioca Starch – Used traditionally in the West Indies as a basis for oral vitality.
Carageenan – Natural red seaweed extract used to help thicken the toothpaste.
Stevia Leaf Extract – A sugar free sweetener that actually helps clean teeth.
Licorice Root Extract – Helps to freshen your breath.
Tea Tree Oil –Promotes clean teeth.
Tulsi Oil – Holy Basil prevents occasional bad breath and cleans your teeth.

So, not only is Mercola Natural Toothpaste fluoride-free, it’s also loaded with natural ingredients to promote brilliant white teeth and fresh breath.

Prior to going into the other components of the Mercola Natural Dental Kit, some of the toothpaste ingredients (listed above) merit a little more detail.

First of all here’s…
Why Tulsi is a Key Ingredient in Natural Toothpaste
If you’re a regular visitor to my site, you’re aware of the powerful benefits associated with Tulsi.

So, why did I include Tulsi in the Mercola Natural Toothpaste formula?

Because Tulsi oil potentially helps prevent occasional bad breath… just another plus when it comes to this amazing toothpaste.
Why I Chose Xylitol
One critical ingredient found in both the Mercola Natural Toothpaste and the Mercola Natural Mouthwash formulas is xylitol.

Xylitol adds to the flavor of the toothpaste and mouthwash.

Xylitol is not toxic… unlike fluoride.

Plus, because xylitol is a low glycemic sweetener, it is slowly absorbed and is metabolized independently of insulin. Therefore, xylitol may be suitable for diabetics as well as the general population. If you’re diabetic, always check with your health care professional prior to using any sweetener.

Including xylitol in both my natural toothpaste and mouthwash was a decision that should help enhance the cleanliness of most everyone’s teeth and mouth. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Dispelling SLL Misconceptions
Another ingredient that may raise some eyebrows because of its assumed closeness to a harsh chemical and irritant called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), is sodium lauroyl lactylate (SLL).

Many people might confuse the two surfactants as being one and the same. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

Here’s a handy chart that should clear up some of this misconceptions, and further shows why SLL is a highly beneficial natural ingredient in Mercola Natural Toothpaste…

The lemon detox diet - a recipe that really works

Ever since Beyonce Knowles was associated with the Lemon Detox diet, there has been a surge of interest in this particular program. Also known as the Master Cleanse, this detox diet has been around for almost 50 years and has seen variations on its recipe and program. It's effectivity in breaking down built up toxins in the body while contributing to short term weight loss has made it a popular option for a spring detox.

Reviewing the Master Cleanse
The Lemonade Detox diet first became effective, strangely, when its creator, Stanley Burroughs, recommended it for the healing of stomach ulcers. In his book "The Master Cleanser", he goes on to share how he first came to test the Master Cleanse diet on a patient who was suffering from ulcer for three years. Left with no other recourse, the patient approached Stanley who recommended that he undertake the cleanse. After eleven days, the patient was totally healed to the amazement of the doctors. Many other cases followed with same consistent and astounding results corrected within ten days. Of particular note also was that those undergoing the Master Cleanse also experienced a reduction in weight.

If there have been doubts as to the veracity of Stanley Burrough's claim of the Lemon Detox diet's effectivity, there have been testimonies over the years of its efficacy. Of recent vintage is Tom Woloshyn's work, "The Master Cleanse Experience", published by Ulysses Press in 2009. This book briefly mentions Woloshyn's experience in advising clients who has undergone the Master Cleanse program and provides among other insights health benefits which include better sleep, positive outlook, clarity of mind and freedom from addictions. He, thus, advocates keeping a journal to monitor developments as well as a reference for future use when undergoing the program for the second or many more times over.

The Master Cleanse operates on the principle that, for disease to be addressed, cleansing must be undertaken. Simplifying and correcting disorders through this process is actually a way of correcting every disease. Developments in nutrition and science have clearly identified improper diet, negative mental attitudes and inadequate exercise as the factors that create the conditions to produce toxin build up over time. That is why the Master Cleanse is not an end to itself. It is actually just the tip of a long chain of healthy decisions of those who wish to undertake it. Observing a healthy diet, regular exercise as well as stress reduction is essential in maintaining the gains that the Master Cleanse Detox diet can offer.

Surrendering to the process
Undergoing a detox diet is just like preparing for a marathon. It is necessary to keep sight of your goals or you stand to be cast in the wayside, a victim of your doubts. Tom Woloshyn offers this delightful insight when encouraging first timers who wish to undertake the Master Cleanse, fully knowing its side effects firsthand. Defining the outcome after having identified where you are, and what you want to achieve is the next step to achieving the goal you have set for yourself.

According to Woloshyn, some people prepare themselves before undergoing the detox by going on a vegetarian diet. It's less stressful on the body and makes the transition to the Master Cleanse easier. For those who regularly take coffee or soda drinks, a gradual reduction in intake are recommended as well as taking pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5) to help prevent the onset of headaches brought about by caffeine withdrawal.

People who have undergone organ transplants as well as those on immune suppressant drugs cannot take the fast. Woloshyn warns that the cleanse stimulates the immune system while effectively inhibiting the results of the drugs, this combination will most likely lead to the organ transplant being rejected by the body.

How to do the Master Cleanse
The Lemon Detox diet is a cleansing program and encourages only the intake of lemonade made from the following ingredients: lemons, pure maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water for a minimum of ten days only.

To create the mixture, mix the ingredients in the amount instructed by Burroughs and drink a minimum of at least six to twelve glasses of the concoction daily through out the day. Drink the lemonade whenever hunger pangs strike.

A laxative must be taken in the morning and then in the evening. Using a salt water flush instead of a morning laxative can also be availed of instead. However, be sure to observe at least three bowel movements in a day. This will ensure that the waste accumulated in the intestinal walls is totally removed.

Always enjoy the Master Cleanse lemonade drink fresh and do not subject it to microwave as doing so will minimize its effectiveness. For each successful day, the psychological need to eat is slowly overcome full, providing confidence and a sense of control that motivates the person undergoing the diet.

