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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Re: psoarsis


Hi, Gowtham, 
She my find relief from Homeopathy, but it has to be talen for a long time.
For  mouth ulser s  she can chew and suck a small piece of  YASHTIMADHU an ayurvedic herb, which is also called 
athimadhuram , available in herbal medicine shops in India.It is taken only 2 times per day.
Shylaja Reddy.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Seasonal Healing: Winter Herbal Medicine Chest


Good Morning!

Seasonal Healing: Winter Herbal Medicine Chest

Several herbs are effective for treating not only the symptoms of too
much winter, but the causes of colds and flu… Impaired immunity to
virus/bacteria, maintaining blood circulation and warmth, ensuring
vitality of the lungs and reducing the build up of congestion in the

Ginger: Ginger is used for the prevention and treatment of various
forms of nausea. These include motion sickness, the nausea and
vomiting of pregnancy (morning sickness), and post-surgical nausea.
Note: If you are pregnant or undergoing surgery, do not self-treat
with ginger except under physician supervision. Weak evidence
suggests ginger might be helpful for osteoarthritis. Ginger has been
suggested as a treatment for numerous other conditions, including
atherosclerosis, migraine headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, high
cholesterol, burns, ulcers, depression, impotence, and liver
toxicity. Stops cough and stops vomiting. In traditional Chinese
medicine, hot ginger tea taken at the first sign of a cold is
believed to offer the possibility of averting the infection.

Elderflower : Elder flowers are highly effective in managing upper
respiratory congestion and infections. Picked from the elder tree in
mid to late summer, they seem to capture the dry warmth of this time
of year, perfect for drying up that runny or blocked nose. These tiny
pale white flowers have a delicate floral taste and contain
flavonoids and small amounts of mucilage and tannins, a perfect
combination for soothing healing and protecting mucous membranes. An
old tradition was to make fresh Elderflower wine in summer ready to
drink in winter…Food as medicine?!?

Yarrow: Yarrow's principle action is on the circulation. As the cold
of winter slows down and redirects blood circulation, Yarrow dilates
blood vessels allowing increased blood flow, oxygen and warmth to
surface tissues (like the skin and mucous membranes). This enables
the immune cells to function at their peak, warding off infection and
keeping channels clear and open. The whole flowering tops are used in
a tea or other forms in mild fevers or minor congestion where
circulation is a concern.

Sage: Sage is a most powerful and effective herb for treating sore
throats. The different essential oils in sage exert an antiseptic
effect in the respiratory tract and helps to keep both the throat and
lungs free of infection. The additional effect of stimulating
digestion aids to minimise congestion in other parts of the body,
making fresh sage a valuable ingredient to winter recipes.

Rose hips : Rose hips form in Autumn following the rose flowers of
summer. They are the fruit around the rose seed, full of nutrients to
protect the seed during winter until the arrival of spring… Let them
do the same for you. As a rich source of Vitamin C and flavonoids
Rosehips aid with nourishing you for defense against colds and flu.

Echinacea : First used by the Indigenous North Americans who
harvested the plants for extensive use in the treatment of infectious
wounds and burns or eruptive skin complaints. It enhances the
phagocytic activity of white blood cells- identifying and retiring
bacterial, viral and fungal infections, in addition to the clearance
of these from the lymphatic system. Higher doses are often used for
affecting acute immune responses.

Mullein : The leaves of Mullein are used as a soothing expectorant,
facilitating easier removal of lung congestion. This action is ideal
during or after colds where the persistence of dampness or mucus
impairs adequate lung function and clearance. Mullein soothes and
strengthens the mucosal membranes of the respiratory system where
these have been painful, irritated or sore from infection.

Astragalus : To be used after colds or infection to rebuild immunity,
Astragalus is a sweet tasting herb effective in restoring both
resilience to future respiratory infections, and efficiency of
metabolism to ensure optimal nutrition for immune reserves to fight
off those winter chills. This herb is the best for restoring energy
to the body very quickly.

Thyme: The pungent oils found in Thyme are an effective anti
microbial in the treatment of respiratory infections. When taking
Thyme, people often note tasting it on their breath as the oils
permeate through the respiratory system to reduce the proliferation
of viruses during infections. It also warms the digestion and reduces
metabolic congestion, aiding to clear the body of conditions for

Garlic : Garlic was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, chewed by
Greek Olympian athletes and thought to be essential for keeping
vampires at bay! But it is also good for zapping bacteria, keeping
your heart healthy, warding off coughs and colds. Garlic is an
antibiotic that can actually kill infecting bacteria and at the same
time protect the body from the poisons that are causing the
infection. It is known that the most sensitive bacterium to garlic is
the deadly Bacillus anthracis which produces the poison anthrax. Even
the forefather of antibiotic medicine Louis Pasteur acknowledged
garlic to be as effective as penicillin and late studies showed
similar activity to a more modern antibiotic, chloramphenicol. Even
the blood of garlic eaters can kill bacteria and it is also reported
that the vapour from freshly cut garlic can kill bacteria at a
distance of 20 cms!

