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Monday, August 1, 2011

[AlternativeAnswers] PRESS RELEASE


Press Release – AUGUST 1ST- 2011


NOV 11-12-13 2011, West Los Angeles, California, USA.

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Dance Saturday 8:00 PM to Midnight) Pacific Time


Olympic Collection Conference Center

11301 Olympic Blvd, West Los Angeles, California 90064



Tickets before August 31st $295 for 3 days event with Dance & 3 days Free Lunch

(George Noory Saturday 2012 Panel and sit down Table Lunch)

Door tickets $595

Alchemy Event Metamorphosis 11-11-11

Global Gathering of all LIGHTWORKERS, INDIGO STAR SEEDS, HEALERS & TRUTH SEEKERS, the 144,000 who will lead the Humanity into new age of Aquarius & the new Earth the Sentient Beings for celebration of 11:11:11 Portal Projecting

"Global Peace & Transformation"

ET Disclosure, 2012, Mayan Calendar, Prophecy, Exopolitics, ET Studies,

ET Contact, Conspiracy, Alchemy, Consciousness, Forbidden Archeology,

UFOLOGY, Sound Healing, Meditation, Reiki, Qi Gong, Music & Dance


George Noory 2012 Panel Host on SAT NOV 12TH @ 11:00 AM

Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru of Japan, DR, Brooks Agnew, DR, Valery Uvarov, Nick Pope &

Jordan Maxwell

DR, Fred Bell, Erik Poltorak, Alfred Webre, Saeed David Farman, Klaus Dona,

Pane Andov, Mike Bara, Adnan Sarhan, Laura Eisenhower, Florence Riggs, Kabbalah Bach, Greg Lunger & Victoria Lanakila Generao

Appearing Guests of Honor: DR. Roger Leir & Travis Walton

Tickets on sale now on Eventbrite 3 days full event with Free Lunch and Dance before AUG 31ST are $295 http://alchemyevent.eventbrite.com or Pay Pal credit card http://alchemyevent.com

door tickets: $595

Contact: David Farman, ALCHEMY EVENT Founder




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HEALING NATURALLY- Learn preventative and curative measure to take for many ailments at:


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[AlternativeAnswers] Re: I'd really like to keep my gall bladder!


Hi Dawn,

Your gallbladder is a pear-shaped pouch on the underside of your liver. Its purpose is to store and concentrate bile, As a bile-storage organ, your gallbladder is needed to help you digest fat, an important nutrient needed by all parts of your body. If your gallbladder does not properly function, it sets off a chain reaction of other health problems that may lead to body aging and gallstones.If a gallbladder attack results form a stone in the bile duct, then there will be severe pains radiating from the upper abdomen to the back or right shoulder.

An unhealthy gallbladder may give you gaseous indigestion,irregularity, visual disturbances, poor fat digestion,bloating and skin lisions.This obstruction may cause infection along with jaundice and liver injury.With proper health care and the use of power foods, you should be able to enjoy a healthy gallbladder and risk of gallstones.

Simple olive oil is a miraculous power food that can wake up a sleepy gallbladder and lubricate its components and ducts,so that it can store and then release bile as needed to metabolize needed vitamins A,D,E and K which must have some fat for body assimilation.

Take two tablespoons of ordinary olive oil before you start any of your main meals.It's the gallbladder-pampering power food that helps keep it functioning smoothly and protects against gallstones. Also try drinking camomile tea as a means of stimulating the sluggish gallbladder so that accumulated sludge can be washed through the urinary tract and out of the body, add lemon juice for vitamin c, because the ingredients in the camomile herb become invigorated by the active vitamin c to promot a form of cleansing for the gallbladder.

Eliminate fried foods, rich pastries,pork,creams and gravies.Instead eat lean broiled or boiled meats,whole grains,fruits,vegetables and skim milk products.Drink lots of water and fruit and vegetable juices daily. Avoid tension, keep yourself physically and mentally active.

Its also good practice that in the morning, drink a glass of slightly warmed apple juice. Its malic acid content creates internal reverberations so that accumulated sludge and pebble-like encrustations can be washed out during your morning bowel movement.

I hope this simple program will do much good for you to keep your gallbladder with the use of the power foods.

Ramesh G.Nair

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Peacefulmind.com Sponsors Alternative Answers-

HEALING NATURALLY- Learn preventative and curative measure to take for many ailments at:


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[AlternativeAnswers] Join Andrew Aloha with “The Golden Channel Panel”, FriNite, 5 Aug 2011 7pm, MST


Join Andrew Aloha "Live"
in "The Golden Age Channel Panel"
with Neil Baker, Crystal Chilton, Pamela Dussault, Cynastry Vickers, &
Kili Amma

FriNite, 5 August 2011
From 7 – 9pm MST
On Spiritual Image Production's BlogTalkRadio
Talk with Angels, Saints, Masters and other Enlightened Beings on the
other side.