Breaking the Master Cleanse is just as critical as starting it. On day one coming off the fast, immediately after the end of the master cleanse, slowly introduce orange juice into the diet. Day two will see the introduction of vegetable soups and broths. Day three observe a diet of fruits and vegetables. Be careful not to overeat or eat too soon and drink plenty of water. Slowly ease your self to a normal diet and avoid meat, fish, milk and eggs.

After undergoing the Master Cleanse, it is advisable to eat wisely. The gains derived from the Master Cleanse diet will surely be a powerful foundation to change old habits and start a life free from disease.

The lemonade recipe
The original recipe by Stanley Burroughs produced fantastic results for almost 50 years. However, some have been promoting alterations of the original recipe. The problem with this arrangement is that they are done without understanding why the original ingredients work. Since the Master Cleanse is essentially a juice fast, adding shakes, cayenne pepper capsules or protein powder in an attempt to improve its efficacy is self defeating because it reduces the efficacy of the diet.

The purpose of the program is to give the digestive tract a ten day vacation, so adding things to be digested does not contribute to the objective of the diet. Stanley Burroughs in fact discourages the intake of supplements and vitamins during the program because it interferes with the body's elimination system. Furthermore, the natural sources of vitamins and minerals already found in lemon and the maple syrup already provide for the body's needs during the detox program.

Other alterations include mistakes in the ratio of water through modification of the original recipe and dilution. This modification defeats the purpose of the minimum 6 drinks a day because it is more than the amount of water required. It is best to remember that variations on the process and especially in the recipe will not produce the results that originally worked for the many that faithfully followed the original Master Cleanse program and lemonade recipe.

This is the classic single serve recipe provided in Stanley Burrough's book:

2 (tbs). of lemon or lime

2 (tbs). of genuine maple syrup

1/10 tsp cayenne pepper

10 oz. water (hot or cold as preferred)

For those who cannot enjoy their lemonade, Tom offers this alternative:

1. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and maple syrup as a concentrate in a dark container. Keep this mixture cool.

2. Make enough concentrate for as long as you are incapable of making the fresh lemonade juice.

3. Every time you want a glass of lemonade, measure 4 tbs. of this mixture in a glass.

4. Add water and cayenne pepper, stir and drink. The maple syrup preserves the lemon juice and prevents oxidation of the vitamin C and enzymes.

Tom Woloshyn fondly recalled Stanley Burrough's remarks. He was said to have repeated many times over a phrase most technical people use when instructing frustrated customers, "When all else fails, follow the instructions." In order to ensure success and experience the benefits of the Master Cleanse Detox diet, it is essential to understand how to do the program properly. Faithfully following what has been prescribed is the first step in this direction.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035854_lemons_detox_recipe.html#ixzz2V7pdh7Uz

09 Ayurvedic herbs that significantly slow down aging

Herbal anti-aging treatment is now being accepted by scientific communities with Ayurvedic treatment being the most well-known. Ayurvedic treatments concentrate on three areas of a person - Vata, Kapha and Pitta. According to Ayurvedic treatment experts, maintaining a perfect balance among these three aspects is the secret to staying young-looking and healthy.

One very effective ayurvedic treatment
One very effective Ayurvedic treatment is called Rasayana. Its two major faculties are what experts call Kutipravesika and Vatatapika. These may be very strange sounding names, but they can be understood easily with a simple explanation. For instance, Kutipravesika's unique methodology is its requirement that the person being treated should stay in a small shelter that has only one door. There are holes around the shelter for air to pass through, but these holes are all very tiny.

The goal and the herbs
The goal of Ayurvedic treatments is not only to bring about the slowing down of the aging process but also to make the body work at its best and bring vitality and peace to individuals. The 12 types of herbs used in the treatment are the following:

Amla or emblica officianalis

This herb is specifically given special attention in the literature Charaka Samhita. This herb is full of natural vitamin C and therefore has the capacity to rejuvenate bodily systems.

The ginger family

The herbs of the ginger family are rich in anti-oxidative ingredients, ingredients that increase blood flow to the peripheries and ingredients that reduce inflammation at the cellular level.

Turmeric rhizomes

These substances in the form of curcumin, curcuminoids and tetrahydrocurcuminoids possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Galanga (also called chinese ginger)

Galanga contains gingerols, diarylheptanoids and essential oils. Diarylheptanoids are anti-arthritic. Pure Galanga extracts have the ability to fight oxidants, absorb UV radiation and inhibit tyrosinase.

Frankincense, boswellia

This herb also fights arthritis. Pure compounds from this herb are very much used in many anti-aging formulations.

The clove family

These herbs are used to relieve pain such as toothache and muscle pains. It is because they contain anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

The anti-aging abilities of Vitis are attributed to the grape family members' antioxidant properties. Procyanidins are concentrated in the seeds while resveratrol is concentrated in grapes' skin.


The rosmarinic acid, carnosic acid, amyrenones, rocciferone, seco-hinokiol, oleanoic acid, carnosol and diterpenes ursolic acid contained in the rosemary herb exhibit strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and tyrosinase-controlling properties.


This herb contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has also been found to protect the skin from the harmful UV rays. Licorice's active ingredients include liquiritins, glabridins, glabrol, glycyrrhetinic acid, and glycyrrhizin.


This herb is already recognized for its ability to control bacteria and insects. Found to have hypoglycemic, anti-malarial and wound-healing properties, neem is also known to have powerful free radical inhibiting and antioxidant properties.


Research suggests that the herb andrographis has a strong potential to control skin aging. This substance is taken from the Andrographis herb.


This herb has punicalagins, punicalins, gallagic acid and ellagic acid. Although some of these substances are not yet used commercially, all of them have been found to be effective in neutralizing oxidants and free radicals.