Fenugreek: Soothes sore throat pain and coughs. From ancient times
through the late 19th century, fenugreek played a major role in
herbal healing. Then it fell by the wayside. Now things are once
again looking up for the herb whose taste is an odd combination of
bitter celery and maple syrup. Modern scientific research has found
that fenugreek can help reduce cholesterol levels, control diabetes
and minimise the symptoms of menopause. The ancient Greeks fed this
herb to horses and cattle. The Romans then started using it, too,
calling it "Greek hay." (In Latin, "Greek hay" is foenum-graecum, and
that evolved into "fenugreek.") As fenugreek spread around the
ancient Mediterranean, physicians learned that its seeds, like many
seeds, contain a gummy substance called mucilage. Mixed with water,
mucilage expands and becomes a gelatinous soother for irritated

Marshmallow : Marshmallow stimulates the immune system and the
production of white blood cells. It also soothes inflammation, slows
production of mucus, and reduces sugar levels in the body.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] psoarsis


may be allergic to some food? may be deficient in nutrients\/
in an acid condition needs to eat alkaline forming foods?

From: gowtham gowtham <gowtham2007k@yahoo.co.in>
To: "AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com" <AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, 24 December 2011, 12:25
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] psoarsis

My mother aged 65 is suffering from psoarsis skin diseases from head to body how to prevent any medicine is there she tried many of medicnes but not cured, now she is suffering from ulcers in stomach and mouth so not able to eat,kindly advice any alternative treatment is there, alovera gel can usefull for psoarisis kindly reply. I am from south  India

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Re: [AlternativeAnswers] psoarsis


Your Mother's number 1 need, other than infection control is:
to NORMALIZE her body acdity, taking it to a more alkaline state, so that
SHE "CAN" fend off her illness(es).

Feel free to message me for the 'easy' ways to do that.

Dr. Dan, Alternative Health Practitioner

On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 7:25 AM, gowtham gowtham < gowtham2007k@yahoo.co.in
> wrote:

> **
> My mother aged 65 is suffering from psoarsis skin diseases from head to
> body how to prevent any medicine is there she tried many of medicnes but
> not cured, now she is suffering from ulcers in stomach and mouth so not
> able to eat,kindly advice any alternative treatment is there, alovera gel
> can usefull for psoarisis kindly reply. I am from south India
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] Brussels Sprouts Nutrition Facts


Brussels Sprouts Nutrition Facts:

Brussels sprouts belong to cruciferous family group of plants, that akin to cabbage or broccoli vegetables, which is found in bunches and the color of the most common variety is green, when it is properly cooked, it is crispy and provide slight sweet taste, and it appears as small cabbage. Brussels sprouts are mostly cultivated in Belgium, Europe and in the United States of America. Brussels sprouts are available in plenty during autumn season, but it is found in the market in all seasons of the year.

Brussels Sprouts possess plenty of essential Vitamins namely, Vitamin B6, B2, B1 that is pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, folates, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, and minerals such as phosphorous, magnesium, molybdenum, iron, calcium, manganese, potassium and omega-3-fatty acids, dietary fiber, and proteins, due to the presence above cited phytonutrients and phytochemicals , it is rated as an excellent vegetable to be added to the food items, and to be included in the diet to get potential health benefits.

Brussels sprouts nutrition facts or nutritional health benefits include, as per the research conducted on properties and health benefits of Brussels sprouts, by National Library of Medicine at Washington, It has been found that the use of Brussels sprouts in the food, substantially lowers the risk of Colon cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer etc, due to the presence antioxidants, phytochemicals and phytonutrients in three ways, such as it eliminates toxic substances due to the presence of glucosinoates that produce isothiocyanates, inhibits the formation of carcinogens, provides relief against inflammation.

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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Allergy


From: Anil <sanil73@gmail.com>
To: AlternativeAnswers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 9:00 PM
Subject: [AlternativeAnswers] Allergy

have you checked to see if you have any food sensitivities ?
I have food allergies which cause those same symptoms you mentioned plus a few others.... my DRs gave me every medication they could prescribe and nothing worked. once I found the allergens (wheat,dairy,corn) and avoided them, I am no longer having those symptoms. if I accidentally eat those items I get the symptoms again.
it could be possible its an allergy or a food sensitivity.


Can anybody suggest me good herbal, unani, and homeopathic medicine for Allergy causing running nose and cough?