Join us @ http://lnk.ms/GWG4X <http://lnk.ms/GWG4X> and
http://tobtr.com/s/2157303 <http://tobtr.com/s/2157303>

** BTR and Skype Users call (646) 716-4251
Or, conference call (712) 432-0075, access code 689328#
Or, Skype Users can call in "Free Long Distance, International or
Domestic" by adding "freeconferencing.0075" to your list of Skype
Contacts. Then, call this contact and dial-in the access code above
using the "dial pad" at the pulldown menu located at the downward arrow
next to the "Mute" icon at the middle-top.

[Listen to Andrew Aloha with Spiritual Image Productions on
BlogTalkRadio] <http://lnk.ms/6wQwY>
(Click Button Here to Listen!)

Aloha & welcome!!! Join Internet Radio Show Host Andrew Aloha
"LIVE" & in person at Unity of Flagstaff, 6134 East Black Hill
Road, this FriNite, 5 August 2011, 7 – 9 pm ($5 donation, doors open
@ 6 pm). To get there go past Flagstaff Mall, E. 89A, 3 miles past
Silver Saddle Road, turn right on Black Hill Road next to Second Chance
Center For Animals, keep veering right to 6134 East Black Hill Rd. OR,
call in early at (646) 716 – 4251. OR, call in via conference call
at (712) 432 – 0075, access code 689328#.

During the show connect with various Saints, Masters, Angels,
Enlightened Beings & others on the other side as we talk to them through
individuals who bring them forth as an extension of their essence. A
panel of people from all over the world will be channeling various
beings such as Saint Germain, Mother Gaia, Kuthumi, The Divine Mother of
the Universe, The Elohim, God, Goddess, Isis, El Morya, Melchizedek,
Jesus, The Elohim, The Christ Consciousness and more. They will be
answering questions concerning 2012, spirituality, reincarnation, the
future, etc. Talk to these beings directly, in a sense of speaking, and
ask them the questions you dare not ask anyone else!

This month's Channel Panel includes Neil Baker (California), Crystal
Chilton (England), Pamela Dussault (Massachusetts), Cynastry Vickers
(Canada) and Kili Amma (Florida). Parental discretion is advised!

Join us, I bet you'll be glad you did.....awesome!

For more go to "The Golden Age Channel Panel"

Visit Us @:

*** The following are featured shows with Andrew Aloha & Spiritual Image

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with "The Golden Age Music
Show" the 1st Sunday of the Month, 7 – 8:30pm, MST. The 1st
three callers to make a song request win a "Free" album signed by the
artist/s. For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with "The Golden Age Channel
Panel" the 1st Friday of the Month, 7 – 9pm, MST. Connect with
various Saints, Masters, Enlightened Beings on the other side as we talk
to individuals who bring them forth as an extension of their essence.
For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha in "Live From Sedona" as I/We innerview people
from all walks of life including authors, musicians, psychics, political
figures, ufologists, scientists, etc. every 2nd Friday of the Month, 7
– 8:30 pm, MST. For more go to:
www.spiritualimageproductions.com/LiveFromSedona <http://lnk.ms/50TJd>

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" with "The Golden Age Psychic
Show" the 3rd Friday of the Month, 7 – 9pm, MST. Get in on
"FREE" mini readings. For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" in "Intimacy, Tantra, and Relationships
Psychically Fulfilled", an online Tantra Session every 4th Friday of the
Month, 7 - 9 p.m. MST. For more go to:

Join Andrew Aloha "Live" for a Special Full Moon
"Transmission Meditation on the Air", Saturday, 13 August 2011,
2 – 4pm
For more on "Transmission Meditation on the Air" go to:

For more on Andrew Aloha & SIP go to:
SIP's Golden Age Aloha Tours <http://lnk.ms/KffTR>
SIP's Golden Age Private Party Sessions <http://lnkd.in/6MaRcg>
SIP's Golden Age Membership Club <http://lnk.ms/H7xWt>
"SIP's Divine Calendar" <http://lnk.ms/5b5w7>
SIP's "Divine Events" <http://lnk.ms/94Zy8>
SIP's "Live From Sedona" <http://lnk.ms/50TJd>
SIP's Divine Newsletter <http://lnk.ms/58rXV>
"The Golden Age Music Show" <http://lnk.ms/9vyQS>
"The Golden Age Channel Panel" <http://lnk.ms/GWG4X>
"The Golden Age Psychic Show" <http://lnk.ms/BtFCW>
"SIP's Golden Age Online Prayer Circle"
"The Revolutionary Golden Age Healing Extravaganza"
"Intimacy, Tantra, and Relationships Psychically Fulfilled"
"SIP's Transmission Meditation" <http://lnk.ms/5KG4c>
"SIP's OnDemand Radio Shows" <http://lnk.ms/5b5qv>
SIP's "SIP's Conference Calls" <http://lnk.ms/B5l4c>
Andrew Aloha's Travels <http://lnk.ms/Ccy5q>
SIP's Underwriter Corner <http://lnk.ms/6wgn9>
SIP's Monthly Stats <http://lnk.ms/6S5xQ>
"The Golden Age Psychic Show Meetup" <http://lnk.ms/D4RL4>
"Andrew Aloha's SoulGarden TV" <http://lnk.ms/D4QW4>
"SIP's BlogSpot" <http://lnk.ms/D4PT6>
"Andrew Aloha's Linked In" <http://lnk.ms/FPxNR>
Andrew Aloha's YouTube <http://lnk.ms/4KxM6>
Andrew Aloha's Facebook <http://lnk.ms/G43Fg>
Andrew Aloha's MySpace <http://lnk.ms/5b601>
Andrew Aloha's Twitter <http://lnk.ms/4KxTh>