How three fateful actions helped lead to the failure of today's mainstream medicine

(NaturalNews) Three fateful actions dating back over 100 years ago ultimately led to today's mainstream model of medicine: Treating the body as a collection of parts instead of treating and nurturing the whole body; treating illness by managing symptoms with unnatural drug compounds; and ignoring and suppressing safer and more effective natural health and healing. As a result, millions of lives have been lost and many millions more have suffered needlessly.

The genesis of medicine turning from healing to symptom management can be traced to medicine embracing the "germ theory" of medicine espoused by French scientist Louis Pasteur over the competing theory of another prominent French scientist, Antoine Bechamp. Pasteur postulated that disease was caused by microbes (germs) whereas Bechamp rightly believed that disease and illness were largely due to poor cellular terrain. Pasteur won the day, no doubt because germs could be treated with patented and profitable anti-germ drugs controlled by mainstream medicine.

Around the turn of the 20th century, the American Medical Association (AMA), set out with the help of rich benefactors John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie to monopolize healing and drive out competition. Such was their success that by 1923 the 22 homeopathic medical schools that flourished in 1900 had dwindled to just two and were gone entirely by 1950. By 1925, 10,000 herbalists were out of business and nutritionists, midwives, chiropractics and other healers were greatly diminished.

About the same time, the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, centered mostly in Germany, formed the I. G. Farben cartel whose goal was to gain a monopoly on the world drug trade. They succeeded beyond their own wildest dreams, thanks in large part to the FDA becoming the drug companies lapdog instead of their watchdog - to the absurd point that foods, vitamins, minerals, herbs and other natural items cannot use the word "cure" or even refer to a medical condition without being subject to prosecution and persecution by the FDA for "making false drug claims".

Today's Medical Model
Today, we see our doctors taught in medical schools, whose largest source of funding is the world pharmaceutical empire and whose curricula are set by the AMA. Little or nothing is taught about the role of diet and nutrition, very little positive is taught about natural healing and only token education isdirected towards disease prevention. Instead, doctors are taught that the way to treat illness is to prescribe patented drugs and that the only effective, safe and legal medical procedures are those approved by the AMA and the FDA.

Over 95 percent of our FDA-approved medications have side effects which often lead to other problems and sometimes lead to death. Most approved medications do not cure illness; instead, they manage and mask symptoms. Thus our current model of managed illness results in a never-ending cycle of additional conditions, drugs and doctor's visits. As noted alternative health voice Jon Barron observed: By the time a male reaches the age of 65 it is not uncommon for him to take up to 15 prescribed and over-the-counter medications daily - and it all began with one or two conditions which could have been treated effectively and safely naturally.

Today, virtually all of the major diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes are treated largely unsuccessfully by approved unnatural drugs and procedures. Safer and more effective natural cures for all of them have been ignored, suppressed and persecuted and suppressed - largely because of the competition they represent to mainstream profits.

What mainstream medicine has given us is a great model for profit, but a horrible one for healing and humanity.

Stevia - A Natural Sweetener


Good Morning!

Stevia - A Natural Sweetener

Stevia plant, which are taken from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant . The extracts are known as Steviosides and Rebaudiosides depending on which part of the plant is isolated. These extracts are approximately 300 times sweeter than sugar unless diluted.

The plant is native to Paraguay and Brazil. Since pre-Columbian times the Guarani Indians in Paraguay have used the Stevia leaves to sweeten medicines and drinks.

It can be found in most health food stores and comes as a white powder or in tincture (liquid) form. Stevia has zero calories and it even helps prevent cavities by reducing plaque build-up. It does not affect blood sugar levels like sugar does and is recommended for diabetics. Stevia is heat stable to 392 degrees Fahrenheit, so, unlike some artificial sweeteners, you can cook with it. It is non-toxic and has been extensively tested in animals and extensively used by humans with no adverse effects.

If you tried stevia when it first appeared in health food stores, you might want to give it a second chance. Many of the earlier products had a strong aftertaste. Now there are some improved products on the market.

Stevia in a glycerine base seems to have the best taste of all the powders and tinctures I have personally tried.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

Hydrotherapy for Skin Disorders


Good Morning!

Hydrotherapy for Skin Disorders

The mysterious and amazing healing power of water has been utilized for centuries. Water cleanses, refreshes and restores all life. We are always drawn to water. Be it a soothing fountain or majestic waterfall. Water is a carrier. It flows. It moves along the line of least resistance to find its way to the ocean where comes and goes in the ebb and flow of tides and waves. The appeal is inexplicable! We crave water, maybe because our bodies are made up of a large percent of it. Maybe beacuse we instinctively know how it can heal us.

Hydrotherapy is the use of water in any form, in the treatment of dis-ease. Hydrotherapy was used by the ancient Greek physicians. The use of baths for such purposes as well as for religious purification, personal cleanliness, and private or social relaxation dates from at least the time of ancient Greece. A German, Vincenz Priessnitz, popularized the use of spas in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, where they are still popular today.

Hydrotherapy has a number of uses. Warm water will relax spasm; therefore, hydrotherapy has been useful in treating such conditions as muscular strains and sprains, muscular fatigue, and backache. Heat is often used in conjunction with massage or other manipulative or stimulative treatments, such as the whirlpool bath. Sitz baths (sitting in hot water) are effective in the treatment of many disorders. Water is also useful in physical therapy because patients who exercise in a buoyant medium can move weak parts of their bodies without contending with the strong force of gravity.

Soaking in dead sea salt is a well known remedy for psoriasis with dramatic results through its maintenance. The same is used in joint inflammation and assisting in detoxification, restoring minerals and increasing circulation.

Some patients who suffer from idopathic (unexplained) skin, rashes, dermatitis or reddening of the skin have found amazing relief from soaking in sea salt. Take warm bath. Fill the bath tub with warm water. As the tub fills with water add 2 spoons of sea salt to the bath water. Soak for 15-20 minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar baths are a soothing bath for dermatitis. To a bath of warm water, add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and soak for 15-20 minutes.