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[AlternativeAnswers] Aromatherapy Training Offered


I would like to invite you to save the date and come to sunny Bend, Oregon for an extraordinary educational opportunity. Cindy Maricle, CI and Carol Howden, FCCI, with the Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education (CARE) are offering a 3 Day Workshop in Bend, Oregon Feb 2-4. Anyone is welcome. This training is approved as continuing education (2.5 CEUs) for medical professionals as well as bodyworkers including message therapists (25 hrs CE). Space is limited to keep class sizes small. Students will learn skills for Vitaflex and Raindrop Technique as well as Emotional Release, Chemistry of Essential Oils, and Oils of Ancient Scripture. For details and registration information contact me directly at scmaricle@msn.com or call 541-280-9103.
Cindy Maricle, CI

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] psoarsis


My mother aged 65 is suffering from psoarsis skin diseases from head to body how to prevent any medicine is there she tried many of medicnes but not cured, now she is suffering from ulcers in stomach and mouth so not able to eat,kindly advice any alternative treatment is there, alovera gel can usefull for psoarisis kindly reply. I am from south  India

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[AlternativeAnswers] Dr Bate's Weekly Newsletter - 12/24 Artificial Sweeteners

Dangerous Artificial Sweeteners

I learned some years ago that Aspartame (Equal in the blue packets) kills
fire ants very quickly. I was plagued by huge hills at times and they
spread all over quickly. I open a few of those blue packets and sprinkle
the contents over the ant hill and in 24 hours all the ants are gone. It
also kills all other ants as well. I use it with Boric Acid to control
pests in Florida without dangerous pesticides.

If it's that toxic to ants, how toxic is it to us?

There's a building body of evidence about the bad side-effects of diet
drinks containing Aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal). Several years ago, Dr.
H. J Roberts (of West Palm Beach FL) wrote the first book (I think) about
the dangers of Aspartame. He detailed several side effects, particularly
chronic headaches that he had seen in his MD practice. That book "Aspartame
(NutraSweet) : Is It Safe?" is available in both hard and soft cover.

Another book about Aspartame is: "Story of Aspartame : Shocking Expose of
the World's Most Controversial Sweetener" by Mary Nash Stoddard is also
available from Amazon.com.

Since the NutraSweet patent has now expired, Aspartame is coming out in
lots of other forms.

It has been reported in several papers that the Aspartame in diet soda
breaks down into formaldehyde if stored in "hot" temperatures. Formaldehyde
is a very toxic chemical that can cause cancer, birth defects and it has
been suggested that it may be a causative factor in the Gulf War Syndrome,
as well as Alzheimers and senility.

A 12 year old schoolchild Jennifer Cohen of New Jersey did a science
experiment for school involving Diet Coke. She tested three sets of Diet
Coke for two months:

1. Refrigerated in home refrigerator.
2. Stored at room temperature in home.
3. Stored in an incubator at 104 degrees.

The results were interesting to say the least. The independent lab that did
the actual testing found that the soda at room temperature had the highest
level of formaldehyde, four times that of refrigerated soda and three times
more than the incubated soda. This would seem to indicate that the extreme
heat of the Persian Gulf in which huge amounts of diet (and other) soda was
stored was not the problem, as has been theorized. However, the storage of
the diet soda at many varying temperatures from the manufacturer, to a
warehouse, to a military warehouse, to a freighter or other transport to
the Gulf certainly had to take relatively long periods at various
temperatures. So, Aspartame may still be considered a suspect for

In my own case, when I started reading about Aspartame, my late wife and I
talked about diet drinks and we decided to stop drinking them. There were
two effects immediately that were noticeable:

1. Sunny (my late wife) immediately felt better overall, had less
headaches, although she has to be careful about corn products - she has a
sensitivity to corn and it's found in different forms in all sodas,
including diet types.
2. I found that my short-term memory and my over-all memory improved
quite a bit within a week of quitting. I can tell by watching Jeopardy. If
I know that I know the answer, but can't remember it, my memory is not so
good. If my mind comes up with the answer right away, it's improved. That's
the way I tested Gingko Biloba and the results there taught me that I
should be taking it.

Fortunately, while we were sailing around the Caribbean, we couldn't afford
diet drinks, so we made our own. Squeeze out about 4-5 key limes (available
in almost every island cheap) and put that into a gallon of water along
with saccharin tablets (about 15 1/2 grain). This makes a very weak limeade
drink that is not only delicious, and healthy, but it satisfies thirst
better than any other drink except water.

Unfortunately few people are aware of the dangers of Aspartame, but many
people still believe that saccharin is "dangerous" because of the "cancer
warning" that is still on some saccharin bottles. This "scare" was because
some stupid researcher tested rats on saccharin in dosages 1000 times more
than would be "normal" for a human in the same weight/size ratio. Further
testing by many laboratories has since blown this "cancer scare" right out
of the water. Saccharin is much safer than any other sweetener. It can
leave an slight aftertaste which many people don't like, but in limeade, it
doesn't seem to.

