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  Good Morning,  Nutrition and Hormonal Balance As an acupuncturist in the area of fertility, I realize tha...

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Friday, March 1, 2013

Subject: Homeopathic Immunisation: interviews with Dr Isaac Golden


Is homeopathic prophylaxis a viable alternative to conventional
immunisation procedures? Is it effective? Is it safe?
There are stories in the press every day about this controversial
topic. We hear horrific reports about the harmful effects of
conventional immunisation. Children have suffered terrible
side-effects, and some have died as a result of this procedure.
But the diseases that we seek to prevent through immunisation are also
horrific. Few parents are brave enough to trust to luck, and do
nothing. Is there an alternative, and is Homeopathic Immunisation that
In a series of three free online interviews, Dr. Isaac Golden,
acknowledged expert on Homeoprophylaxis (homeopathic immunisation),
talks about his 30 years of research into the use of this harmless
alternative to vaccination, outlines the highly successful protocol he
has developed, and answers questions for practitioners and parents.

The free interviews can be accessed at

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Thanks to everyone who wrote me about my great-granddaughter needing
oxygen. Her parents were told to give her breathing treatments every
two hours even through the night. She was released from the hospital.
She is doing well, but her mother took her to the ENT specialist
yesterday who said that she needed to have her tonsils and adenoids
removed. She does not have sleep apnea.
When my kids were little, my oldest daughter used to get tonsillitis
and the doctor said that if she did not grow out of it by age 7, that we
would consider removing her tonsils.
Does anyone know anything better to do than to take out this baby's
tonsils and adenoids? They plan to do it next Monday.
Thanks for your valued opinions.


Re: Meditation with the Full Snow Moon


I woke up this morning and wanted to look up some things about the full
snow moon and sure enough here is my starting point:) thank you for your
insight, suggenstions and information. Love and light to you, Namaste

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Andrew Pacholyk yogiguruji@aol.com>wrote:

> **
> Good Morning!
> Meditation with the Full Snow Moon
> Full Snow Moon - February - Since the heaviest snow usually falls during
> this month, native tribes of the north and east most often called
> February's Storm Moon or Full Snow Moon. Some tribes also referred to this
> Moon as the Full Hunger Moon, since harsh weather conditions in their areas
> made hunting very difficult. Also known to the Celts as the Moon of Ice and
> the Chinese as the Budding Moon.
> February 1 is the Imbolc, or fire festival celebrating the mid point
> between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. A day also dedicated to
> the Celtic goddess, Brigid. Imbolic means "in the belly" and is a time
> honoring creativity, fertility and receptive, feminine energy. Candles are
> often tools used to celebrate this Celtic holiday. It is also a time we
> celebrate love!
> The reflective light of the full moon gives a wonderful and magical sense
> of harmony and peacefulness. Meditating in its light gives an etheric and
> positively enchanting feeling of oneness and unity with nature and sky.
> Meditating With A Crystal
> When you sitin your meditation pose,cross your legs and place your hands
> on your knees. You can sit with your palms open and place a crystal in both
> of them.
> Moonstone is a beautiful translucent stone which is right for both men and
> women. It honors the Goddess in all women, is suggested for Dieting,
> Gardening, Psychic Awareness and Meditation. Soothes stress, anxiety,
> women's hormones/menstrual imbalance, lymph. Enhances intuitive sensitivity
> via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility
> and flow with life. Connects 2nd and 6th Chakra and Pineal for emotional
> balance, gracefulness. Helps all be more comfortable with our gentler
> feminine/yin receiving side. Especially for water signs. It is especially
> recommended for farmers, artists, dancers and young men.
> You can choice any crystal that you are attracted to when you meditate.
> Step by Step
> In the energies of the full moon, find a place that is peaceful and quiet,
> either indoors perhaps where you can view the full moon, or outdoors when
> the moon in high in the heavens. Make yourself comfortable, Sit down or lie
> down.
> Slowly take three deep breaths. With each one consciously release the
> mental, emotional and physical tensions. Visualize our radiant light
> reaching out and connecting with every other focus under the light of the
> full moon. Know that we are connected with individuals and groups
> everywhere throughout the world who are contemplating on the unity of all
> life and who are working, each in their own way, for the expansion of love
> and awareness on our planet. Visualize our radiant light reaching out even
> further as we realize that we are also connected to the great fellowship of
> enlightened teachers who have been with us through the ages guiding us to
> awaken and live by the law of love.
> Sit quietly with your mind receptive, and open to receive spiritual
> energies. Do all that you can to feel the light of the full moon upon you.
> Feel how your crystals vibrate in your hands.
> Make mental notations on thoughts or ideas that come to you. These can
> appear as knowledge, wisdom, understanding, or inspiration. Even if you
> think nothing happened, you may find that in a few days new ideas will
> appear to you. Assume that some kind of impression has been received in
> your higher mind and it is circling overhead waiting for a place to land.
> Develop the ability to listen within as you go about your expansive
> meditation. This is a similar process as remembering an important dream.
> The frequencies of dream realities are different than the rational concrete
> mind. This transference process requires stillness and patience, along with
> an optimistic attitude. Once your conscious brain can align with the higher
> mind and soul the stream of light can reach you as words and picture
> symbols. Feel the light bathe your physical body as you allow it to
> penetrate deeper inside, reaching
> In this meditation you can become part of the Universal Flow that brings
> Peace, Compassion, Love, Humility, and Gratitude into our human
> consciousness. As you become more spiritually grounded, you can become more
> of your true self. The blessings of the Earth surround you. The magnificent
> energy of Life unfolds all around you. You are a part of this. Strive to
> bring honor to your place in this Miracle of Light in all that you do.
> Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
> http://www.peacefulmind.com/moonsigns.htm
> Therapies for healing
> mind, body, spirit

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