Take an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal soothes irritation and reduces itching. For an additional soothing treat, add milled oatmeal to the bath, and even using oatmeal as a soap substitute. For the bath, pour 2 cups of milled oatmeal into a tub of lukewarm water. Milled oatmeal is simply oatmeal that has been ground to fine powder that will remain suspended in water. Add a cup of Witch Hazel and dilute it in the bath water for additional relief.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Flower Power: Flower Remedies


Good Morning!

Flower Power: Flower Remedies

This week I will be discussing the work and energy behind "Flower
Power". Not only is it a phrase from the 60's associated with peace
and the hippie movement, I find the phrase, itself empowering! So
this week I am going to explore the nature of "Flower Power"!

The essence of flowers is a subtle, aromatic and volatile liquid
extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of
herbs, bushes, shrubs and trees through distillation. It is a form of
vibrational healing, which works on many levels. Flower remedies are
homeopathic essences, which benefit a specific mental and emotional
state. Below is a small sampling of the power of flowers, with there
color, qualities and patterns of imbalance they treat:

Agrimony: (Agrimonia eupatoria) (yellow)
Positive qualities: Emotional honesty, acknowledging and working with
emotional pain, obtaining true inner peace.
Patterns of Imbalance: Anxiety hidden by a mask of cheerfulness;
denial and avoidance of emotional pain, addictive behavior to
anesthetize feelings.

Beech: (Fagus sylvatica) (red)
Positive qualities: Tolerance, acceptance of others' differences and
imperfections, seeing the good within each person and situation.
Patterns of Imbalance: Criticalness, judgmental attitudes,
intolerance; perfectionist expectations of others; over sensitivity
to one's social and physical environment.

Cherry Plum: (Prunus cerasifera) (white)
Positive qualities: Spiritual surrender and trust, feeling guided and
protected by a Higher Power; balance and equanimity despite extreme
Patterns of Imbalance: Fear of losing control, or of mental and
emotional breakdown; desperate, destructive impulses.

Clematis: (Clematis vitalba) (white)
Positive qualities: Awake, focused presence; manifesting inspiration
in practical life; embodiment.
Patterns of Imbalance: Avoidance of the present by daydreaming; other-
worldly and impractical ideals.

Elm: (Ulmus procera) (reddish brown)
Positive qualities: Joyous service, faith and confidence to complete
one's task
Patterns of Imbalance: Overwhelmed by duties and responsibilities,
feeling unequal to the task required.

Gentian: (Gentiana amarella) (purple)
Positive qualities: Perseverance, confidence; faith to continue
despite apparent setbacks
Patterns of Imbalance: Discouragement after a setback; doubt.

Honeysuckle: (Lonicera caprifolium) (red/white)
Positive qualities: Being fully in the present; learning from the
past while releasing it.
Patterns of Imbalance: Nostalgia; emotional attachment to the past,
longing for what was.

Impatiens: (Impatiens glandulifera) (pink/mauve)
Positive qualities: Patience, acceptance; flowing with the pace of
life and others.
Patterns of Imbalance: Impatience, irritation, tension, intolerance.

Larch: (Larix decidua) (red), (yellow)
Positive qualities: Self-confidence, creative expression, spontaneity
Patterns of Imbalance: Lack of confidence, expectation of failure,

Mustard: (Sinapis arvensis) (yellow)
Positive qualities: Emotional equanimity, finding joy in life
Patterns of Imbalance: Melancholy, gloom, despair; generalized
depression without obvious cause.

Oak: (Quercus robur) (red)
Positive qualities: Balanced strength, accepting limits, knowing when
to surrender.
Patterns of Imbalance: Iron-willed, inflexible; over striving beyond
one's limits.

Pine: (Pinus sylvestris) (red- male), (yellow-female)
Positive qualities: Self-acceptance, self-forgiveness; freedom from
inappropriate guilt and blame.
Patterns of Imbalance: Guilt, self- blame, self-criticism, inability
to accept oneself.

Rock Rose: (Helianthemum nummularium) (yellow)
Positive qualities: Self-transcending courage, inner peace and
tranquillity when facing great challenges.
Patterns of Imbalance: Deep fear, terror, panic; fear of death or

Star of Bethlehem: (Ornithogalum umbellatum) (white)
Positive qualities: Bringing soothing, healing qualities, a sense of
inner divinity.
Patterns of Imbalance: Shock or trauma, either recent or from a past
experience; need for comfort and reassurance from the spiritual

Vervain: (Verbena officinalis) (pink/mauve)
Positive qualities: Ability to practice moderation, tolerance, and
balance; "the middle way"; grounded idealism.
Patterns of Imbalance: Overbearing or intolerant behavior; over
enthusiasm or extreme fanaticism; nervous exhaustion from over

Wild Rose: (Rosa canina) (pink or white) also known as Dog Rose.
Positive qualities: Will to live, joy in life.
Patterns of Imbalance: Resignation, lack of hope, giving up on life;
lingering illness.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Alternative Answers for Appetite Disturbances


Alternative Answers for Appetite Disturbances

Appetite Disturbances, either experiencing loss of appetite, or having difficulty controlling it, several alternative therapies can help. If you experience a notable change in appetite, you should first consult a physician, to rule out any illness or nutritional deficiencies. Whether you want to stimulate your appetite or control it, changing the way you eat may help.

Appetite loss is the body's defense against ingesting anything that could slow the healing process. Almost any infection can cause a loss of appetite. A passing cold or flu virus could be responsible. So could more serious things like tuberculosis, low thyroid function, diseases of the heart or lungs or liver problems.

Bulimia is an illness characterized by uncontrolled episodes of overeating usually followed by self-induced vomiting. Eating binges may occur as often as several times a day. Induced vomiting known as purging allows the eating to continue until interrupted by sleep, abdominal pain, or the presence of another person. The person is usually aware that their eating pattern is abnormal and may experience fear or guilt associated with the binge-purge episodes. The behavior is usually secretive, although clues to this disorder include overactivity, peculiar eating habits, eating rituals, and frequent weighing. Body weight is usually normal or low, although the person may perceive themselves as overweight.