Aspartame has been around for a several years and the evidence is growing
more and more of toxicity. Saccharin has been around for nearly a century
and the evidence is growing less and less of any toxicity. Few researchers
of any stature think that saccharin is at all dangerous now. Saccharin is
the one in the red packets.

There is another confusion factor in all this. In the packets of dry sugar
like sweeteners, both Equal and Sweet & Low use dextrin as a filler. This
is corn starch and since many people have an unknown allergy/sensitivity to
corn products, this can cause headaches as well. So, there may be a double
whammy for those few persons who are allergic/sensitive to corn and
Aspartame. If you are allergic to lots of things, I would certainly advise
you get off diet drinks.

By the way, there's even growing evidence that most people DON'T lose
weight by switching to diet drinks from regular sodas. To lose weight that
way, switching to the seltzers and other no calorie drinks like our limeade
may be a help.

The latest information as of February 2010 is that the FDA (controlled
completely by Big Pharma) has actually allowed Aspartame to be re-labeled
as a "food supplement" placing it as "harmless". Money talks again over

Splenda, the newest artificial sweetener is possibly the worst of all for
your health as it exchanges an oxygen molecule for a chlorine one. There
gave been several lawsuits and both Coke and Pepsi have lawsuits concerning
deaths, and the story I heard was that this is the reason they allowed the
FDA to permit the use of Stevia. Splenda is the one in the yellow packets,
and is also known as "Sucralose".

There's a study by Duke University that shows Splenda/Sucralose
"suppresses beneficial bacteria and directly affects the expression of the
transporter P-gp and cytochrome P-450 isozymes that are known to interfere
with the bioavailability of drugs and nutrients. Furthermore, these effects
occur at Splenda doses that contain sucralose levels that are approved by
the FDA for use in the food supply." IMO, this artificial sweetener may be
the most dangerous of all.

Since Coke and Pepsi have stopped objecting to Stevia, it is still "not"
officially "approved" (because the FDA cannot as they were (and still are)
controlled by Big Pharma and Big Food? In a large vitamin store near to
me, I find a whole assortment of real "diet" sodas using Stevia, and the
price is not much higher than Coke or Pepsi.

The same is true of Agave, and both Stevia and Agave are now considered
safe. There are many "new" products that are available that are much safer
because they use either Stevia or Agave, and more and more recipes for
various "sweets" available on line and in newer cookbooks. I've found
several by simply Googling whatever recipe I want.

While on this subject of "sweeteners", a mention about "High Fructose Corn
Syrup". The corn industry is now doing ads on TV that lie in saying
"Sugar is all the same, and corn sugar is the same as cane sugar. Corn
syrup has been indicted as a cause of diabetes, and since it is cheaper
than sugar, it is used in most candy and other sweets, but in my opinion,
plain old cane sugar is much less dangerous to health. As a low level
diabetic, I avoid foods that use as much as possible.

*From Natural News:*
Did you know there's a new "super broccoli" (non-GMO) that contains extra
cancer-fighting medicine!


Here are seven ways to end joint pain and halt gout using the healing power
of cherries:

2012 is nearly here. Is it a Mayan calendar doomsday prophecy? Or just a
time for a rebirth of consciousness?


It's official: Even the EPA now admits that fracking causes severe chemical
contamination of groundwater:


It's official: Even the EPA now admits that fracking causes severe chemical
contamination of groundwater:

The Green PolkaDot Box company now delivering organic and non-GMO groceries
at discount prices straight to consumers.


Four more deaths have been reported from Gardasil vaccine injections:


Now a court judge in Canada has ruled that SSRI drugs can, indeed, cause
children and teens to mindlessly commit acts of violence against others:


Another great myth that's ritualistically propagated this time of year is
the flu shot myth.

*From Dr Mercola:*
The Drug Companies' Newest Profit Weapon to Steal Your Money


Look What's Lurking on Your Freshly Washed


Are You Poisoning Your Household With this


The Best "Drug" for Slashing Your Risk of Cancer?


These Vilified Foods Help Build Hormones and Tame Your Appetite


Why is the U.S. Doubling Its Protection Against this Non-existent Health

Doctor Reverses MS in 9 Months by Eating These

From Alliance for Natural Health:
Personal Identity Thieves Love Health Records


Score One for the Crony Capitalists in the School Lunch Program


Why Would a Young Person Start Shooting in School?

From Newsmax Health:
Nutrients Reverse Heart Failure

I hope you and yours have a a happy holiday season, as well as hoping that
something in the above helps you and yours. Alternate (drug less) Health
is gaining all the time, and exposing Big Pharma's tricks and deadly
advertising, and MD's and DO's are beginning to question the lies they've
believed in. We are having an effect.

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