Andrew Aloha

Thank you to the following for underwriting our show:

Revitalized Bio Genic Water @ www.revitalizedbiogenic.com <http:///>

Born out of the Soviet space industry, Revitalized Water, the product of
30 years, and billions of dollars of Russian research is believed brings
about more the science of water together in one product than any other
water available today. The well-defined, perfect crystal shaped water
enables rapid absorption and usefulness by our cells. Thus, the
increased osmotic drive created by imprinting the water with a high
amplitude frequency that assists the cells with a healthier foundation
for nutrient uptake and release of toxins, speeds up the delivery of
nutrients into the cells and potentially increases your energy.

Stephen West @ www.powerheal.com <http://powerheal.com/>

By Divine design you can Power Heal yourself. Do you or any of your
loved ones suffer from pain, depression, stress, cancer, obesity,
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, AIDS, inflammation, tumors, arthritis,
broken bones, head injuries or anything else? Do you want peace, love,
joy, energy, fun, endurance, power or inner beauty that is truly coming
from within as well as without? Fast, proven, successful and safe, Power
Heal™ methods through Zero Disease can help you stop pain, loss of
energy and disease in less time than taking pills. Check for local
listings in California, Oregon, Hawaii, New York, Texas, Arizona,
Washington, and Vancouver.

Mia Davies @ www.miadavies.com <http://www.miadavies.com/>

Build an Online Income in under 90 Days! Over the past several years Mia
Davies has been inspiring leadership in others, watching them rise to
new levels in their lives, creating financial freedom for themselves and
achieving things they never thought possible. That's what keeps her
going. She was fortunate enough to learn from the best offline and
online marketers. She says online marketing is the wave of the future.
When traditional offline approaches are coupled with a one of a kind
business or product, SUCCESS is in inevitable. Join Mia's Network
Marketing Team, you deserve it!!!!

Crystal Dawn Morris @ www.tantraforawakening.com

Certified Sky Dancing Tantra Teacher of Tantra For Awakening, Morris has
the mission of helping people live a more conscious, connected, and
juicy life. She actively supports you in experiencing more love, joy and
freedom in your life, offering practical tools that are easy to use and
give immediate results. After attending an event or coaching session
with Morris students and clients report being more open and present to
the bliss that is available in every moment. Her commitment is to create
a world based on love, respect and compassion for all beings.

Neil Baker @ www.neilbakerpsychic.com <http://www.neilbakerpsychic.com/>

Neil tunes into your vibrational energy and translates it using his
talent as a gifted psychic. He believes that one must get to the core of
a specific issue in order to present understanding and course of action
to follow. He tunes into the content of your soul and evaluates it in
terms of past life events or present life circumstances. Or, whether
what's happening now is connected to a past life. From there, he
determines even deeper layers of information that reveal meanings behind
our present connections and their ultimate outcomes.

Monica Ruiz @ www.psychicmediummonica.com

Monica Ruiz recently began her profession as a Psychic, Medium & Master
Reiki Healer in Houston, Texas. Although she's been accustomed to
this activity since she was three years old when she literally saw a
ghost, or boogey-man, in her grandmother's closet. In her spare time
Ruiz also works as a Nurse.

Pamela Dussault @ www.passagetoinnerjoy.com

Pamela Dussault is a spiritual counselor, psychic intuitive, healer,
teacher, author and creator of "Passage To Inner Joy", where you
learn how to have inner joy and peace. Her mission is to help people
align with their bodies and higher self through healing and counseling
sessions that help them overcome their fears and other limiting factors
in order to make room for abundant love and joy in their lives. Some
healing techniques she uses include Massage, Reiki, Shamanic Healing,
Polarity, Remote Body Activation, Meditation, Self-Hypnosis, and EFT.
She also offers classes intuitional development and connection with the

Kili Amma @ www.spiritualimageproductions.com/Kili_Amma

A Reiki Master, Psychic, Medium and "indigo", Kili Amma grew up
knowing things before they would happen. She remembers seeing and
talking with Jesus (whom she knew as Sananda) while still in a crib.
Later in her 20's, he would also point out differences between what
was meant in the Bible and what was actually written. Additionally, as a
child she would astral-travel in her sleep, helping children who were
being used in dark magic. She uses crystals, rattles, tuning forks,
essential oils, herbs, and toning in her healing sessions and her
passion is to help others along their awakening path.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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HEALING NATURALLY- Learn preventative and curative measure to take for many ailments at:


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