The exact cause of bulimia is unknown, but factors thought to contribute to its development are family problems, maladaptive behavior, self-identity conflict, and cultural overemphasis on physical appearance. Bulimia may be associated with depression. The disorder is usually not associated with any underlying physical problem although the behavior may be associated with neurological or endocrine diseases. The disorder occurs most often in females of adolescent or young adult age. The incidence is 2 in 10,000 people.

Bulimia is a bit different from anorexia because the person with bulimia doesn't avoid eating. Instead, he or she eats a large amount of food then gets rid of it quickly by vomiting or taking laxatives. This is commonly known as "binge and purge" behavior.

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder associated with a distorted body image that may be caused by a mental disorder. Inadequate calorie intake results in severe weight loss. The exact cause of this disorder is not known, but social attitudes towards body appearance and family factors play a role in its development. The condition affects females more frequently, usually in adolescence or young adulthood.

Unique features of anorexia are not only the strong desire to be very thin, but also the altered body perception that goes with it. People with anorexia have an intense fear of being fat. When a person has anorexia, he or she hardly eats at all � and the small amount of food that is eaten becomes an obsession. A person with anorexia may weigh food before eating it or compulsively count the calories of everything. It is not unusual for a person with anorexia to also exercise excessively in an attempt to lose weight.

Statistics show the risk factors are seen most often in Caucasians, having an upper or middle economic background, being female, and having a goal-oriented family or personality. The incidence is 4 out of 100,000 people.

Other culprits of appetite loss include anti-histamines, over the counter drugs, pain killers and perscriptions.

Aging itself can take its toll on the appetite. In older people the metabolism slows down, muscle mass decreases and physical ailments impede activity. On top of all this, taste sensations diminish and stomach secretions don't flow like they used to. All of these things contribute to appetite loss.

Controlling your appetite, is another matter. We often eat out of habit, not hunger. People who do try to stop an addictive behavior, such as smoking, often find themselves overeating. One reason is habit: They're used to doing something with their hands and mouth, so they eat. Or they could be battling the misery of nicotine withdrawal with the nurturing pleasure of food. Regardless of the excuse, this lack of control often leads to many health problems. See related topics: weight loss , aging , depression , stress , sleep difficulties , pms , anxiety , thyroid problems , diabetes and smoking .

According to the American Institute of Gastroenterology, the best strategy to promoting good overall health is to eat a balanced, predominantly plant-based and nutritionally dense diet. Most of your daily calories should come from vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans.

Best Balancing Tips

1. Recognize the problem: People with an appetite disturbance often do not recognize or admit that they have a problem. A trusted family members or other individual you believe in can be helpful in making sure that needed care or rehabilitation are received.

2. Determining your needs: Appetite disturbances, eating disorders, depression and anxiety all require a comprehensive diagnosis, in which, the clinician will determine whether the person is in immediate danger and/or requires hospitalization. Nutritional counseling, psychosocial interventions, monitoring, as well as medical care maybe appropriate.

3. Talk Therapies: Individual psychotherapy (especially cognitive-behavioral or interpersonal psychotherapy), group psychotherapy that uses a cognitive-behavioral approach and family or marital therapy can be very effective. Overcome low self-esteem and addressing distorted thought patterns and behaviors are crucial. Families are sometimes included in the therapeutic process.

4. Severe weight loss: requires an inpatient hospital stay, where proper nourishment is given and the person's medical needs are met. In some cases, intravenous feeding is appropriate.

5. Moderate exercise is crucial: for both successful weight loss or for those suffering from anorexia and bulimia. Not only does it help burn excess calories, but by increasing your physical activity you can modify the way your brain regulates hunger, making you less susceptible to food cravings and can increase hormones in order to stabilize mood or anxiety disorders . If exercise is done excessively, in the case of anorexia and bulimia, encouragement of healthy but not excessive exercise is the specific goal in this strategy.

6. The primary goal of treatment for bulimia: is to reduce or eliminate binge eating and purging behavior.

7. The primary goal of treatment for anorexia: is restoring weight lost due to severe dieting and purging.

8. Vitamin Therapy: is a good way to help your body regulate what you may not be getting through your diet or what you are losing through purging and abuse. A good daily multivitamin is the best start.

9. Drink Plenty of Water: Not only will you loss water as you exercise, drinking water makes you feel full, therefore, not as much room for food.

10. Control blood sugar levels: this is a good way to balance your system by eating 5 small high protein meals a day.

11. Limit Animal-based Foods: such as meat and dairy products, which are loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol. Use olive oil or canola oil instead of butter or margarine to reduce your intake of saturated fat and hydrogenated fat (trans fat). Moderate your consumption of fried, salted and smoked foods.

12. Portion Control: Eat portions to satisfy hunger, not to clean the plate. By dinner, if you have complex carbs (potatoes, yams, brown rice�) with your meal; it should be no more than a cup full. Half of your plate should be vegetable. The meat, fish, chicken portion should be the size of your fist. Portion control is the secret to a healthy weight! Avoid coffee, sugar, alcohol.

13. Believe: Your belief system has everything to do with the mental and spiritual aspects of any eating disorder. Fight anxiety with relaxation exercises rather than food. Utilize meditation, yoga, stretching. By creating healthy eating habits and regular exercise, you are sure to lose weight without depriving yourself of nourishing food. And if you continue those good habits after you reach your goal, you will have an excellent chance of maintaining your desired weight and see it more as maintaining a lifestyle as opposed to a diet.

11. Sleep Well: Good quality sleep is important, especially when you are trying to loss weight or recover from anorexia or bulimia. It is most important to go to sleep with a "Quiet Mind". Sleep rejuvenates, detoxes and regulates the body.

12. Overcome Fear: Fear can be an underlining problem in many cases. There are many ways to quiet the mind. Doing 15 to 30 minutes of meditation or yoga can be very helpful. You must allow yourself to be distracted or get into your meditation or yoga and "let go" of the days thoughts...see Meditation. Address your fears or phobias by journaling.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


Saturday, May 18, 2013



Does anyone know of helpful alternative remedies for Scleroderma? What are some options? Suggestions? Recommendations for stopping, maintaining or just living with it? I appreciate in advance.

I have a friend who is now asking for money to help find a cure. She has never looked into alternative measures but if I can make some suggestions through your replys then perhaps she will listen and make some changes other than just listening to her doctors and cramming all the meds they are leading her to and which are obviously not working.

In wellness, Teri


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Deamateceous earth food grade inquiry


Hi all. Has any body used Deamateceous earth for joint inflammation and hbp? I just started taking it for 3 days now and it seems that my knees are not as painful anymore. It is too early to evaluate and so I wanted to know if people has tried it.

They do have a lot of testimonials to what it is great for but I thought it would be better to ask members.

Thank you and any input will be appreciated.

Dreams: Gateway to Self-Discovery - 6-Week Dream Course with Gloria Coelho


Dreams: Gateway to Self-Discovery

6-Week Dream Course with Gloria Coelho

6 Thursdays, 4:00 – 6:00 pm, beginning June 6
Dreams, arising from your deepest Self, are an immediate and accessible
way of identifying the questions and solutions most relevant to your
current life circumstances.
Every dream, whether evoking tears of laughter or a heart-throbbing rush
of terror, contains within its symbolism a message both relevant and
vital to your life. Dreamwork provides the key to interpreting this rich
language of metaphor and symbol through which your dreams communicate
their profound wisdom.

The class will focus on:

* Week 1: Ten Precepts of Dreamwork

* Week 2: Techniques for Interpretation

* Week 3: Discerning the Shadow

* Week 4: Jungian Archetypes

* Week 5: Dream Symbols

* Week 6: Dream Incubation (an effective and easy technique for
generating a dream for insight on a given topic)

In addition, each week we will work experientially as a group with
dreams shared in class.

Tuition: $175; Members $150. Tuition includes dreamwork binder with
all study materials.

This class is limited to 10 people.

Registration Required.

Register at www.CaritasSpiritistCenter.org
<http://www.caritasspiritistcenter.org/> or call 303.449.3066

Gloria Coelho, founder and director of The Caritas Spiritist Center in
Boulder, has practiced Jungian-based dreamwork for over 20 years, and
has taught courses in dreamwork since 1998. Also a Spiritist healer,
Gloria often utilizes dream interpretation to assist people in their
emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing process.

At The Caritas Spiritist Center

5723 Arapahoe, Boulder, CO 80303

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Honoring the Goddess


Honoring the Goddess

Mother's Day is a nice time to bring awareness to the "mother energy". Honor your mother or a mother you know. Here are some wonderful ways to send loving energy:

1. Light a candle to honor a mother who is living or who has passed.
2. Use a simple ritual to bring love and honor to yourself as a mother, or to give thanks to mother earth.
3. Pay homage to your mother through the power of scent with affirmation candles, essential oil sampler or our sacred anointing oils.
4. Treat your mom to an at home spa session.
5. Invite your mom to enjoy a special seasonal tea blend, created just for her.
6. Consider making her a unique "soundtrack" in honor of who she is. Choose and create music that reminds you of your mom!
7. Choose from one of our many extra special and unique gift baskets designed for every occasion, celebration and budget!
8. Honor your mom with the gift of crystals. Below is a list of great stones to honor the Goddess:


The stone of spirituality and dream recall. Used for contentment and meditation. Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions. Strengthens and enhances psychic abilities, imagery and mind quieting. Wear when sleeping or when awake to reduce anger, impatience, and nightmares. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra. Amethyst contains the grounding color of red with the energy of blue, which is expanding, spacious and flow of peace. Amethyst is the color that you see in the sky as twilight transitions into night. Amethyst takes you on this transition from the magic time of dusk to a conscious shift into a different place. Crossing this threshold is the lesson of humility, which Amethyst can teach us. This stone can show us how to let go and trust; surrender so that you may see beyond the cycle that consumes your attention; give it all up, so that you can receive more; and bow, that you may become a part of the greater whole. Amethyst is considered a Master Healing stone.


Referred to as the jewel of wisdom or Stone of Heaven. Azurite symbolizes insight and discovery. It is said to increase psychic abilities. Azurite activates the Brow and Throat Chakra for more assertive communication and alertness. It allows for quite, deep access to the subconscious and as a seeing stone offers access to other times, places and lives. Therefore, it is a great stone to assist in astral travel. This great balancer helps those who talk too much and allows for those who to be expressive when they have a tendency to hold back. This opens our psychic intuition and gets us aquainted with our innerselves. It is a stone that stimulates creativity, giving access to a fountain of ideas, images and awareness of things around us.


This stone honors the Goddess in all women. This stone helps women (and men) to be more comfortable with their gentler feminine/yin receiving side. This stone is also an excellent remedy for overly aggressive females or for men who need to connect to their more feminine/emotional side. Its connection to the moon has been documented for centuries. Because of its shimmering, glossy nature its color plays off the light as does the moon. Like the moon as it waxes and wanes, this reflective stone allows us the lesson that everything is a part of the cycle of change. Moonstone is considered the stone of new beginnings. Moonstone is most famous for balancing our emotional states. Therefore, moonstone is one of the best stones for soothing emotional stress and anxiety. Moonstone helps cool, soothe and calm over-reactions to emotional and personal situations. It allows us greater flexibility and flow with life. Moonstone has been used for protection against the perils of travel. It encourages a lust for life, a youthful attitude and helps us to become comfortable with the aging process and its transitions.


In tune with emotions, water, and women, especially pregnant women, pearls are a symbol of pure heart and mind; innocence and faith. Because it is from the sea, it has watery and lunar elements, therefore it is used for balancing emotions, especially for water signs. Absorbing by nature, this mineral absorbs thoughts and emotions and because of this, must be used with caution. If you feel excessively negative while wearing a pearl, it will hold that energy until it is cleansed. Remember, Pearl is the result of layer upon layer of substance produced to combat irritation. Pearl can cool and soothe. It is very nurturing. If using pearls in conjunction with other gemstones, consider Diamonds to amplify and purify, or Emeralds to bring negative energy out and disperse it. Recommended for occupations as varied as artists, chiropractors, and farmers. Pearl is a cold and independent mineral, which is used, ironically at the Heart, Solar Plexus and Sacral/Spleen Chakra, to stimulate the heart, liver and emotional issues, digestion, immunity weakness and emotional stress.


Also spelled phenakite, is a powerful, loving, healing, spiritual stone. It is believed to be one of the highest vibrational crystals yet discovered. The clearer the stone, the more intensely it opens the Third Eye, Crown Chakra and Transpersonal Chakra as a white light channel. Hence, its aura clearing abilities are phenomenal! This stone ignites clairvoyance/spiritual communication, meditation, astral travel, as well as life journeys. Helps one to map out a pathway within the dimensions. Energizes meridians and the healing of other stones. It is a powerful crystal for clearing and activating the chakras. It helps one to go further in a trance state and gives a deeper awareness of one's inner structures. Phenacite can be used to amplify the energies of other stones used for healing, and to balance energy within one. It can also alleviate despair and fear including fear of change and lead one to live in love. Phenacite may help one to connect with Angels due to its high frequency and relationship to the Ascending Masters. Phenacite has been associated with Gemini.

Titanium Quartz:

Quartz is infused with titanium and additional metal oxides to form one of the most precious crystals on the planet. It increases lifeforce and vitality, attuning to the highest attribute of the Crown Chakra. It's rainbow colors have been shown to stimulate the entire aura body! An exceptional stone for creativity. This quartz removes blockages and enhancing the flow of creativity due to its intensely visual colors. It has been used for increasing intuition and therefore an exceptional stone for promoting clairvoyance as well as all forms of "seeing". Consider this crystal for assisting in meditation, an alternative medicine career or yogic practice. This crystal appears to stimulate the upward movement of the kundalini and is exceptional for any tantric practice.

Rose Quartz:

Rose Quartz represents love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love and emotional balance! Rose Quartz works with the Heart Chakra. It is a soft, gentle, soothing stone that warms the heart center. Its value as a nurturing friend cannot be overstated. Neither can it's soothing influence. Helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the ability to love ourselves and makes us more open to other people. It is of particular value in helping us to forgive ourselves, hastening self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all change is important, even difficult change. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


Flower Power: The Healing Power of Flowers


Good Morning!

Flower Power: The Healing Power of Flowers

Dandelion: Dandelion Root can be made into a bitter tea (don't sweeten it, the bitterness is how it works ? you'll get use to it) as an excellent tonic for the liver and blood purifier. Dandelion roots are very high in vitamins and minerals. The common dandelion is an unusually nutritious food. Its leaves contain substantial levels of vitamins A, C, D, and B complex as well as iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, choline, calcium, boron, and silicon. Worldwide, the root of the dandelion has been used for the treatment of a variety of liver and gallbladder problems. Other historical uses of the root and leaves include the treatment of breast diseases, water retention, digestive problems, joint pain, fever, and skin diseases. The most active constituents in dandelion appear to be eudesmanolide and germacranolide, substances unique to this herb.

Jasmine: Jasmine is a bold, sweet scent. Jasmine is the greatest aphrodisiac of all. These night blooming flowers are picked at their height to bring out one of the most sexy scents. Associated throughout history with the compassionate Goddess of the Moon, Jasmine, grown along the Nile in ancient Egypt, is represented Isis, the Egyptian Mother Goddess who held the secrets of fertility, magic and healing.

Milk Thistle: Milk Thistle is the best in cleaning our blood and liver and is a traditional way to get our health back on track and revitalize and nourish our entire internal ecological system from the ravages of winter. Milk Thistle is an excellent cleansers for the liver. Cleansing is one of the more important roles of Milk Thistle as it helps to prevent a host of problems our bodies can acquire from internal and external toxic overload.

Patchouli: Patchouli is a sweet, earthy scent. Its smell is intense and spicy. From an energetic point of view, Patchouli, like Jasmine, is warm and yet anti-inflammatory in action. It combines a calmative property with a gentle stimulating effect that uplifts the spirit! Patchouli is a sweet and grounding harmonizing fragrance!

Neroli: Neroli is distilled from bitter orange trees. It has a refreshing, spicy aroma and is known for its sensual, exotic effect. Neroil oil is emotionally unifying and soothes with harmonizing effects. Described as both sensual and spiritual, Neroli helps to restablish the link between a disconnected mind and body. Neroli paves the way for a gradual release and allows us to recall hope and joy!

Rose: The Mother of All Flowers, the Rose has amazing powers of love, trust and self acceptance. Roses are representative of faith, hope and love and has the qualities to restore the very center of one's being. A gentle tonic of the heart, Rose oil's psychological properties lie mainly in its effect on the mind, the center of our emotional being. Rose oil calms and supports the heart and helps to nourish the soul!

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


May is Arthritis Awareness Month: Balancing pH Levels


Good Morning!

May is Arthritis Awareness Month: Balancing pH Levels

Arthritis, which means "joint inflammation" is a general term for over 100 different joint disorders with symptoms ranging from mild aches and pains to severe swelling and crippling pain. Your joints, remarkable and elaborate hinges, are cushioned by cartilage. They are held together with various other tissues, including muscles and tendons. Lubrication is in the form of called synovial fluid, which is released by the synovial lining of the joints. Thinning cartilage between the bone results in the bones rubbing together and becoming inflamed. This, in turn, inflames the surrounding tissues, tendons and muscles.

Balancing pH Levels

When the body is too acidic resulting from an intake of acid forming foods, mucus forming, high fat foods, and toxic food residues, disease and infections are encouraged. This is especially true in cases of arthritis and rheumatic situations. Most foods are alkaline by nature, but often the more processed the foods are the more acidic they become. It is important to balance each meal with a ratio of 75% alkaline to 25% acidity in order to maintain better health. Perfect body pH is 6.4, above is alkaline and below is acidic. It is important that your daily dietary intake of food naturally balances your body pH. Balancing the body's pH is achieved by avoiding foods that create acidic conditions in the body, which can help lessen pain and inflammation.

Foods that create acidity in the body include, meat, dairy, hydrogenated fats, wheat and sugar.

Foods that help restore balance include fruits (when eaten on an empty stomach), vegetables and legumes.

Eliminate: butter, all fried foods, margarine, red meat, shellfish, shortenings or tropical oils (such as coconut and palm oils).

Limit foods that have little or no fiber such as ice cream, cheese, meat, snacks like chips and pizza, and processed foods such as instant mashed potatoes or already-prepared frozen dinners. Too much white flour and refined sugar.

Decrease phosphorus foods such as soft drinks, which are high in phosphoric acid, organ meat (liver, kidney), processed meat, which are especially high in phosphorus, fried foods and vegetable oil, which have a high level of omega 6 and can make inflammation worse. Sugar results in poor absorption of nutrients as does antacids, which neutralize stomach acid and result in poor absorption of calcium (heartburn and indigestion are caused by poor eating habits and NOT ENOUGH stomach acid!)

What You Should Avoid:

Research has shown the foods most often thought to aggravate arthritis include:

*corn, wheat, pork, oranges, milk, oats, rye, eggs, beef, tomatoes, eggplant and coffee.

*processed, packed and fast foods. Hydrogenated fats, margarine, shortening, lard, or products made with them such as cookies, pies, and packaged food.

*dairy products, yogurt, ice cream, cottage cheese, butter and cheeses

*wheat products


Eliminate: butter, all fried foods, margerine, red meat, shellfish, shortnings or tropical oils (such as coconut and palm oils).

Limit foods that have little or no fiber such as ice cream, cheese, meat, snacks like chips and pizza, and processed foods such as instant mashed potatoes or already-prepared frozen dinners. Too much white flour and refined sugar.

What you don't eat may be even more important than what you do eat. Avoid alcohol and sugar, because they tend to worsen the situation.

Curb your caffeine. One or two cups of coffee can work to kick you into gear in the morning, but its benefits usually end there. Too much caffeine (more than 24 oz a day) is just as bad as too much of anything. Drinking it throughout the day for an energy boost can actually backfire. Caffeine makes you feel like you have more energy, but you really don't. Cut back on caffeine to reduce the high and low effect. Excess coffee robs the bones of precious minerals.

Curb your excess protein intake as this can accelerate bone loss. Excess amounts include more than 140 grams of protein per day. 140 grams is equivalent to approximately a pound of chicken beef, pork, fish. This excess causes the body to excrete calcium and increases the rate of loss of minerals and nutrients.

Decrease phosphorus foods such as soft drinks, which are high in phosphoric acid, organ meat (liver, kidney), processed meat, which are especially high in phosphorus, fried foods and vegetable oil, which have a high level of omega 6 and can make inflammation worse. Sugar results in poor absorption of nutrients as does antacids, which neutralize stomach acid and result in poor absorption of calcium (heartburn and indigestion are caused by poor eating habits and NOT ENOUGH stomach acid!)

Reduce Processed and Refined Foods:

Avoid fried foods, white pasta, white rice, full fat dairy, white potatoes, white bread (baguettes, bagels, pita).

Processed food can rob your food of nutrients and vitamins that your body needs to fight off stress and promote good health. Try to buy whole foods, unprocessed foods and try and stay away from "instant" foods, preservatives, artificial flavors, saturated fats, refined foods, hydrogenated food and MSG.

Reduce Sugar Intake:

Too much sugar can rob our body of essential nutrients. Simple carbohydrates from baked goods, pastries, most crackers and cookies, white sugar and sweets, soda and sweeten juices must be limited to a very small portion or completely removed from the diet. Synthetic sweeteners (Saccharin, aspartame, NutraSweet) can also be a culprit.

Food additives, such as colors, flavor enhancers, stabilizers, and preservatives. Some of the main additives include sulphites, benzoates, and colors prefixed with FD &;C.

If you think certain foods may be making your arthritis worse, try to eliminate them from your diet, one at a time until you feel improvement. Just remember that arthritis symptoms tend to come and go, and relief could be coincident, try eating the trouble food again to if it causes symptoms.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit


Re: May is Arthritis Awareness Month: Balancing pH Levels


As far as I am concerned, I have also changed my problem with arthritis.  I still have some pain, but since I don't eat "night shade vegetables (potatoes, green leafy vegetables, eggplants, tomatoes-- all vegetables that I love!) and any kind of sugar, no processed foods, I can handle my arthritis...  I have other health problems--hypothyroidism and serious hot flashes--and find most relief with avoiding certain  foods.  Of course, there is not much variety left  and I have to cope with eating what does not affect me adversely.


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Rheumatoid Arthritis


This is a case of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, A boy Y.SANDEEP of age 17 yrs came to my clinic with joint pains, used allopathic steroids for 8 months without relief. He has wasted 8 months of precious time by roaming aroung allopathic hospitals.His father spent more than one lakh rupees on his treatement He lost hope for his recovery and very much irritable with pains. He discontinued his studies due to RA.He does not believed small Homeopathic pills will produce cure for long lasting joint pains. But his father is very much convinced by my counselling and he is stick on to Homeopathic treatment. I have tried many more remedies without success. Finally based ` ANGER WITH PAINS' symptom I gave him a dose of ARUM METALLICUM 200c -4pills which worked wonder in this case. Following is the summery of the case follow up.

Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD(Homeo)
